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Gold Mining Stocks

have been missing my gold stock targets

BTW is the Aussie gold price because the dollar is sliding

good luck
A savage reversal in the states has seen gold shares tumble together with Bitcoin, Dow Jones, and the NASDAQ today. All currencies fell sharply against the US$ - the Aussie and UK£ fell 2%.
A savage reversal in the states has seen gold shares tumble together with Bitcoin, Dow Jones, and the NASDAQ today. All currencies fell sharply against the US$ - the Aussie and UK£ fell 2%.
AUD Gold price bucked the trend closing higher @ $2,638 +1.69% along with oil price around US $109
A savage reversal in the states has seen gold shares tumble together with Bitcoin, Dow Jones, and the NASDAQ today. All currencies fell sharply against the US$ - the Aussie and UK£ fell 2%.
looks like a 'flight to safety ' to me ( to the US dollar , as crazy as that seems )

but i could be wrong

be careful of 'dead cat ' bounces
Took advantage of buying more bargains this morning.. adding more TUL, WGX and GCY respectively
am looking , looking looking ,
have AIS ( @ 10c ) is in the market but more than 2 million shares from the pointy bit

and thinking of cancelling the TBR order ( not dropping enough )

am still considering placing an order for extra EVN ( say $3.70 would be tolerable , but not exciting )

good luck
Meanwhile our AUD Gold price is trading at a very healthy $2,671 so doesn't make any sense the "sell down" across many Aussie gold stocks.
my gold miner buying day was yesterday

added to my holdings in AIS , EVN and WGX

sent some cash over to try for some $8 NST tomorrow

logic seems to have vanished from this market

I have bought into WAF, SSR and PRU this morning.
Gold in AUD is almost exactly where it was when this latest rout started, so anything that has fallen 15% or more is in my buying zone.
A savage reversal in the states has seen gold shares tumble together with Bitcoin, Dow Jones, and the NASDAQ today. All currencies fell sharply against the US$ - the Aussie and UK£ fell 2%.
Meanwhile our AUD Gold price is trading at a very healthy $2,671 so doesn't make any sense the "sell down" across many Aussie gold stocks.

my gold miner buying day was yesterday

added to my holdings in AIS , EVN and WGX

sent some cash over to try for some $8 NST tomorrow

logic seems to have vanished from this market


Gold is at $AUD2568.

My expectation is that the USD will appreciate over the next month against other currencies, against the AUD to a lesser extent, and that Gold will touch $US2000 or more.

I sold out of my Gold stocks last month, and am more than a little out of the loop as to where the Goldies are up to or down to atm.

May I restart this discussion and ask for members 3 best large cap and 3 best small cap on the ASX.

And any other general comments on labor shortages, supply problems affecting the miners.

well most gold MINERS are trending down on rising cost fears ( and staff shortages , etc etc )

the USD AND precious metal prices are heavily manipulated ( still )

the 'best ' will depend on your view of investment strategies some like EVN are swapping assets ( selling and buying ) to help contain costs aiming for 'spoke and hub ' in some areas , some like AIS and NST are trying to expand via JVs and acquisition of cash-poor juniors

the majority of ( successful ) gold miners i hold are going the expansion route ( in preference to further exploration on existing tenements ) but that is mostly a new strategy path taken after i had bought in , to counter-balance this i am more preferring EVN as i think cost-cutting and waiting for the credit-crunch FIRST is the better option ( despite the fact i am personally nibbling when prices are attractive , in all of them )

since the majority of my holding are trying to expand , past performance is no guide to future outcomes ( one overly-ambitious buy can unravel it all )
now in MY opinion my best three gold stocks , don't even mine gold as their primary income

they are in no particular order ZIM ( best known for platinum ) , OZL ( 'free-carried ' , best known as a copper miner ) and MCR ( 'free-carried ' ) who dug up enough gold to restart their nickel operations

courtesy of the latest MCR quarterly
APPENDIX 2: Gold Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves
Gold Mineral Resources as at 30 June 2021
Tonnes Au (g/t) Tonnes Au (g/t) Tonnes Au (g/t) Tonnes Au (g/t) Ounces
West Oliver 48,000 1.2 478,000 1.5 105,000 2.4 631,000 1.6 32,400
Bass 8,000 1.9 222,000 1.9 434,000 2.0 664,000 2.0 42,500
Hronsky 101,000- 1.8 134,000 1.8 70,000 1.3 305,000 1.1 11,100
Darlek 87,000 2.1 603,000 1.2 923,000 1.0 1,613,000 1.1 58,700
Flinders - - 453,000 1.4 389,000 1.3 842,000 1.4 36,600
Hillview - - - - 578,000 1.1 578,000 1.1 20,600
TOTAL 244,000 1.8 1,890,000 1.4 2,499,000 1.3 4,633,000 1.4 201,900
• Figures have been rounded and hence may not add up exactly to the given totals.
• Resources are inclusive of Reserves reported at 0.5 g/t Au cut-off.
• Figures have been rounded to the nearest 1,000 tonnes, 0.1 g/t Au grade and 100oz.
The information in this report that relates to gold Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Mr Robert Hartley who is an employee of Mincor
Resources NL and is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Hartley has sufficient experience relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012
Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Hartley consents to the inclusion in this report
of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
Gold Ore Reserves as at 30 June 2021
Tonnes Au (g/t) Tonnes Au (g/t) Tonnes Au (g/t) Ounces
Darlek 24,000 2.4 70,000 2.0 94,000 2.1 6,400
TOTAL 24,000 2.4 70,000 2.0 94,000 2.1 6,400
• Figures have been rounded to the nearest 1,000 tonnes, 0.1 g/t Au grade and 100oz.
• Differences may occur due to rounding.
• For further details, please see Appendix 5: JORC Code, 2012 Edition – Table Report Template Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.

now a small cap. i do not hold that is interesting is SVL which has a nice little resource in the underground project ( i have no idea if they can get such a complicated play into a profitable producer , but i admire their ambition )

Divs, can I recommend you learn how to do a screenshot and paste up the picture. I couldn't make heads or tails of what you've put in here until I looked it up myself.

And, when I looked at it clearly, they only have 200K ounces of gold? It's a gold play?

my browser is very picky on screen shots of ASX anns ( sometimes it works , sometimes it formats properly , and sometimes it's just a mess )

MCR is better known as a nickel ( and occasional cobalt ) play

now IF gold was selling at a realistic price , maybe that would be different

OZL started off as a gold play ( when i first bought in ) and become better known as a copper miner ( with a gold co-product )
Now @divs4ever I have an uncanny way of predicting the future and I figured you would put some sesquipedalian peripatetic screed such as above in answer to my request ...

May I restart this discussion and ask for members 3 best large cap and 3 best small cap on the ASX.

And any other general comments on labor shortages, supply problems affecting the miners.


Now I will ask you again, and without learning how to take screenshots which may harm you, nor to dazzle me with tonnes nor disturb me with appendices to state 3 big ones and 3 little ones. GOLD ONES. and some comments on labor shortages and supply problems.

I'm holding a lot of gold stocks and seven are below the price paid:
Gold Royalty AMEX: GROY -
SSR Mining ASX: SSR -
Agnico Eagle NYSE: AEM -
Franco Nevada NYSE: FNV -
Newmont NYSE: NEM -
Barrick NYSE: GOLD -
K92 TSX: KNT -
Newcrest ASX: NCM -
Zijin HK: 2899 - -
Zhaojin HK: 1818 -
Taung HK: 0621 -
Lingbau HK: 3330 -
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Thanks @noirua

I have below a chart of PMGOLD candlesticks ( a proxy for POG in $AUD with the 3 largest gold stocks by market cap in nicely coloured lines and how they have fared since the outbreak of Russian hegemony, the tech correction and the general hullabaloo in which the world finds itself since early March 2022.

All seem to have followed the movement of PMGOLD in varying degrees with NCM doing the best, though lower, and EVN and NST 15-20% lower than 3 months ago.

Large gold miners seem not to do be doing that well atm., at least these three.

I wonder is this replicated throughout the sector?

Can I suggest this magnificent maiden just listed on the NYSE

In only 2 days she is in the TOP TEN Energy companies in all of the NYSE

As you can see
She has hit Blue sky on only her second day

Who Needs the Rest?

My Apologies
I did not notice that you were all searching for "Fools Gold"
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I then went to the 3 lowest gold stocks on the ASX by market cap and found CTR, AUE, and WSR.

I left out ATM as they are Indonesian and priced over $1 and couldn't make the price out for head nor tail, nor what they actually did.

Again comparing to PMGOLD it looks like a bad dart pick with PMGOLD dropping about 1% and the other 3 taking a hiding at 20-40% loss.

I wonder if this is typical of the small gold sector at present.

My three biggest and best:
B2G on NYSE or SSR on TSX ( can't choose between the two)
NST in OZ.
PRU in OZ.
My three Smaller ones,
CHZ (in the hope it gets swallowed like OKU did).
DCN, because it has fallen a lot, is volatile, and responds dramatically to changes in the gold price.
TIE, because its construction program seems well on track and should make a motza when it starts production using the highest grade ore.
Worth about as much as what it cost ya.
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