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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Bruce Hawker, who seems to be Mr Rudd's unofficial campaign adviser, stated this evening that Mr Rudd will definitely not be resigning his seat.

Could he be so disenchanted with his colleagues, and the hatred on both sides so visceral, that he will switch to stand as an Independent? Can he do this?
He would then be completely free to snipe and undermine at will.

He could use the same theme as in his resignation speech earlier, i.e. that he has so lost the confidence of the Prime Minister and of his colleagues that he feels he has no alternative but to continue representing his electorate as an Independent.
Add a bit of a choke in the voice and a wipe away of a tear or two and the electorate would be at his feet, full of admiration for him for doing the oh so honourable thing.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I have no doubt that it will be a weekend "of the long knives." Whoever is left standing will be the winner. The odious Bruce Hawker thinks he is on a winner, but Gillard will win the first round and Rudd will have to plot from the back bench.

Of one thing we can be certain. Rudd won't rest until he is PM again. Being leader of the opposition has no appeal for a megalomaniac.

It will be great to sit on the sidelines and watch the performance of these two nasty characters beating the brains out of each other.

And the winner will be... Tony Abbott by default.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Since Rudd resigned as foreign minister while overseas I hope he is paying for his own aifare home and not expecting the taxpayer to pay it.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What Australia needs is a three act play.

Act 1 : Rudd resigns
Act 2 : Gillard resigns
Act 3 : Labor resigns

The country would clap for encore after encore.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

My thoughts too gg.

Tactically, spot on observation.

I don't see the swearing video as doing Rudd any harm. We all know he swears.
I'd probably be pretty much the same if I were trying to translate some flowery Chinese wording.

Yeah, I think the edited leak, ironically depicts (through Rudd) how most voters feel about this government. It played right into Rudd supporters hands.

So what do you think will be the result of them "coming to their senses?"
Putting Rudd back? Surely not.

Probably yes.

Yes. But it depends on how much a product of the Labor Party Gillard actually
is, i.e. would she go to the back bench, or would she be sufficiently P*****d
off to resign and cause a by-election?

That is probably what Rudd is hoping for.

She made a fundamental mistake in making Rudd Foreign Minister, therefore giving
him a high profile platform on which to strut his stuff. She should have sent
him to the back bench. Her kindness has come back and smacked her right in the

I don't think it was kindness so much as self preservation. She had to pander to him as well as the independants to hold government.

Since Rudd resigned as foreign minister while overseas I hope he is paying for his own aifare home and not expecting the taxpayer to pay it.

Actually his resignation isn't effective until 48 hrs after he arrives back in Aus, ie Sunday morning I think.

Crystal ball gaze!

From a tactical position, I think Rudd is holding most of the aces atm.

The gov needs him to retain government and avoid an early election. This is evidenced by Gillards praise of him as foreign minster after his quitting and lack of the sort of venom as in Swan, Crean and co. I would say if Gillard is toppled, Swan is goooonnne and maybe a couple other staunch Gillard supporters as well.

I think the attacks on Rudd recently were unintelligently designed to force him to retire quietly to the back benches which he was never going to do, or quit politics all together, which while it would delight a few in the party, is obviously short sighted self interest and not in the best interest of the Labor gov holding power.

I think Gillard is smart enough to know she still needs him a whole lot more than he or the party needs her.

My tip... one of three things will happen.

1. Rudd retains leadership. Gillard, Swan, Crean and co religated to backbenchers. They will not quit politics because they are hard core Labor politicans. Major cabinet resuffle reflecting in a lift in support from Qld Labor voters, remembering that fed Labor can only win with improved performance in Qld... and a boost for the chances of Bligh to win the Qld election in a month.

2. A third leader will be appointed. Rudd quits politics. An early fed election after a devestating Labor loss in Qld election.

3. Gillard retains leadership. Rudd quits politics. Qld Labor defeated. Early fed election and the demise of Labor for another decade.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I mentioned sometime ago if Rudd did not succeed with his bid for the UN Secretary General job and missed out on becoming PM again, he will resign from parliament and he and Terise will move to London to be closer to her business activities.

If the above plays out, I would have a huge bet that Terese would ensure that Kevin has no part in her business.
So how does she keep him entertained.? This would be the question.

Gillard and Rudd have been "shadow boxing" for months. If one of them actually made contact, the other would be down and out for 10. They are both about exhausted from prancing around the ring.
I think Rudd holds the upper hand with his seat, and with the Thompson saga reports all due in on the 5th March to be finalized. Oh! Hum!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

An other option is for someone like Ferguson to throw his hat in the ring as an alternative to the feuding pair??
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

When a minister resigns, it is pretty self-explanatory to let the leader of the party know beforehand.

What the leader who is holding the knife that is buried in your back.LOL
That's what this mob don't understand, loyaylty is a door that swings both ways.
Don't expect it if you don't give it.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

An other option is for someone like Ferguson to throw his hat in the ring as an alternative to the feuding pair??

I agree nulla nulla, he and Smith are the only ones who seem to have any statesmanship about them. At least the seem to keep their personal likes and dislikes out of the public forum.
Nothing worse than someone like Swann airing the dirty washing in public.
There is a distinct lack of 'class' in this government. Their behavior may be o.k if they were running the local footy club. But it leaves a lot to be desired when they are meant to be running a country. The tent embassy riot and the Rudd video clip as examples of tack people running a tacky government.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

When a minister resigns, it is pretty self-explanatory to let the leader of the party know beforehand.

Well if you are going to sack the Foreign Minister I would think you would contact him also.
Not leave a labor "lacky" to tell a couple of journalists so it goes to the media first.
But then why would we think Gillard would act with "integrity".?

Swan's heart beat will be going at 140bpm. Because if there is a reshuffle from this, Julie Bishop's question to Bill Shorten(Q&A) on being offered the treasurer's job by Rudd, may be close to the mark, but offered by Gillard.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The SMH has always supported Rudd. Their readership poll reflects this.

Who would you prefer to lead the Australian Labor Party?

Julia Gillard
Kevin Rudd
Someone else
Total votes: 9595.

Rudd will be telling anyone who listens this weekend that he is the only one who can beat Tony Abbott.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well now the rest of Australia can appreciate what we put up with in NSW for all those years. Labor only got re-elected in 2007 because at that time the religious right had taken control of the Liberal party and had installed a weirdo as leader.

Slightly similar situation with the national libs in that they have a nutter for leader (God bless Jesuit education).
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

An other option is for someone like Ferguson to throw his hat in the ring as an alternative to the feuding pair??

Yeah, that's basically what I meant by option 2.

While it might appease the party as an option to have a chance at the next fed election in a year or so, the colateral damage of the head butting of two massive ego's of Rudd and Gillard in the short term must be resolved... one of them has to go or whimp back to the back benches.

Given that Rudd has got another step ahead of Gillard with his press conference this morning, and said the right things to stir up public support again, Gillard supporters and cacus are looking like the proverbial kamakize piliots willing to take the party down with them rather than return to Rudd.

He certainly stole the march off Gillard and upset her press conference plans.

What can she do to steal the march back?

What's the odds on a fed election in a couple of months? Rudd would certainly fancy his chances of winning a few seats back to have an outright majority. As mentioned earlier by trainspotter, I think a lot of margional labor members would also fancy improving their vote as opposed to loosing their seat with Gillard.

Gillard just announced she will quietly go to the backbench if she looses the ballot on monday. She expects Rudd to do announce the same intent. Fat chance of that!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well, who'd have guessed it? The Gillard/Rudd stoush is all about...wait for it...Tony Abbott.

They both claim they are to only ones who can deliver us from Tony Abbott.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What the leader who is holding the knife that is buried in your back.LOL
That's what this mob don't understand, loyaylty is a door that swings both ways.
Don't expect it if you don't give it.

Nothing to do with the current situation - I was merely outlining common practice because some people seem to lack it's knowledge.

The SMH has always supported Rudd. Their readership poll reflects this.

Rudd will be telling anyone who listens this weekend that he is the only one who can beat Tony Abbott.

I doubt there is any connection, Rudd is supported by far more than Gillard - and this is nothing new, nor is it something specific to SMH readers.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well, who'd have guessed it? The Gillard/Rudd stoush is all about...wait for it...Tony Abbott.

They both claim they are to only ones who can deliver us from Tony Abbott.

I know! Can you believe they are trying that argument? Pathetic...

I think Rudd has the upper hand tactically but does he have the numbers? I doubt it...
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well, who'd have guessed it? The Gillard/Rudd stoush is all about...wait for it...Tony Abbott.

They both claim they are to only ones who can deliver us from Tony Abbott.

Spot on Calliope

That is exactly what this is all about.

They are so afraid that Abbott will decimate them in the next election that they are trying to make it all about him.
They have good reason to be concerned because that is what will happen, no matter who the Labor leader is.

Other than die hard Labor followers the rest of Australia is just plain sick of them all.

Bring on an election now.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well, who'd have guessed it? The Gillard/Rudd stoush is all about...wait for it...Tony Abbott...
He he. Tony Abbott, freshly returned from the beach (doubtless having been the cause of all the shark attacks), now finds that in his absence, the ALP leadership turmoil has been his fault as well!

An immensely influential Opposition Leader.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Rudd will be telling anyone who listens this weekend that he is the only one who can beat Tony Abbott.

True, and this shows he is deluded.
The guy is nuts believing what the right wing press say about the populace and him. Has he ever heard of divide and conquer. He will be slaughtered if he stands against Gillard. No one who knows him well wants him. His hatchet man is a hired gun, talk about faceless men.

After his destruction he will probably go independant and cry that he is being betrayed as he betrays.
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