Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

In a word, yes, IMO it will fizzle out untill after the Queensland election.
Then the fun begins again, if labor are wiped out.

What if Labor do another $900 stimulus bonus and 'buy' voters back, and get into power once again????
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What if Labor do another $900 stimulus bonus and 'buy' voters back, and get into power once again????

That won't happen as they have already spent any money that they had, that was left to them by the previous Gov
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Is it possible this whole thing will just fizzle out? Rudd does not seem to have the numbers so surely would be unlikely to make himself look silly by challenging.

I have a answer to that question, and its a question.
Is it not a fact when Labor want to hide something they have a diversion?
So what is the diversion?
1 We have had the Education Revolution, and now we need $5 Bullion to keep pace with Asia.
2 We have Labor say we have unemployment at 5.1%. Every person on this Forum knows that's c**p.
We have Roy Morgan with figures like 10.3%. We have emails going around our area confirmed by Federal MP's that it is 12.2 %.(in our area)
Well they have multiple diversions, and its now getting to the extent of diversion, hiding diversion.

So Pixel has partially exploded, because he is a logical person. What is happening in Federal Politics is not logical. It makes no sense.
The only thing that is happening now is Labor are attempting to stay in office in any way they can until they are removed.
Well I can say that the GG will not remove them, so it will be up to the people.
In the meantime the people of Australia will follow the Rudd - Gillard debacle without ever thinking or understanding the real concerns for Australia. (and you can blame that on the media.)

Why are the voters doing this? Because it's entertainment at it's best. ( Free to air TV is a joke).
Pay TV is now a system you pay to watch commercials.
This circus must be the laughing stock of the world.
Politics has become our entertainment.!!!

Read my post on Government Theory in The Gillard Government Thread. Its true.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It's a perfect storm for the Govt. The only thing I'm convinced of is that they will not take Julia Gillard to the election. They will come to their senses, it's only a matter of when.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I also expect it to fizzle out. Like I have said elsewhere previously, Gillard is being smart by playing a straight bat. I just can't see Rudd challenging, knowing that he doesn't have the numbers.

But, here is an interesting hypothetical situation: If Gillard is dumped and Rudd assumes the leadership, and one adds the A Woman Scorned thingy - could Gillard be more damaging to Rudd in the future than what he is currently to her?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I also expect it to fizzle out. Like I have said elsewhere previously, Gillard is being smart by playing a straight bat. I just can't see Rudd challenging, knowing that he doesn't have the numbers.

But, here is an interesting hypothetical situation: If Gillard is dumped and Rudd assumes the leadership, and one adds the A Woman Scorned thingy - could Gillard be more damaging to Rudd in the future than what he is currently to her?
Could it be possible that neither would be reelected?
Remember what happened to Howard: people became disenchanted that he tried to exceed hie use-by date, instead of an orderly hand-over to Costello.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Now they fill an entire QandA session with this crap.
At least until I switched off in disgust.
I saw the whole show out.

I'm glad I did, because Shorten (who complained that the first half hour had been taken up by the leadership speculation crap; a timely swipe at the media) finally came into his own. When replying to Bishop, who rolled out the old 'flexibility in the workplace' chestnut, I could relate exactly to what he was talking about when he said how much flexibility the Alcoa workers had already given over the years (my workplace had similar arrangements), to no avail now it seems. He was absolutely forthright, absolutely expert, and absolutely correct in his reply. Bishop had no room to move; silly woman.

He did look out of depth on other matters though.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Julia Gillard would not recognise a straight bat if she was belted in the head with one.

The fizzle will end when the fuse reaches the dynamite.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It's a perfect storm for the Govt. The only thing I'm convinced of is that they will not take Julia Gillard to the election. They will come to their senses, it's only a matter of when.
So what do you think will be the result of them "coming to their senses?"
Putting Rudd back? Surely not.

I also expect it to fizzle out. Like I have said elsewhere previously, Gillard is being smart by playing a straight bat. I just can't see Rudd challenging, knowing that he doesn't have the numbers.

But, here is an interesting hypothetical situation: If Gillard is dumped and Rudd assumes the leadership, and one adds the A Woman Scorned thingy - could Gillard be more damaging to Rudd in the future than what he is currently to her?
Yes. But it depends on how much a product of the Labor Party Gillard actually is, i.e. would she go to the back bench, or would she be sufficiently P*****d off to resign and cause a by-election?

She made a fundamental mistake in making Rudd Foreign Minister, therefore giving him a high profile platform on which to strut his stuff. She should have sent him to the back bench. Her kindness has come back and smacked her right in the face.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

She should have sent him to the back bench. Her kindness has come back and smacked her right in the face.
It had nothing to do with kindness. She betrayed him by taking his job and then decided her best chance of retaining office was with him on the front bench.

It was a cold, ruthless and lacked any sort of principal whatsoever. The latter is now the millstone around her neck.

Same with the Greens/indi's with her betrayal of the electorate over the carbon tax and Wilkie with his pokie reforms.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

She had no choice but to make Rudd the Foreign Minister after the election. It's not well remembered now that her Cabinet/Ministry expanded by quite a few because they threatened by-elections if they didn't get what they wanted. so Rudd did the same thing in a hung parliament where Gillard had a majority by 1.

Rudd should do just that now. Cross the floor and then resign. That would force not just a by-election but a general election of the House of Representatives. That's the least he could do to compensate for Gillard's broken compact with the people: "There will be NO carbon tax under the Government I lead".
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

She had a choice, just not a pleasant one. That's the position her treachery put her in.

Fat chance of Kev crossing the floor on the carbon tax. This was essentially his policy position as PM and both have little regard for the electorate.

Crossing the floor and resigning as a matter of spite if he doesn't get the leadership ?
That's another matter.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The whole minority government is becoming a bit like 'Lord of the flies'.
Who owes who what and when are they going to pay, if they can't pay who are they going to align themselves with?
Nasty government, nasty policy, limited loyalty. IMO

The only one worth a toss is Martin Ferguson, at least he stands up to Bob and tells him he's a wa#ker.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Rudd and Gillard are a comedy duo.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The end game will be played next Tuesday when Rudd will be seething on the back bench and avoided like the plague that he is.:D

JULIA Gillard is prepared to sack Kevin Rudd as Foreign Minister and reshuffle her cabinet next week after calling a leadership spill in the party room on Tuesday.

The Prime Minister's supporters are now so confident they will have the numbers to fend off a leadership challenge that she is preparing to remove Mr Rudd from the ministry for “disloyalty”.

Cabinet ministers believe momentum has turned back towards Ms Gillard and a leadership ballot is now inevitable on Tuesday morning in Canberra.

Cabinet ministers expect Mr Rudd to be dumped immediately Ms Gillard wins and sent to the backbench.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What will she do if she calls the position of leader open and Rudd does not put himself forward?

How will she 'prove' his disloyalty? Given how popular Rudd is with the electorate, compared to her, she's going to bring about even more hatred for herself than exists already if she sacks him as Foreign Minister.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What will she do if she calls the position of leader open and Rudd does not put himself forward?

How will she 'prove' his disloyalty? Given how popular Rudd is with the electorate, compared to her, she's going to bring about even more hatred for herself than exists already if she sacks him as Foreign Minister.

The SMH says;

Another senior Gillard backer said Ms Gillard and Mr Rudd could no longer work together ''in any capacity''.
''The facts are that Kevin can't stay in cabinet and Julia needs to take him on in front of the caucus,'' the source said. ''If he doesn't throw his hat in, then he will be dumped anyway.''
The Gillard camp is confident that it retains the numbers to win convincingly over Mr Rudd in a ballot, with the Foreign Minister estimated to have about 30 votes in the 103-strong caucus.

Read more:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

What will she do if she calls the position of leader open and Rudd does not put himself forward?

How will she 'prove' his disloyalty? Given how popular Rudd is with the electorate, compared to her, she's going to bring about even more hatred for herself than exists already if she sacks him as Foreign Minister.

Yes Julia - Gillard is standing at the crossroads at the moment. The trouble being regardless of which road she takes, none of them appear to lead to clear skys for her.

I agree with you - she is hardly likely to get a "jump in the polls" by sacking Rudd. Particularly if he plays it with a straight bat. It might take the heat out of the immediate leadership concerns, but at some point in time the caucus will look at the underlying problem again - the very poor polls with Gillard in charge.

What is becoming so very obvious is that regardless of how unworkable the Labour/Greens/Independent alliance becomes, they are galvanised by one common principle - staying in power regardless of the costs. Nothing else matters to the point that they will walk all over their party's beliefs and ideals.

Tanya Plibersik was on Insiders last Sunday and she said not once, not twice, but three times what her worst fear was. Can you guess what it was? Perhaps Greek bankruptcy and blowup of the EU? No. Maybe huge falling out with China/Australia relations? No. Increased interest rates, spirially inflation or unemployments here at home? No.

Tanya's biggest fear is ......... a Tony Abbott Prime Ministership. And they call the Coalition Negative!

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Rudd Quits as Foreign Minister

KEVIN Rudd has resigned as foreign minister.

Mr Rudd made the dramatic announcement at a media conference in Washington DC, as Julia Gillard prepared to sack the Foreign Minister amid claims by her supporters he has been disloyal.

Mr Rudd says he'll return to Brisbane on Friday and will make a full statement on his future before parliament resumes on Monday after consulting with family and colleagues.

“While I am sad to leave this office I am sadder still that it has come to this,” Mr Rudd said.

Read more,