Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Michael Kroger probably had it right on the Bolt Report. No great cause for celebration here. How will the policy settings change?

Scarey to think that given Rudd's popularity with voters, only some minor tinkering would be needed to bring voters back in droves - eg, scale back the carbon price or defer the carbon tax altogether, reinvention of the govt as 'fiscal conservatives', some genuine intent to reduce borrowings and debt, revisit the issue of private health insurance rebate etc.

I'm telling you, recent Labor-Greens-Indeps policy settings have been so amateurish, so leftist dogma driven, that a relief bounce from voters for a (step to the Right) Rudd Govt may be strong and sustained.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I see Bolt today has presented a fine 'How to' policy list for Kevin Rudd. Not bad at all, although lacking reinstatement of the health rebate. Would see Rudd skate to victory imho.
So here is my offer to Rudd””a plan for a truce that could actually deliver him victory [in the next election].

And it’s not unrealistic. Here are things he could do as prime minister that should not much bother Labor moderates, yet would placate worried conservatives.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

He missed "reinstate the deal with Murdoch to give him the Australia Channel in exchange for good press".
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I see Bolt today has presented a fine 'How to' policy list for Kevin Rudd. Not bad at all, although lacking reinstatement of the health rebate. Would see Rudd skate to victory imho.
So here is my offer to Rudd””a plan for a truce that could actually deliver him victory [in the next election].

And it’s not unrealistic. Here are things he could do as prime minister that should not much bother Labor moderates, yet would placate worried conservatives.

I love Bolts sugestion list, basically rescind everything they have done.LOL
Bob would have a heart attack and Abbott would have a field day.
If Rudd does get the leadership, which I doubt, there is no way he will do any of Bolts suggestions.IMO
No I think there will be an election mid year after the Queensland election, Wilkie will jump ship and the back bench will revolt.:D
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I just can't see how Rudd could become PM again; he is just too hated by key members in the labor party. And if he did manage to get the top job we still have the situation of a divided labor party and a minority government. Gillard was just starting to get traction and delivering imo till the whole tent embassy situation blew up in her face. Surely there is someone else. I'd ditch both and elect someone boring but with the capability of running the government smoothly then too have drama clowns seeking headlines on both sides.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I see Bolt today has presented a fine 'How to' policy list for Kevin Rudd. Not bad at all, although lacking reinstatement of the health rebate. Would see Rudd skate to victory imho.
So here is my offer to Rudd””a plan for a truce that could actually deliver him victory [in the next election].

And it’s not unrealistic. Here are things he could do as prime minister that should not much bother Labor moderates, yet would placate worried conservatives.
That's a great list. Goodness, if Mr Rudd were to do all that, I might even vote for him myself!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

He missed "reinstate the deal with Murdoch to give him the Australia Channel in exchange for good press".

Or better still...kick chief News Media hater Stephen Conroy out, along with his NBN.:)

However anything that would wipe the smug grin off Bob Brown's face would be good.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

My contacts in Baja California Sur tell me that ole Kevin Rudd has the unanimous support of all the Foreign Ministers at the G20 delegates meeting, to be PM of Australia.

He is considered "couth".

They do stick together, these frequent flyers.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Michael Kroger probably had it right on the Bolt Report. No great cause for celebration here. How will the policy settings change?

Scarey to think that given Rudd's popularity with voters, only some minor tinkering would be needed to bring voters back in droves - eg, scale back the carbon price or defer the carbon tax altogether

LOL that's what cost him the leadership in the first place. :rolleyes:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Can I ask, why are people so fascinated with the whole Rudd/Gillard saga?

Isn't it just a he said/she said sopa opera that Libs are lapping up, just like their fascination with blacks, boat people and gays???????

Rudd doesn't have the numbers. At the end of the day, Gillard is PM and her party is governing. Another bunch of bills were passed last week. The country is still functioning, and no-one living here would prefer to be anywhere else.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Can I ask, why are people so fascinated with the whole Rudd/Gillard saga?

Because its the grown ups equivalent of a school yard one really gets hurt and everyone one gets to watch and see the tears and emotion (though i doubt we will ever see tears from Tony when its his turn to go) remember Hawk after Keating's first challenge (unsuccessful) ~ Hawky walking down that corridor, giving a sideways glance to the reporter and saying "i win"

Its all very personal.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Its all very personal.
And with this short sentence you have hit on the absolute essence of what is happening. It is totally personal by Rudd who will not rest without revenge for his earlier humiliation.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Some interesting insights in the following,

First, Andrew Wilkie,

ANDREW WILKIE, INDEPENDENT MP (On Sky News, yesterday): In last November I had a long meeting with Kevin Rudd in his office in Canberra at which we talked about a range of things, including the possibility of him coming back to the prime ministership.

SKY NEWS HOST: Did he seek your support?

ANDREW WILKIE: Um, it was left unsaid.

A slight over-reach followed today by the furious backpedal.

ANDREW WILKIE: We spoke in generalities. At no stage did Kevin Rudd specifically request my support in the event there would be a change of prime ministership. Um, and nor did he at any stage criticise Julia Gillard. And I felt a need to just make sure everyone understands that today.

Tony Windsor,

TONY WINDSOR: Kevin Rudd wasn't a contender when that arrangement was made, so obviously if there is a change of leadership, all bets in my view would be off and a whole range of options suddenly unfold.

What kind of options is Tony Windsor considering if there is a change of leadership ?

He gave this away in a comment earlier in the above segment.

TONY WINDSOR, INDEPENDENT MP: It looks as though it might be coming to a head. Hopefully it will come to a head in one shape or other, and - so that we can get on with the Parliament.

So, he's also happy to get on with the Parliament, one shape or the other.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Now they fill an entire QandA session with this crap.
At least until I switched off in disgust.

I would like to blast the whole ruddy lot of self-serving mongrels and bitches in Canberra, giving them one tirade in the style of KRudd's Happy Little Vegemite video. I hope Joe will indulge me:

For what purpose do you f**king lot think you've been sent to that madhouse you call Parliament?
Do you think we stupid barstuds voted you in to feed your ego and carry on like juvenile sh!ts, earbashing each other with personal point-scoring and f**king ambitions? Whether the petticoat brigade should rule or the biggest dick?
Wrong! We've elected you to manage the affairs of this country in a fair way that benefits current and future generations.
We don't want you to bankroll minorities so they vote you back in at the next election.
We don't want you to flit around the world to see how other countries f**k up their economy.
We don't want to follow every R-soul into a war against peoples they don't like.
Nor do we want you to waste our resources on countries that p!ss our aid up the wall.

What we do want is
a minimum of ground rules for private and corporate citizens to conduct their business;
a fair chance for everybody that's willing to make an effort;
for you to accept responsibility for your actions, and to enforce the same standard throughout the bloated administration of fat cats.
Sack the idiot that couldn't supervise building contracts. Don't re-employ the moron that ordered backburning when the weather forecast was for hot strong winds. Let them fend for themselves, work for a living. We don't need more papershufflers. We need brains who can make sure things get done.

You weep crocodile tears that too many Australians are out for a quick buck, cash economy, selfishness. Guess what: It's you who have created the precedents and shown us how mediocrity gets rewarded, responsibility denied, and real work outsourced to consultants. If all you can think of is how you and your cronies keep your snouts in the trough, increasing your salary to obscene levels compared to honest workers, what kind of an example do you think that sets for "we the people"?
OK, there's much more I'd like to say, but I'm too f**king tired to tell you how to do your job!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I see Bolt today has presented a fine 'How to' policy list for Kevin Rudd. Not bad at all, although lacking reinstatement of the health rebate. Would see Rudd skate to victory imho.
So here is my offer to Rudd—a plan for a truce that could actually deliver him victory [in the next election].

And it’s not unrealistic. Here are things he could do as prime minister that should not much bother Labor moderates, yet would placate worried conservatives.
That would represent a much deeper transformation for Kev than any of the new Julia's relative to the old.

Andrew Bolt was having a little day-dream with that blog post.


Julia Gillard is now getting some leadership advice, from, guess who..........
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Now they fill an entire QandA session with this crap.
At least until I switched off in disgust.

I would like to blast the whole ruddy lot of self-serving mongrels and bitches in Canberra, giving them one tirade in the style of KRudd's Happy Little Vegemite video. I hope Joe will indulge me:

OK, there's much more I'd like to say, but I'm too f**king tired to tell you how to do your job!

Great post pixel.

Tell us the rest when your not so tired.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Is it possible this whole thing will just fizzle out? Rudd does not seem to have the numbers so surely would be unlikely to make himself look silly by challenging.
Gillard knows he doesn't have the numbers so there's no incentive for her to call a spill.

Will they all settle down if Rudd comes back next week, declares himself loyal and a team player (?!), for the umpteenth time repeats that he is very happy being Foreign Minister?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Is it possible this whole thing will just fizzle out? Rudd does not seem to have the numbers so surely would be unlikely to make himself look silly by challenging.
Gillard knows he doesn't have the numbers so there's no incentive for her to call a spill.

Will they all settle down if Rudd comes back next week, declares himself loyal and a team player (?!), for the umpteenth time repeats that he is very happy being Foreign Minister?

In a word, yes, IMO it will fizzle out untill after the Queensland election.
Then the fun begins again, if labor are wiped out.