Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I really do feel for the ALP true believers. The grassroot Labor supporters are a good lot, badly served by the Unions, Factions and Rich Leftoids in power.

Having to chose between Gillard and Rudd is akin to being left with two pieces of bait at the end of a hot days fishing, both limp, wet and coming apart, an eskie empty of grog and catch, and an ominous storm brewing between your anchorage and harbour.

Let us hope for the sake of a good opposition during the inevitable Coalition government to come, that the ALP chose a good compromise candidate.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I really do feel for the ALP true believers. The grassroot Labor supporters are a good lot, badly served by the Unions, Factions and Rich Leftoids in power.

Having to chose between Gillard and Rudd is akin to being left with two pieces of bait at the end of a hot days fishing, both limp, wet and coming apart, an eskie empty of grog and catch, and an ominous storm brewing between your anchorage and harbour.

Let us hope for the sake of a good opposition during the inevitable Coalition government to come, that the ALP chose a good compromise candidate.


GG, I don't know about you or other ASF members think but I have a gut feeling Gillard may resign within the next couple of weeks.
This will probably leave Rudd to fight it out with Stephen Smith.
If Gillard does resgn, I cannot see her sitting on the back bench which will most likely see her exit politics altogether.
If Rudd does succeed, he may have a battle on his hands with the Indies.
Also if Rudd should succeed, can one imagine the reshuffle of cabinet. Swan will be the first to go.
I could visualize several resigantions from the ALP which surely must bring on an election sooner rather than later.
Only if one could believe in the crystal ball.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The end game it certainly is.

What can the Labor party salvage from this debacle they have created from the day Rudd emerged as their leader.

Gillard - does not have the political savy to be a prime minister - should have stayed in the education portfolio. Only chosen because Rudd was so bad and because of her gender ( I am sure the factions thought they could control her but they badly miscalculated her abilities).
Rudd - an egotistical lightweight who does not have the psychological capacity to be a leader.
Crean - had potential but is now not seen to fit the Labor bill as a PM
Combet - a union man through and through - would not be able to separate this from his more varied duties as a prime minister.
Shorten - similar to Combet. Has street smarts but is too smart in his own mind for his own good. Could have some potential as a short term fill in as the leader of the opposition (which Labor will be soon).
Stephen Smith - quietly spoken man who considers what he says before saying it. The most promising candidate for the position of leader of the opposition for the next decade or so. May not have the smarts to be a Prime Minister but is the only hope at the moment the Labor party has of slowly coming back as a force in the political arena.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Dutchie, that's a very good summary of each of those people. Agree entirely.
Imo Stephen Smith is their only slight hope of avoiding complete annihilation.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Dutchie, that's a very good summary of each of those people. Agree entirely.
Imo Stephen Smith is their only slight hope of avoiding complete annihilation.

That's probably a reason why they keep him away from the limelight, just so they can trot him out as a credible Savior when the search for an opposition leader becomes inevitable.

Then, if - in about ten years' time - a new opportunity comes around, maybe Tanya Plibersek has matured in the eyes of the electorate? Leaves the question though, Will Labor have matured by then to promote an articulate, intelligent Non-Briton to the top job? :confused:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game


That's probably a reason why they keep him away from the limelight, just so they can trot him out as a credible Savior when the search for an opposition leader becomes inevitable.

Then, if - in about ten years' time - a new opportunity comes around, maybe Tanya Plibersek has matured in the eyes of the electorate? Leaves the question though, Will Labor have matured by then to promote an articulate, intelligent Non-Briton to the top job? :confused:

Maybe a more jovial senario, Bob Brown as Prime Minister with Labor as their coalition partner IN A MINORITY GOVERNMENT.

My gawd, could you imagine it?????

I can hear Tony Abbott saying,"NO,NO, NO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Usually when you have a restoration somebody loses their head. Gillard's reptilian head and long neck look very inviting.

However, the Labor caucus would have to stoop to new depths to ask Rudd back. They have little choice but to stick with the blundering Gillard or go with the obnoxious Rudd.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

If ALP are going to trot out Stephen Smith, they will have to get a move on because Rudd is challenging! Surely ALP can do better than either Gillard or Rudd. They both seem very self serving.
Agree absolutely about both Gillard and Rudd being self serving, as are most politicians.
Thanks for the link to Denis Shanahan's article, sails. He must be confident of getting the numbers now so presumably many of the 'undecided' in the caucus have shifted their affections to him.
I just can't see it working, however. Almost all his colleagues loathed him when he was PM and I'm damned if I can see any evidence of change.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The video in question...almost certainly a leak from Julia's camp as its edited to remove anything that could possibly resemble context.

Language warning!!!
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Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

NZ TV news is reporting a Rudd challenge is imminent. :pcorn:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game


PM Julia Gillard told to quit as bitter caucus feud breaks out

JULIA Gillard faced a revolt last night by marginal seat MPs who publicly called for her to resign as Prime Minister.
For the first time, marginal seat MPs including Victoria's Darren Cheeseman went public with a demand she quit to save the party.

"There's no doubt about it: Julia Gillard can't take the party forward. The community has made its mind up on her," he told the Sunday Herald Sun.

"Certainly, it would be in the interests of the party for Julia to stand down and allow (the) Government to select a strong candidate."
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

They have been doing so much scraping they have gone through the bottom of the barrel looking for a leader.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Never seen the media in such a frenzy, they missed the Gillard takeover and are overcompensating.

What a mess for the Labor party though.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Parasite (cough) independents Oakshott and Wilkie are worried about their bread and butter, Wilkie inparticular.

Which one of them said their contract was with Julia Gillard, not the Labor Party ?

Tony Windsor I suspect doesn't give a rats. He in his mind has made his contribution to saving Australia and the world from that nasty trace gas, Carbon Dioxide.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I don't see the swearing video as doing Rudd any harm. We all know he swears.
I'd probably be pretty much the same if I were trying to translate some flowery Chinese wording.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I don't see the swearing video as doing Rudd any harm. We all know he swears.
I'd probably be pretty much the same if I were trying to translate some flowery Chinese wording.

I agree.

I wouldn't be surprised if Camp Rudd leaked the video to try and blame Gillard.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

...Tony Windsor I suspect doesn't give a rats. He in his mind has made his contribution to saving Australia and the world from that nasty trace gas, Carbon Dioxide.

And he's got NBN happening - I wonder if he's got himself a computer yet...:D
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I don't see the swearing video as doing Rudd any harm. We all know he swears.
I'd probably be pretty much the same if I were trying to translate some flowery Chinese wording.
exactly, Julia;
it might quite easily lift his ratings: "Hey, he's normal; he's one of us; not as stuck-up as that red-head..."
Remember what a single televised tear did for Bob Hawke?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I agree.

I wouldn't be surprised if Camp Rudd leaked the video to try and blame Gillard.

Both of them are as grubby as the other. It could have come from either of them after observing the underhanded tactics of the past.