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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

I don't think Bill Shorten would consider it a win being opposition leader with only the rump of Labor left and at least 10 years to wait to get back in unless Abbott governs very badly.
My prediction is that after Julia wins tomorrow they will kiss and make up and Rudd will pledge his support to fight the great Satan, Tony Abbott.

Their little honeymoon won't last. They both have too much baggage, both having been caught with their pants down.
If Abbot was not so incompetent, I would fear for my fibre-optic cables.

That being said, between now and the next election I predict the Australian economy to get a whole lot worse - not good for the incumbent government....

...of course that would mean interest rates would drop and the slave hordes would pay less interest on their mortgages - very good for the incumbent government.
According to Therese there is a kindly side to Kevin that only she and the coppers know about.:shake: I think Bruce Hawker is advising her too.

Not to detract from good works done by those who help the homeless and other worthy causes but I put more stead on how one treats those one has to work with on a daily basis. It is kind to help those who are more disadvantaged than you but it takes more effort to be respectful to those who you have to work closely with and who you might disagree with or who might aggravate you on a regular basis. I think highly of those who can control themselves in such situations and treat their fellow human beings with kindess and respect in such circumstances. In other words it's easier to be kind to total strangers than to someone close to you that might aggravate you. From all accounts Rudd doesn't have these qualities so the fact that he visits the homeless doesn't score many points for me I'm afraid.

I think Gillard will win fairly comfortably tomorrow. The argument that Rudd has more chance of leading Labor to a win at the next election is a furphy IMO. He might be more popular than Gillard right now but I think if she has, for example, a 1% chance of winning the next election Rudd has 2%, in other words Buckleys and none. Will the majority of the party room vote for someone they can't work with because he has such a slight chance of improving their chances of winning? I think not.

I think it's telling that no one else such as Shorten has thrown their hat into the ring, clearly in their heart of hearts most Labor MPs think they have little chance of winning the next election no matter who leads them regardless of what they are saying publicly. Really surprised that Rudd has even challenged but I suppose it must be because he has an ego the size of Mt Everest.
Really surprised that Rudd has even challenged but I suppuse it must be because he has an ego the size of Mt Everest.

Julia has managed to keep the alliance with the greens and independants going despite all the friction. Can anyone imagine Rudd being able to do the same? I can't.
Miss Hale, great post. Agree completely.
Julia has managed to keep the alliance with the greens and independants going despite all the friction. Can anyone imagine Rudd being able to do the same? I can't.
I can't either. Therefore it would be a wonderful idea. Then we might have a general election.

I've been struck by how much the press has been focussing on Rudd's popularity vis a vis Gillard's lack of popularity but there was some footage of Gillard at (I think) a party gathering where she received a warm welcome and seemed delighted with the reaction, smiling and laughing in appreciation (she actually looked quite natural and genuine for once). I made me realise how skewed the press coverage can be. This is after all an internal party matter and the fact that she was welcomed warmly by party members is more telling to me than Rudd being surrounded by throngs of teenagers at a shopping centre. I wonder if we are seeing more photos of a stressed Gillard and a smiling Rudd to make the contest seem more even than it is?

If you are referring to the party gathering where most were dressed in red t-shirts, that was a staged gathering. Sky News was in the room prior to Gillard's arrival and showed the crowd been coached on how to react when Gillard entered. It was a staged event and most of the crowd were simply cheerleaders.

Reminds me off the day I saw on tv (a week or so ago - the day of KR's resignation? not sure exactly) when Gillard had a press confernence in a the bookshop - JG's PR people were seen beforehand, removing any books from view that had a negative tittle! unbelievable !.... I can't remeber the tittles... but I'm sure any with a picture or tittle of 'a knife' were the first to go! They had 'armfulls' of books!
On the "Beltway" with Kevvie, on the way to Parliament in the Arnage.

Wish us luck.

Gillard - 71
Rudd - 31

Not a complete rout, little will change internally.
A relief rally in Labor's primary vote in the hope of change at the top ?
People are starting to understand why he was removed!
Not because an over ambitious knife weilding 'woman' ate the liver of a great leader, as the Murdoch press have done so well in convincing all the half witts is the case, in order swing things to the liberals, but because he was actually a power drunk dweeb destroying is own party and the country!
No surprises there then. Just remains to be seen if Rudd will go to the back bench and remain there quietly

I watched ABC 24's coverage of this morning's procedures. It was long and boring. There was nothing new to add. It was brightened only by the presence of Annabell Crabb. She brings a touch of class to the ABC..

IF Rudd gets a hammering it has to show what his fellow members think of him and gives the voting public an insight to how well thought of the person is.

GG will Rudd be at your place for dinner Friday night for celebratory drinkies?
Having GG written the gold personalised plates on the Roller will get you there in no time..
I watched ABC 24's coverage of this morning's procedures. It was long and boring. There was nothing new to add. It was brightened only by the presence of Annabell Crabb. She brings a touch of class to the ABC..

She is wearing an absolutely gorgeous dress today! (Albeit maybe a bit dressy for a discussion panel)

Rudd stirring up trouble already, saying he will support Gillard against any possible third candidate in the future .
On the "Beltway" with Kevvie, on the way to Parliament in the Arnage.

Wish us luck.


Just an update, after dropping Kevvie off at the caucus meeting I was reminded of Shakespeare. He was “The whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school.”
Even I felt for him.

While they were all in caucus and the press concentrated outside like drunks at a wake that has run out of grog, i wandered about Parliament and was delivered some interesting stories on our parliamentarians, all of which would be libellous to relate.

Come Friday Kevvie Rudd will be at Casa Gumnut for a Thai takeaway and some VB. He has earned my respect and it's the least I can do. He is a gentleman and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. I will send Arbib out on my bicycle to get the Thai.

They are all good mates again and the unpleasantness is forgotten. As Kevvie said today movingly, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but factions will never hurt me." I have planned some Hoy for the night and expect Kevvie and Therese to dance the Pride of Erin.

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