Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Yes, the back stabbing argument has been demolished. He had to be removed because he is crazy. Gillard will be vindicated one day

"The Australian public is now starting to understand that he (Mr Rudd) wasn't knifed in the back, in fact he was removed for his own wellbeing and the Government of the country had to function," Professor Mendoza said.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

So by all reports Rudd as PM was, allegedly, some sort of unhinged tyrant. Yet tomorrow's poll may be a pyrric victory for Gillard.

Rudd lifted the sheet of corrugated iron covering the ALP, and we saw what ran out. He has the moral victory. The ALP has taken a huge hit from all this.

If he was so difficult to work with, why didn't any of them resign at the time, instead of parroting support, while years later trying to change their stories. Case in point a former Rudd Minister on the Insiders this morning.

And btw, could we have John Mendoza provide us with a mental health profile of Julia Gillard, Rob Oakeschott, Tony Windsor, Stephen Conroy...
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

So by all reports Rudd as PM was, allegedly, some sort of unhinged tyrant. Yet tomorrow's poll may be a pyrric victory for Gillard.

Rudd lifted the sheet of corrugated iron covering the ALP, and we saw what ran out. He has the moral victory. The ALP has taken a huge hit from all this.

If he was so difficult to work with, why didn't any of them resign at the time, instead of parroting support, while years later trying to change their stories. Case in point a former Rudd Minister on the Insiders this morning.

Yes, if they all knew he was such a nasty piece of work, Gillard's major error was to keep him on as Foreign Minister, a job where he could run amok, in an ideal base for white-anting the government.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Gillard should win tomorrow 81 -22.

One of the questions that should be asked is that if these 81 or so members (including Juliar) are so vitriolic that Kevin was so bad/mad why on earth would you put him in the high position of Minister for Foreign Affairs.

So Julia thought it was good for the country to put a madman in a position where he would represent the people of Australia to the rest of the world, was in a position to hand out large sums of our money to further his own nest and waste our money big noting himself. Or was she just making sure she stayed in power at the expense of this country?

I hope that lady at the shopping mall is right - " I (we) am (are) not stupid!!!"
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

So Rudd said Gillard is a "childless, atheist ex-communist." This apparently upset Kate Ellis. I thought everyone knew this.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Gillard should win tomorrow 81 -22.

One of the questions that should be asked is that if these 81 or so members (including Juliar) are so vitriolic that Kevin was so bad/mad why on earth would you put him in the high position of Minister for Foreign Affairs.

So Julia thought it was good for the country to put a madman in a position where he would represent the people of Australia to the rest of the world, was in a position to hand out large sums of our money to further his own nest and waste our money big noting himself. Or was she just making sure she stayed in power at the expense of this country?

^^^Good point


So clearly KRudd is not a madman, its just that as a control freak he pissed a few people off in cabinet, keeping in mind all politicians have large egos (comes with the job) - the surprising thing for me is that the factional disease of NSW Labor seems to have spread to Federal Labor.

For Labor Kevin is clearly more popular in the electorate and for the Libs Turnbull would pull more votes in a federal election as leader than Tony would...and yet their party's don't want them...maybe NSW originally caught the "how not to win elections" disease from the Federal Coalition in the first place. :dunno:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Gillard should win tomorrow 81 -22.

One of the questions that should be asked is that if these 81 or so members (including Juliar) are so vitriolic that Kevin was so bad/mad why on earth would you put him in the high position of Minister for Foreign Affairs.

So Julia thought it was good for the country to put a madman in a position where he would represent the people of Australia to the rest of the world, was in a position to hand out large sums of our money to further his own nest and waste our money big noting himself. Or was she just making sure she stayed in power at the expense of this country?

I hope that lady at the shopping mall is right - " I (we) am (are) not stupid!!!"

^^^Good point


So clearly KRudd is not a madman, its just that as a control freak he pissed a few people off in cabinet, keeping in mind all politicians have large egos (comes with the job) - the surprising thing for me is that the factional disease of NSW Labor seems to have spread to Federal Labor.

For Labor Kevin is clearly more popular in the electorate and for the Libs Turnbull would pull more votes in a federal election as leader than Tony would...and yet their party's don't want them...maybe NSW originally caught the "how not to win elections" disease from the Federal Coalition in the first place. :dunno:

Just run that past me again SC.

I fail to see how you can come to those conclusions from dutchie's post.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

^^^Good point


So clearly KRudd is not a madman, its just that as a control freak he pissed a few people off in cabinet, keeping in mind all politicians have large egos (comes with the job) - the surprising thing for me is that the factional disease of NSW Labor seems to have spread to Federal Labor.

For Labor Kevin is clearly more popular in the electorate and for the Libs Turnbull would pull more votes in a federal election as leader than Tony would...and yet their party's don't want them...maybe NSW originally caught the "how not to win elections" disease from the Federal Coalition in the first place. :dunno:

So clearly Rudd is mad.

So clearly Julia has no common sense or intelligence and is way over her head as Prime Minister
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

This is a Labour tragedy of their own making. My prediction is that Rudd will lose tomorrow with about a third of the votes. Then when Julia and the rest of her cohorts realise that the polls aren't improving, there will be another ballot and Rudd will go up against a 3rd member and win narrowly. Julia's incredible self-belief and denial that her lack of trustworthiness for knfing a sitting PM and breaching the carbon tax promise is the root of her problems is something she will maintain to her last day. It's cringe-worthy. She deserved a better run as the 1st female PM, but she needed to be patient and either let KR lose the 2010 election or take over as PM after if the problems were still festering. This is where ego denies one the benefit of a longer-term perspective.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

This is a Labour tragedy of their own making. My prediction is that Rudd will lose tomorrow with about a third of the votes. Then when Julia and the rest of her cohorts realise that the polls aren't improving, there will be another ballot and Rudd will go up against a 3rd member and win narrowly. Julia's incredible self-belief and denial that her lack of trustworthiness for knfing a sitting PM and breaching the carbon tax promise is the root of her problems is something she will maintain to her last day. It's cringe-worthy. She deserved a better run as the 1st female PM, but she needed to be patient and either let KR lose the 2010 election or take over as PM after if the problems were still festering. This is where ego denies one the benefit of a longer-term perspective.

A refreshingly fair and reasonable analysis unlike the usual biased tabloid style bull**** posts.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

A refreshingly fair and reasonable analysis unlike the usual biased tabloid style bull**** posts.

Wow! way outside the box man.:eek:
her lack of trustworthiness for knfing a sitting PM and breaching the carbon tax promise is the root of her problems is

It's not like the above was every written in the Murdoch Press::rolleyes:
I think what we need is a nominal head of government, a figurehead if you will.

Kermit the frog. A likable character, I enjoyed his commentary during the Aus Open tennis and I see he is now back making movies. Generally a good guy. Who will second the motion?
So by all reports Rudd as PM was, allegedly, some sort of unhinged tyrant.

If he was so difficult to work with, why didn't any of them resign at the time, instead of parroting support, while years later trying to change their stories. Case in point a former Rudd Minister on the Insiders this morning.

Yes, if they all knew he was such a nasty piece of work, Gillard's major error was to keep him on as Foreign Minister, a job where he could run amok, in an ideal base for white-anting the government.
Yes, none of them can answer this. Neither have any of them been able to explain why they did not, as a group or as individuals, just front up to Rudd and make it clear his behaviour was unacceptable.

I suppose it's possible that Rudd's monomaniacal self belief was so unshakeable he would simply refuse to have the discussion. Much has been said about how he 'froze people out' if they failed to agree with him.

I recall John Mendoza's comments at the time of his resignation. He then intimated much of what he has now publicly said about Mr Rudd.

Anyone who for even a millisecond imagines Rudd will have changed and all would be sweet if he were re-elected Prime Minister must be living in a different universe.
I think what we need is a nominal head of government, a figurehead if you will.

Kermit the frog. A likable character, I enjoyed his commentary during the Aus Open tennis and I see he is now back making movies. Generally a good guy. Who will second the motion?

LOL plenty of Kermit's in the LNP
According to Therese there is a kindly side to Kevin that only she and the coppers know about.:shake: I think Bruce Hawker is advising her too.

Ms Rein said accounts of Mr Rudd's rudeness and bad treatment of staff were not the Kevin she knew and she revealed his private acts of kindness as PM.

"Some of which I found out from the coppers. He would go to homeless shelter and sit down with the blokes. I know that kindness is a fundamental part of Kevin," she said.
Three winners really, the Coalition, the unions, and Bill Shorten, who has fast-tracked his path to leadership nicely.

Imagine if he'd had to wait out two or more terms of Rudd, and after that a more experienced Gillard as the heir apparent. Now he could be there within 18 months or less. Retaining the unions iron grip.