Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The unanswered question is...why is Rudd so popular with the public? I think it was Latham who said that anybody who knew Rudd wouldn't like him. The public only know him as the genial, smiling, affable, glad-handing Rudd.

Most are ignorant of what lies behind the facade. The truth is that it conceals a ruthless, foul-mouthed, scheming, bullying, lying little sod.

Discerning people already knew this, but now his formerly gutless colleagues have decided to spill the beans and expose all his nastiness.

Happy Days:xyxthumbs
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The unanswered question is...why is Rudd so popular with the public? I think it was Latham who said that anybody who knew Rudd wouldn't like him. The public only know him as the genial, smiling, affable, glad-handing Rudd.

Most are ignorant of what lies behind the facade. The truth is that it conceals a ruthless, foul-mouthed, scheming, bullying, lying little sod.

Discerning people already knew this, but now his formerly gutless colleagues have decided to spill the beans and expose all his nastiness.

Happy Days:xyxthumbs

That is a rather harsh assessment of Herr Rudd.

In driving him about yesterday not once did he hit me on the head with his pace stick, I have no phlegm on my collar, and the Arnage's doors are still intact.

mr and mrs shoppingtrolley are correct. He is the new messiah.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Uurrghh, :banghead: I have just had to listen to both Gillard and Rudd refer to Albanese as 'Albo', Rudd continously, I just about threw up :vomit: Yeah, they are all such good mates that they, you know, use nicknames :rolleyes: Is it just me or do both these people come across as incredibly fake?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

In driving him about yesterday not once did he hit me on the head with his pace stick, I have no phlegm on my collar, and the Arnage's doors are still intact.

Gosh, didn't realise it had come to that. But I suppose when you think about it, it makes sense - Rudd having to hail cabs at this point.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The unanswered question is...why is Rudd so popular with the public? I think it was Latham who said that anybody who knew Rudd wouldn't like him. The public only know him as the genial, smiling, affable, glad-handing Rudd.

Most are ignorant of what lies behind the facade. The truth is that it conceals a ruthless, foul-mouthed, scheming, bullying, lying little sod.

Discerning people already knew this, but now his formerly gutless colleagues have decided to spill the beans and expose all his nastiness.

Happy Days:xyxthumbs

I don't think he is actually that popular with the public. I do think however that a lot of people feel, rightly or wrongly and regardless of what they actually think of him, that Rudd was badly done by when he was knifed by Gillard. I suspect that if he is successful on Monday it will only be a short time before many people will be wanting to be rid of him as well (how many shakes of the sauce bottle can we take?). At the moment he is the lesser of two evils.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Labor should refer the Leadership decision to Fair Work Australia - that would at least postpone this current self inflicted catastrophe (although its probably Tonys' fault) till after the next election!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The unanswered question is...why is Rudd so popular with the public?

Remember, the poll questions are soliciting "relative popularity" only, so the results may be just an indication of who the public hates least. The results might be quite different if the question was something like: "Which would you prefer: Rudd as PM, Gillard as PM, or a new election?".
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Rudd hits the campaign trail.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It's hard to account for the popularity of this unsavoury, manipulative man. I know Gillard is a liar and a schemer but she has never reached the gutter levels of Rudd. Why people flock around him when he appears in public is a mystery, when he is such an obvious fraud.

Most women in the Caucus can't stand him. I don't think he really likes women.

His family have to work hard to try to maintain the image of the devoted family man. It is all a facade.

Whatever his personal failings, Kevin Rudd is absolutely correct when he says that Labor under Julia Gillard has lost the trust of the electorate
Yes he is, but if the electorate really thinks it can trust Rudd it's hideously deluded.

He has, though, an attraction for mr and mrs shoppingtrolley, as PKeating famously described the individuals who make up polling numbers
But why??? He was dreadful when Prime Minister.
The only reason I can think of is that it's less to do with Rudd as an individual, and more to do with the way he was removed from office, i.e. a sympathy vote.

Then add in the current total chaos of the Labor Party and their visceral tearing apart of one another at present, and the total picture perhaps adds up to the hard- done -by Rudd, victim of these dysfunctional people, who should be given another go.

Voters back Rudd in Newspoll - Sat Feb 25 2012
According to the latest Newspoll published by News Limited on Saturday, voters were asked a series of questions over the past two days as to who, out of Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Opposition leader Tony Abbott or former PM Kevin Rudd would be their preferred leader.

Labor Leader: 53% Rudd, 30% Gillard
Australia's Leader: Rudd 48%, Abbott 40%
PM vs Oppos Leader: Abbott: 43% (+3% since Jan), Gillard 34% (-3% since Jan).
The accompanying article did point out that it was a very small sample, 347 from memory.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

If Rudd wins I wonder if the public euphoria will crossover to benefit QLD state labor. If Gillard wins no doubt Qld labor will be decimated.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Whatever his personal failings, Kevin Rudd is absolutely correct when he says that Labor under Julia Gillard has lost the trust of the electorate

This is true, but it's more or less the same reason they got rid of Rudd in the first place! (The government had lost it's way etc.). At least Gillard has the exuse that she has had to accomodate Greens and Independents under a minority government. I have to agree with Abbott, it's not the leader it's the policies. Having said that I don't envy either Gillard or Rudd trying to govern under the current circumstances (minority government). The best solution would be an election to achieve a clear majority one way or another.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I don't think he is actually that popular with the public. I do think however that a lot of people feel, rightly or wrongly and regardless of what they actually think of him, that Rudd was badly done by when he was knifed by Gillard. I suspect that if he is successful on Monday it will only be a short time before many people will be wanting to be rid of him as well (how many shakes of the sauce bottle can we take?). At the moment he is the lesser of two evils.

I was listening to a radio interview on RN yesterday and it helped me to understand Rudd's popularity. Leaders can be placed on a spectrum with transactional(get things done administrator focus) at one end and transformational( offers a new vision, charisma) at the other. Transactional leaders like Howard and Gillard dont offer much in the way of national pride. Transformational leaders like Hawke are embraced and national pride grows. After Howard the populace were by and large screaming out for someone to help them feel glad to be Australian. Rudd seemed to offer that. It is very hard to feel proud about our leadership when you see Julia's public performances - she treats the public with distain by using short repetetive grabs, she is robotic and inarticulate. But it may be that she is an excellent transactional leader.

Rudd will always beat her in a public opinion poll because he seems to offer the possibility of pride in our leader again - the echos of Kevin 07 havent died and he is also seen as wrongly dethroned. It may be that he is a crap transactional leader.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Yes he is, but if the electorate really thinks it can trust Rudd it's hideously deluded.
Ulikely as it seems, I hope Kevin Rudd does her.

Actually, I hope anything does her.

That to me is the best prospect of an early election.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Ulikely as it seems, I hope Kevin Rudd does her.

Actually, I hope anything does her.

That to me is the best prospect of an early election.

I'm down to the dregs of a lovely bottle of Tahbilk red and at this point in the evening I reckon I could do Julia too (one good red deserves another right?).
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Ulikely as it seems, I hope Kevin Rudd does her.

Actually, I hope anything does her.

That to me is the best prospect of an early election.

That is absolutely correct.:D

Don't think it will happen, but we can dream.
No matter what happens the opinion polls are crying out for a general election.
Therefore no matter what happens and whoever 'wins'. They will be under pressure to go to an election.
What do they say in the classics "the end is nigh"
Or something to that effect.LOL
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well, I don't want to see Rudd do Gillard. He is even more duplicitous and self serving than she is, if that's possible.

And he would be harder for Tony Abbott to beat, such is his inexplicable popularity, apparently, with the public.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I'm down to the dregs of a lovely bottle of Tahbilk red and at this point in the evening I reckon I could do Julia too (one good red deserves another right?).
I'm trying to imagine the hangover potential. :eek:

You might be better with something less toxic.

Well, I don't want to see Rudd do Gillard. He is even more duplicitous and self serving than she is, if that's possible.

And he would be harder for Tony Abbott to beat, such is his inexplicable popularity, apparently, with the public.
If Labor are foolish enough to re-elect Rudd as leader, they will be in a bigger mess than they are now.

After dumping on Rudd during the past week, can you imagine those senior ministers happily swallowing their own bile ?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Did you see what this idiot laid on the health minister, that they just fessed up to!!
I felt it was insane when they announced the 43 billion dollar broadband.
It was as madly unconceived with no business plan, just fly by night unrestrained power drunk policy for some impatience with Telecommunications.
43 billion dollars!!!
Over the net fricken diagnosis and some improvement in educating desert people, oh and some benefits that we can't conceive of but they will manifest!!!
We can't be this stupid.
Julia’s a saint compared to this sandshoe.
She believed what she said about the bloody carbon tax at the time she said it.
She had to reverse on it to get power at the behest of her party.
No matter what happens this is not going to bring on a quicker election.
The only thing that will do that is an improvement in their polling - unlikely.