Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

GDN - Golden State Resources

The mods have gone crazy on HC and the mods have gone to sleep on ASF.
Pilots how can you keep posting add nauseum,such utter drivel.
kennas where are you??
Fortunately, there are many ASF members who assist moderating this site by their constant questioning and requests for further information to justify positions. Not much slips through actually. Rampers and downrampers are very quickly identified and realise their place may be elsewhere.
not sure what drivel datz is talking about pilots, keep posting here please your very welcome as far as i am concerned. i cant see any breach of any regulation here, i noticed tangrams has been heavily moderating datz and many others on hc.. and posted some ASIC guidelines also to make it clear that its being watched closely!

pilots, when you say there finishing job, do mean a completion was done at the start of the drilling on par 1? can you elaborate what processes were that were done on the well?

i still agree with your sentiment on the reports, the mud weights seem very low and the shows they are comparing to other wells 60 miles away, they dont disclose what mudweights they were drilling with. i have seen plenty of regional logs which are off the dial compared to the small shows this well has with very low mud weights. to me the reports show the formation is just as tight as it was before.. and not very promising on the first target..

i keep comparing the reports and data to anything regionally and i think gdn have very little to crow about myself, i think the reporting still leaves a lot to be desired myself..
Agentm, the fishing job was At the start of the well, what happened was they had one of the cones on the drill bit come off, this was due to the inexperience of the drilling crew. They retrieved the cone and went back to drilling OK.
I like the bit when they compare the well with one 60 miles away, we drilled out of Derby, we had five producing wells all around us, we drilled a DUSTER.
One of the troubles with drilling is to know just where the fault lines are, GDN are surrounded with them. Dazt49 and his mates are not happy with me from back when I posted that CAZ could not win,(they lost). I then got a tip from a good friend that GDN was a good buy, I did no research, when I looked in to them, I got out, made a lot of money thanks to T4P.
Along comes CVI, when they posted how they would do this and that in Angola, I knew this was just a scam, and I told them so, now if you really want to up set a ramper, just tell the truth, CVI then dropped from 30c down to 1c. The way some of them talk you would think it is all my fault that it crashed. What I must say is that Raks and Nicky6 have both Apologized to me for what was said, not all the ramp tean are bad.
kennas you have to admit, you arnt as hard on posters as you used to be:D
I was suspended from HC because I had the caps lock on and the mod said I was shouting, now thats tough:eek:
I have no beef with you, and I will point out what drivel I think pilots is on about.when I get time to go over a few posts:mad:
What was your nic on HC, your style is familiar but I just cant pick it out.:confused:
Hell!!,. DAZT49, If I told you, you would DOB me in and I would be barred for the seventh time, I will let you work it out. have a good day.:p:
So we have a significant gas find, how difficult would it of been to have said, we have x no.units of gas? The word significant lets your mind run wild. Would I be considered cynical if I thought we needed to raise more cash? :confused:
I thought you were a bit of a stickler for accuracy and you want them to shoot a figure from the hip!!:eek:
They stated in the ann that they needed time to evaluate the results to make an informed ann.:D
IMO someone got wind of it and thats why we had a quick trading halt just after open.:cool:
Those trades may be looked at by the ASX as insider info trades.
Crikey..I am putting up a conspirosy of my pet hates !!:eek:
So we have a significant gas find, how difficult would it of been to have said, we have x no.units of gas? The word significant lets your mind run wild. Would I be considered cynical if I thought we needed to raise more cash? :confused:

What is this `we` business? I thought you were the thread downramper playing the reverse psychology game. :D
I thought you were a bit of a stickler for accuracy and you want them to shoot a figure from the hip!!:eek:
They stated in the ann that they needed time to evaluate the results to make an informed ann.:D
IMO someone got wind of it and thats why we had a quick trading halt just after open.:cool:
Those trades may be looked at by the ASX as insider info trades.
Crikey..I am putting up a conspirosy of my pet hates !!:eek:

One must look after ones mates:D:D Have a look at the last well.:banghead:
Why have a trading halt at all, just tell the truth:eek:

GDN 0.17 +0.030 21.43% @ 17-Apr 02:52:30 PM
--- the market has reacted to this ANN!!!

Pilots: we value your comments please.

Refer ANN for details of individual results!

17-04-2009 02:27 PM GDN Paradox Basin No 2 Update
Paradox Basin #2 Well, Grand County, Utah

Paradox Basin # 2 has intersected a significant gas interval and traces of oil show associated with a drilling break in the Pennsylvanian Barker Creek Formation.

Gas levels increased from a background of 12 to 25 units to a peak of 1042 Units and 103,690 ppm Methane.

Shows are present in heavily fractured sandstones and siltstones over the interval 11,602’ to 11,621’. Abundant crystalline calcite, which is believed to represent fracture cement was observed.

Traces of oil fluorescence with a yellow/green cut were associated with the gas show.

GDN 0.17 +0.030 21.43% @ 17-Apr 02:52:30 PM
--- the market has reacted to this ANN!!!

Pilots: we value your comments please.

Refer ANN for details of individual results!

17-04-2009 02:27 PM GDN Paradox Basin No 2 Update
Paradox Basin #2 Well, Grand County, Utah

Paradox Basin # 2 has intersected a significant gas interval and traces of oil show associated with a drilling break in the Pennsylvanian Barker Creek Formation.

Gas levels increased from a background of 12 to 25 units to a peak of 1042 Units and 103,690 ppm Methane.

Shows are present in heavily fractured sandstones and siltstones over the interval 11,602’ to 11,621’. Abundant crystalline calcite, which is believed to represent fracture cement was observed.

Traces of oil fluorescence with a yellow/green cut were associated with the gas show.

Remember that first well, we had a twenty foot column of oil, we never did find out just what happened to that.:confused: Now the big news is that we had to have a trading halt for 1042units, back up the hole we had over 5000units, nothing like a trading halt to ramp up the SP, I think they are going to ask for more money.:eek:
You are so predictable, when they are producing from Para 2 in July you will still crying foul.:eek:
I am interested, do you hold?
I still havent worked out your HC alter ego.:D

Sold out on tuesday except for a small free carried parcel for 15.5 which i thought was good concidering i paid less than 6 cents.

I should have known these blokes are good at running it up tho i thought ppl have worken up to them.

You are so predictable, when they are producing from Para 2 in July you will still crying foul.:eek:
I am interested, do you hold?
I still havent worked out your HC alter ego.:D

When they are producing in July:D, come on mate, you are on drugs or are a payed ramper. Tell me what happened to the 20foot oil zone on the first well??:confused:
See ,unlike you I dont make unsubstantiated statements:p:
From Operations Update on 17 Dec 2008
CURRENT TIMELINE – Paradox Basin #2
● Permit  Approved:D
● Site works  Completed:D
● Well spudded  December 2008:D
● Deep rig mobilised to site February 2008:D
● Estimated total drilling time  90 days
● Testing and completion  20 Days
The drill is 19 days ahead of that schedule, production could be in July.:D:D
Oh and who gives a fig about the oil in Para 1, or the oil in Para 2, they are insignifigant amounts, its the gas that is the target.
See ,unlike you I dont make unsubstantiated statements:p:
From Operations Update on 17 Dec 2008
CURRENT TIMELINE – Paradox Basin #2
● Permit  Approved:D
● Site works  Completed:D
● Well spudded  December 2008:D
● Deep rig mobilised to site February 2008:D
● Estimated total drilling time  90 days
● Testing and completion  20 Days
The drill is 19 days ahead of that schedule, production could be in July.:D:D

datz, can you fill me in here, are you saying that this current show is going to produce commercial gas from the para 2 vertical well?

are you sure its feb 2008 the rig was mobilised?

Looks like some typos from GDN secretary, I hadnt noticed that lol.:p:
And yes of course they will produce from this well it wil be a company maker IMO .:D
When they re work Para 1 it is going to come up with the goodies too.
It always had them, just the drill was horrendous.:eek:
Trying to trick me hey?
"are you saying that this current show is going to produce commercial gas from the para 2 "
I am talking about the final , tested Para 2 , not these initial flows, tho they could go close to being enough to being commercial.
But no, the whole shebang agentm
What a weekend on Hot Whoppers.
Dazt49 is playing T4P old game, boo hoo, if you don't get rid of the down rampers I won't post here any more, good by Dazt49.
Did you see T4P post, was he was down ramping GDN????, T4P at long last has found out the the Oil/Gas game is not as squeaky clean as he thought, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD Mr T4P.:banghead:

Give me the post numbers where you reckon is said these things.
I posted 5 times on the 11th...nothing there.
I posted 13 times on the 12th when there was some argy bargy, but I never threatened not to post or to leave HC.
In none of the posts did I say..
"if you don't get rid of the down rampers I won't post here any more"
Why are you lying to guys on ASF.:mad:
BESBS, A very smart move, what a lot of the rampers DON'T know is that on the first well GDN had a fishing job at the start of the well, this was not reported on the ASX, this lot are as bad as the back slapping brigade on Hot Whoppers, you must only post good news.
You won't go broke taking a profit, smart move BESBS.:D:D

You posted that you wonderered what 'drivel' I was on about.
Heres another one from pilots.
".what a lot of the rampers DON'T know is that on the first well GDN had a fishing job at the start of the well, this was not reported on the ASX, .."
check out..