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20-Mar 11:48:35
ASX ann March 20
20-03-2007 10:13 AM GDN Drilling Status Report
34 feet to go
Drilling Status Report – 20 March 2007
• Paradox Basin #1 oil & gas well, Grand County, Utah, is at 15,397 feet
(4,692 m) in the Pennsylvanian Molas Formation, at the top of the well’s primary objective. The rig is recovering a length of lost drill pipe above the casing hanger, prior to drilling into the Leadville Limestone objective
Lost pipe recovery is nearing conclusion. 34’ (10m) of pipe remains
above the casing hanger - recovery continues
Paradox Basin #1 oil & gas well continues to recover a lost section of drill pipe left in the hole, attached to a casing hanger above 9,148’.
Recovery is proceeding at 9,114’. 34’ (10m) of pipe remains to be recovered above the casing hanger. Pipe milling will be completed at 9,116’, at the top of the final pipe joint attached to the hanger. Washover pipe will be used to recover the remaining 32’ length of pipe.
Upon reaching the casing hanger, the well will be cased at 7” to the surface to circumvent any risk resulting from damage to the 9⅝” casing during the milling and recovery process.
After cementing, running a bond log and conducting a BOP test, the well will drill on at 6⅛” into the major objective Leadville Limestone. Paradox Basin #1 is at 15,397 feet (4,692 m), in the Pennsylvanian Molas Formation, a distinctive terra rossa palaeosol horizon formed on the top of the Leadville Limestone, the primary objective of the well.
The production potential of the above intervals will be determined upon setting production casing and conducting flow tests at the completion of drilling.