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GDN - Golden State Resources

yeah 74 atm. Going nicely..I'm just going to hold untill they hit Leadville. Should of got more when in the 40's...easy to say that after they come back up though.
welldone tarnor. I have no spare cash. Im a little fish trying to build a sizeable portfolio. So hopefully Leadville is big
you want to hear something funny ? i placed an open sell order for when it opened ,over the phone because i couldnt get onto my broking ac and couldnt read ann couldnt see volumes etc etc as i speak im on hold to westpac to try and buy them back!
ohh..hmm so you got rid of them at 64? You made a profit though right? I'm just going to ride these out untill they hit leadville..see what happens..then make a decision from there
half the profit i could have made! ann. give any indication as to when they will hit leadville and r u up yet?
They give a drilling status report every 3 days...they are only like 1 day away from leadville I I dont know if they will release a report earlier once they hit it.

My avg is at 90 cents so I'm still out. Looking better than when they hit 42 though :|. I took at tax loss at 65 and got original holding back at 65. Im still risking it by staying in. If they go to 90 thats break even for me. Im waiting for Leadville and might just leave them there because they believe the well to be commercial.
now things are looking more solid i'd be surprised if we didnt get to 80 today and onwards and upwards
constable said:
now things are looking more solid i'd be surprised if we didnt get to 80 today and onwards and upwards

I'm interested, what are you basing that on Constable...????
SevenFX said:
I'm interested, what are you basing that on Constable...????
The positive bits in the ann that further suggest the commercial capabilities of this venture. By far and away i would have thought this has been a brighter ann than previous ones!
You may well be right, as it seem to of had a strong retrace, which is good if it's gonna make that .76-.80c for the day....
sure.. has come back to the intraday high at 76c. stalled on 75/75.5 atm

update: broken 76c volumje coming in now.. looking good
Constable it may pay for you to have a Commsec Protader Platium LIVE account, which can be kept by just trading 1 option a qtr or 45 shares a qtr as a backup to westpac.

If you meet the above creteria, it's free live data, and brokerage is cheaper than Westpac(19.95 < 10K)
If this ever happens again i'll be switching ...period. Will check out protraders rates tho sounds compeditive thanks. Westpac is , dare i say it ,back on line.
G'day all,

The word on H/C is GDN expecting to reach Leadville target 8-9pm tonight!!!!!!

constable said:
If this ever happens again i'll be switching ...period. Will check out protraders rates tho sounds compeditive thanks. Westpac is , dare i say it ,back on line.

Oh, forgot to tell you Protrader has it's fair share of probs, but when managed it works and does what one needs... Cant beat live data for free if criteria is meet, not to mention cheapest brokerage.

IMO I would keep both accounts, as doesn't cost anything to keep open, should either fail.
Bullion said:
HotCopper forums...

Thanks Bullion,

I think I read somewhere h/c organised traders played a big part in ramping cdu up...??? certainly casts doubt based on what I read in post somewhere here...??? (perhaps even backed by abc investergation)

Though I'm sure were all want to hear some good news asap.
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