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Gay Marriage

Medical care no, but insemination is not medical care, she can inseminate herself

We discriminate against minors when we don't sell them alcohol and cigarettes

You should go to your employer and tell him that but this day nobody gives a crap, money smells good.

But what you raise is honourable. I really hope that there is a final judgement. The people in the Catholic Church who committed, commit and covered up child abuse, grrrrrrr. I don't want to be in their shoes and I hope those who were abused get every tear wiped away. On this point I get so angry that words fail me. I think that those abusers in the Catholic Church and Isis are brothers. To me these people are like Hitler.

Again the Cathoilc Church and Goverment have failed women in such a way that a woman believes the lie that in having an abortion she is not killing a child. Her child. Young girls need to be given support even if it was their stupidity, and these children should be born and cared for by society. If we cannot do this then we too are Hitlers.

There is no justification for not treating anybody due to a religious view. But suing a doctor for cosmetic or non medical procedures is ridiculous, come on be reasonable and see that we must find some consensus on that point.

Nobody is discriminating against gays, have all the rights you want, have civil unions, have a Gayrriage
Just don't call it marriage and don't shove it down my kids throats .

It's about my right to listen to the creator when he says that. Thus its my right to keep that in the family when referring to other people and governments.

Listen there are many Gay Catholics who have a strong love and belief of God. They experience incredibly strong sexual feelings towards the same sex. Though it's a massive struggle especially when young, they try live chaste lives, they experience unrequited love and get their hearts broken just like other people. They hate themselves when they experience these strong feelings for the same sex because they know it's true that it's not according to Gods plan. They manage their emotions learning via maturity to take responsibility for their entire person and internal life. They don't disturb the peace of their sexual facilities and don't stimulate the facilities, after a while they are calm and pursue higher interests and friendships and become happy people.

Yup and you and me share the same outrage about that. I just hate that which they did so much , I boil.
I wouldn't f around with child abusers. If I became president, within 3 days I would round them up and stop that.
Enough is enough. i don't think so many kids got justice, I do t think they have been helped and the damage inside healed.
Nobody is discriminating against gays, have all the rights you want, have civil unions, have a Gayrriage
Just don't call it marriage and don't shove it down my kids throats .

That's a bit like saying blacks can ride the bus, they have the rights, they just can't sit at the front of the bus, because that's for whites.

Why don't you make your own special type of religious marriage, you can call it holy matrimony , and it can be special thing you do at your church while you drink the blood of Jesus etc, and the rest of us will have normal lawful marriage in the eyes of the law.

just don't call your religious cults matrimony thing marriage, and don't shove it down my kids throat.

I agree with you here, they would get flayed with a whip for what they did and failed to do. Accepting people and yet not accepting some of their behaviours is a part of love.

I will take option #2 please.


Hey Sis, you know how you want me to allow the conscience vote and it will go directly against everything I believe in and what you stand for by being a carpet muncher but it is a private members bill but I want to remind you that this government was elected to turn back the boats. You can row your own boat as much as you like but the selection committee will advise me if the polls consider that to have my profile picture tinted in a rainbow flag as a sign of support for gay marriage then I will do just that.

#POTUS says "Today is a big step in our march toward equality. Gay and lesbian couples now have the right to marry, just like anyone else." #LoveWins

#PMOAUS says "Today the Government took an additional step to keep Australia safe"#StopBoats

Stick it in your drawer and look back one day. I can guarantee you, before your life expires you will regret these words.

I am a life time liberal voter, never have I thought of voting labor. But if this becomes an election issue that the Libs won't budge on, I will give labor a protest vote, and if a hardline lib supporter like me is willing to do that, I guess a lot of others will to.

Hooray for Cap'n America !

I think that will be the solution in the end. I can clearly see the groundswell of support for gayrriage.
I warned against it, so that nobody accuses me of being a misery merchant, but mark my words this will be something future generations will regret happene.

VC don't get all righteous and group all of us hardline Libs into the same pot please.

OOooohhhh looky ... there goes a unicorn riding on a rainbow :frown:

Imagine if you will for a moment that that creator doesn't actually exist.

What a waste it would be to live a life without love and sex, all because of a dusty old book of myths.

It's crazy, the best thing is just to live you life in a way that makes you happy, without harming others, and without stopping others from seeking their own happiness, as long as they aren't harming others.

If there were a god, do you really think he cares who you have sex with?
I warned against it, so that nobody accuses me of being a misery merchant, but mark my words this will be something future generations will regret happene.

Why would they regret it?

What's the worst that can come from it?

ok so after Tink made another bunch of unjustified claims, I asked her to explain her position, but yet again she falls silent, we won't hear from her again until she bursts in again probably saying something about gay marriage being anti children or against her religious rights or some other circular arguments and logical fallacies which she will never back up.

so since she failed to answer the questions above I would like to put them to anyone that holds similar views to her.
I don't think anything I said was putting people in the same pot.

I am talking about myself, and simply saying that if I think that way, there must be others too.

For shizzle ... but the party believes in a "civil" marriage between man and a woman. Keeping of the realm and all that and you would be surprised as to how many demographics would identify themselves as "straight" ...

More specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual

So let's let the Libs libel themselves up over this one now shall we?

She has an opinion as do you have yours. I spoke with my partner about this and my partner answered thusly ... "You don't see this happening in the wild do you? I mean do you see male lions cohabitating with other male lions and expect the species to survive" (She actually used a lot more expletives and made funny gestures with her pelvis in a thrusting motion)

Yes you do have fish and frogs that change sex due to seasonal adjustments (Darwinsm?) but also the brain influences sexual development depending on the social environment. This is due to genetics.

Us homo sapiens are hardwired to be male or female in the brain. The body is the hinderance hence why we are having this discussion.

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