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Gay Marriage it isn't. I'm not the one trying to change the constitution.

No one is trying to change the constitution, what the majority of Australians want is the legal definition of marriage to be changed. This requires an amendment to the Marriage Act 1961.

Plenty of people saw interracial marriages as unnatural, against the natural order. Just look to apartheid south africa or the southern states in the USA. Your sprouting the same kinds of bigotry. if you're offended at a gay couple's publis display of affection, that says more about your lack of empathy that it does about the couple.

I don't care if you like what we do, though our lives are generally the same as yours. I work, pay my taxes, laugh, cry just like you do. You're basically saying homosexuals should be invisible. That's how you'd like us to be??

What are you doing about unconsenting children from being brought into the world in loveless marriages, unconsenting children born into families that cannot financially support them? That's a far bigger issue.

You don't think that over population is not a major issue? How many more people do you think the planet can sustainably support? Besides China no country has actually consciously tried to limit their population. Uncontrolled population growth like we currently have is more likely to do children harm than gay marriage.
Plenty of people saw interracial marriages as unnatural, against the natural order. Just look to apartheid south africa or the southern states in the USA.

Some people may have, not me. I don't care who people hitch up with as long as they don't make a song and dance about it.

Your sprouting the same kinds of bigotry. if you're offended at a gay couple's publis display of affection, that says more about your lack of empathy that it does about the couple.

As I said, I don't care what people do in private I don't care to watch it on TV, and that includes heterosexual sex which has been devalued by the rampant spread of pornography.

I don't care if you like what we do, though our lives are generally the same as yours. I work, pay my taxes, laugh, cry just like you do. You're basically saying homosexuals should be invisible. That's how you'd like us to be??

Not at all, I can get along with most people in the normal course of events, I just don't need to be dragged into their bedrooms.

What are you doing about unconsenting children from being brought into the world in loveless marriages, unconsenting children born into families that cannot financially support them? That's a far bigger issue.

Yes, they are big issues which need to be addressed, but they don't justify the deliberate deprivation of children by forcing them to be brought up in an environment that goes against their natural instincts. it isn't. I'm not the one trying to change the constitution.

It doesn't matter who is trying to enact change, it comes down to the side that wishes to deny freedoms to another group, has to prove that if those freedoms were allowed to that other group it would cause harm.

The default position is total freedom to everyone, laws that deny personal freedoms should only be enacted where it is shown that if those freedoms were allowed, then it would cause more harm to others.

Again the discussion about children is a red herring when discussing gay marriage, but I struggle to see what possible harm comes from children being brought up in a loving and supportive environment - or what natural instincts that is against. Whether its a single parent family, de facto, mixed race, mixed religion, gay or straight, the real issue is the quality of parenting and thats not gauranteed in any particular form of relationship.

I cant see how my sister's children have been 'deliberatley deprived" of anything, nor do I see anything in their lives that goes against their "natural instincts". I do know plenty of kids in straight families that have much worse parenting.

Since when are laws changed to make people feel better, that is not the purpose of Marriage.

The children come first.

Not all states agree with gay adoption.

Civil unions gives them the same rights as marriage, except children.
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Since when are laws changed to make people feel better, that is not the purpose of Marriage.

The children come first.


Laws should be changed when they are wrong

And again, this thread is about Gay marriage, not children, gays can already father or mother children, so there is no point discussing that.

I am not comfortable with where the population is at. Africa is destroyed, South American forests gone, Indonesian forests gone. Erosion of topsoil. You and I probably agree on that.


What we have in the world is an energy crisis. If we could lower our use of carbon and come up with a solar panel battery combination that is very efficient, we we could grow huge hydroponic farms of healthy food. So the population could be much higher.

But I would prefer a 1 or 2 billion population of people that have evolved , and great big tracts of land filled with forests and bush and animals living freely, with oceans teeming with life.
It is seriously both hilarious and embarrassing reading this thread... The highlights should be printed and posted in a museum in about 20 years time...

Do you people against same sex marriage even realise that GAY PEOPLE ALREADY LIVE TOGETHER IN COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS, MILLIONS OF THEM????

Do you realise that GAY PEOPLE CAN ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN IF THEY WANT TO? (most prefer a couple of Dachshunds)

Just because they get married isn't going to change a bloody thing and yet it means so much to them. It is the ultimate commitment to one another.

What is wrong with you people seriously? Do you not see how ridiculous you sound? Can you not see that this is inevitable? It is just a matter of time... You don't have to like it but you will have to accept it. You're like children that have a toy that you're bored with but you won't let the other kid have it because you can see how badly they want it.... Have a heart and and stop embarrassing yourselves. AND for gods sake stop hiding behind this "it's all about the children" argument. THIS ISN'T ABOUT LEGALISING CHILDREN INTO GAY RELATIONSHIPS, THAT ALREADY EXISTS! Open another thread if that's what your issue is!

Be honest with yourselves and GROW THE HELL UP.... The next generation is coming

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I cant see how my sister's children have been 'deliberatley deprived" of anything, nor do I see anything in their lives that goes against their "natural instincts". I do know plenty of kids in straight families that have much worse parenting.

If a child is heterosexual then a homosexual environment is contrary to their natural inclinations just as is a homosexual being raised in a heterosexual environment. For a homosexual child its a quirk of nature, for a heterosexual child its a deliberate act to take them out of their natural environment so their 'parents' can pretend they are just like anyone else.
No, Luutzu, I don't agree with changing Marriage, and I have given my reasons why.

As stated in this video, there is no benefit to same sex marriage in society, it actually harms society.
I have also added more throughout this thread.

This trying to steamroll people with this victim mentality, doesn't wash.

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