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Gay Marriage

I certainly agree with you there

I think you're very wrong there....

the vast majority of people under 40 agree with him.
I think people see interracial relationships differently to homosexual ones, well obviously they do.

60 years ago, there was violent opposition against Mix race marriages, many of the same arguments were made against it, especially the fear for children etc.

But anyway, except for the fact that you don't want to step on the "Sensitivities" of some groups in the community, you can't see a problem with allowing same sex couples to marry, am I right?

Not quite true, galumay

For a marriage to be legal and recognised by the State, the celebrant must be State-authorised.
It just so happens that certain religious officials are also authorised celebrants who, apart from religious mumbo-jumbo, can execute the required paperwork for the civil part to be legal as well.
Check and look up the section about authorised celebrants.
Not quite true, galumay

Thanks pixel, i see the distinction - in Australia a religious 'leader' can be an authorised celebrant. In the truly secular states religious leaders cannot be authorised celebrants, they have to be the state official eg Mayor.
So do I.

They are just 'pretend' parents, meanwhile the child has to grow up on the fringes of society and without the male/female role models that children need.

I used to think that way, and in an ideal world, still think that a loving family environment, with mother and father is "preferable"..however, there are so many instances were the ideal does not occur, or is not "ideal" at all, that I changed...what about grandparents for instance?...some kids see them, some not..very important imo

I personally could have just as many concerns, if not more, about adoption, both local and OS.

In the end, whatever my opinion, I cant come at foisting it on some other poor bastad just trying to get thru life (apart from whinging here

Organised religion makes me sick with hypocrisy
In the truly secular states religious leaders cannot be authorised celebrants, they have to be the state official eg Mayor.

A religious person can perform a marriage in a secular state. The fact that a person is religious doesn't stop them filling out government paper work, I mean the government paper work side of things is all secular, the theme of the ceremony is up to you, some people want a priest, some people want an Elvis Impersonator, as long as the person is recognised by the state to perform the required government documentation, the mumbo jumbo theming doesn't matter.

ie, the religious Vows, or the Darth Vader commentary or Elvis flare doesn't actually count for anything as far as the government is concerned. You become married when the celebrant takes you off to the side where you sign the paper work, the rest is just for show.

To me all the religious nonsense at weddings is just as silly as the jedi talk at a star wars themed wedding, except the star wars theming probably brings a smile to more faces.
A religious person can perform a marriage in a secular state.

Well they might be able to in some states that call themselves secular, but as i said, in a true secular state thay cant. (and I gave some examples of countries where religious persons cant perfom marriages that are official in the eyes of the state.)

To me all the religious nonsense at weddings is just as silly as the jedi talk at a star wars themed wedding, except the star wars theming probably brings a smile to more faces.

On that point we are in total agreement!
That poll was for same sex marriage not marriage for all the other scenarios mentioned.

Oh come on, 72% support gay marriage, including a majority in all age groups. Are you seriously suggesting that there are still such high majorities of numbers that oppose interracial marriage that it would make the overall numbers in favour less than 50%?

I said "Its pretty clear the majority of people see relationships as relationships, gender, sexuality, race, dont come into it."

You replied, "I think you are very wrong"

If I am not wrong about sexuality/gender as the poll shows, that only leaves race. I think its clear who is wrong.

Once again, if you dont like gay marriage, dont marry a man.
Depends which poll you look at -- take it to a plebiscite.

The further that a society drifts away from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it

Defend traditional moral values and they will mock, demonise, and censor you.
The politically correct hordes are ruthless, pervasive practitioners.

I haven't met one person who agrees with gays marrying. The only place I see agreement is in discussion boards. The best I have garnered is a pair of gay friends who at best prevaricate, otherwise no one.
I haven't met one person who agrees with gays marrying. The only place I see agreement is in discussion boards. The best I have garnered is a pair of gay friends who at best prevaricate, otherwise no one.

That's probably a generational thing. I'm gen Y and I don't know anyone that opposes it. I bet in another 50 years people will be wondering why we even made such a big fuss about it.

The further that a society drifts away from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it


the societies that have drifted the furthest from the truth are the religious ones, and you are right, they hate people that speak the truth, a lot (including yours) have a long history of killing those who spoke the truth.

Defend traditional moral values and they will mock, demonise, and censor you.
The politically correct hordes are ruthless, pervasive practitioners

"Traditional" and "moral" don't really go together, because "Traditionally" society has been very immoral without realising it.

Traditionally Blacks weren't classed as people
Traditionally women couldn't vote
Traditionally Young Single mothers had their babies stripped away
Traditionally Slavery was accepted
Traditionally rape victims had to marry their attackers
Traditionally Blasphemy was punishable by death

and the list really does go on.

Over time we have slowly dropped those things and adopted better values, and anyone who wanted to stay "Traditional" was in the wrong. Gay marriage is just another step in the right direction.
I haven't met one person who agrees with gays marrying. The only place I see agreement is in discussion boards. The best I have garnered is a pair of gay friends who at best prevaricate, otherwise no one.

I would be surprised if that were true.

I think if you actually asked every one you met throughout each day you would find you are surrounded by people who agree with gay marriage.
I would be surprised if that were true.

I think if you actually asked every one you met throughout each day you would find you are surrounded by people who agree with gay marriage.

I think most people don't really care, but just want it off the agenda so we can talk about more important things nationally, like the attempts by the Right to destroy university education, or how we can solve the deficit problems.
I think most people don't really care, but just want it off the agenda so we can talk about more important things nationally, like the attempts by the Right to destroy university education, or how we can solve the deficit problems.

I'd argue the histrionics of those opposed to same sex marriage is why it's still being debated.

When it's true that my gay marriage has no impact on your marriage or choice to marriage, then there's really no valid argument for opposition. I'm sure some farriers and chimney sweeps lamented the changing times, but societies are forever changing as the beliefs of the masses change them from within.
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