Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

LOL . skc thanks for the facts m8 and pay no heed to the attacks you will get from posting them , this is one of the funniest threads on this forum as the only facts that are acceptable here are the ones that ramp FMG

i personally like both sides to every story so cheers
It's far more likely that anyone buying into FMG would be doing it by the way of equity raising, not an outright stake. Because moreso than anything, they need to get rid of debt to be able to weather the downturn.

But... continue on ramping away as you wish...
No need to get snide Hollowpoint.

SKC is simply putting forwards their opinion, backed up with facts and thoughts, same as you have done so far.

Thanks Mod.

Hollowpoint: Certainly not comparing FMG to BNB - Digging iron ore sounds a lot more like a real business than whatever BNB is up to these days.

Back to my post #1593, thanks for the discussion and good luck with the trade.
:confused: I don't believe I ever said that alernate opinions were unwelcome... I have gone over my posts, and just cannot see it.

I said if you are trying to talk it down, it's working.... If you actually hold FMG, it would make NO SENSE AT ALL to actually WANT the share price to decrease. Yes, I would seriously question a FMG shareholder who wants to spread negativity... it just doesn't seem too bright to me... it's usually buyers who want to buy as cheap as possible that are negative on a particular stock.

As for ramping, is it ramping to put forward a theory that has merit? Is it ramping to have a positive outlook? It's not like I am saying it's a sure thing or anything.... it's a theory, and one I believe to be true. Of course I'd like to see FMG trading a lot higher... so would every other FMG shareholder. But I have made it very very clear it's a theory, not a reality (yet).

But, like I said, posting FMG negative is a bit like going to an AC/DC fan club website and trashing the band...
FMG ship was turned back at a chinese port, from the sound of it... not good news I guess.

Here's a thought... for those interested in conspiracy theories...

1) china reduces demand
2) miners panic and get on the phone to find out more
3) china says okay, we could possibly take more, give us a better deal and we will think about it
4) in the interim, china buys up chunks of mining stock while prices are low
5) china sits back and waits, telling australia they can't possibly take any more iron ore
6) miners say okay, here is a better price
6) china eventually says okay, now we can take more
7) china gets better prices AND now owns a chunk of miners for peanuts
8) now that china is buying again, the shares go up, and china makes a killing

just an idea i had. are they devious enough to do this? absolutely. is it in their best interests? absolutely. is there anything we could have done to stop this from happening? absolutely not.

the chinese economy is very very healthy, and it would not be the first time that they have used such a tactic.


lol, I love these type of threads, very entertaining.

How's this for a conspiracy theory:

FMG was over priced and is now maybe starting to find some value, or maybe not:p:. It's a long way back up to $10+ from here and it could be a long time before we see those levels again (if ever). The fact is FMG is currently carrying alot of debt with little or no earnings (atm) and in these current conditions that is asking to be punished by the market.

FMG is a very good example of a bubble stock imo, look at some of the old posts and you will see the euphoria and carry on that this stock can't fail etc etc. Then on the way down there are numerous posts about this being the bottom and now is the time to buy - all the way down from $12+ to below $2.00. A very good lesson about the stockmarket imo.

The people that make good money consistantly from the markets are the ones that know not only when to buy but when to sell.
Hi can someone give me an exact production cost per tonne for fmg it should be available under research somewhere

thanks in advance
i work out my view of this stock-

and i understand everyones point of view-because i dont feel any of us is wrong we are just stuck between yes or no-

others feel its worth what it should be worth

others feel its cheap and u can't blame them because we have come from $13.00 to to the high $1.90 etc etc

others feel that its in trouble because its loss over 80 % in 3-4 months etc

others dont care if they buy now and hold for 5-7 years wether they make money or it never gets pass their buying point?

others think the market conditions are bad-i said that myself and who can say its good trading out their-

so if we take in all the above and more- i feel that i am getting what the market is saying-i am not saying i understand it just saying its going to do whatever its going to do wether i have a say about it-

is that not the talk? the market talks and we choose to listen or not?

their is heaps of good buys or stocks out their doing well but the market does not think so-

i made up my mind-


does that mean you dont know and are pointing me the way ?

thats ok i,m asking here as i thought someone may know


You are lucky to get the address of FMG from Agro - our only hope for FMG information and the very fact you did not get andrew or graeme's email address or website . :)

Jokes apart with so much debt no matter whatever $ per ton data published in last quarterly report about the production cost of FMG ore will be wrong and it is only to be delivered by Chris C or Peter Thomas (also director of MOL) to the board.

But they will not tell any one until the next quarterly report is due.

I will not try to do any research on FMG at least for next two months and will watch on the side line without committing any further money.

Good luck my friend

Disclaimer I am still holding the papers stating FMG shares on my drawer.
Just read in share select site

Fortescue is consolidating at the $1.85 level. This stock hit a high of $13.15 in June, so after an 86% fall maybe it has found a base value. However that has been said before. We said that the Bollinger bands were squeezing and it gave the impression that a break-out would occur. Fortescue has proven it with massive falls over the past few days. As the chart shows, there is a dominant downtrend that has pushed Fortescue through successive support levels. It went up very quickly and has fallen faster.

Click here for details on FMG company events and announcements.

Number of conflicting articles going around...has to be some truth to the rumors.

"Chinese steel mills eye FMG stake" 7:48 AM, 18 Nov 2008

A tour of China by Fortescue Metals Group CEO Andrew Forrest has paid off, with a number of Chinese iron ore clients now reportedly prepared to offer capital in return for an equity holding. The most likely steel producer to make that move is Baosteel. On 17 November 2008 Fortescue stock closed $A0.02 lower at $A1.855

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Its a bit quiet today, too quiet!! well im jumping in big time tomoro,Any of you sidelines fellas with me, wish me luck!!!
Thankyou kindly , excellent article , personally think we gunna see a lot ofa different story come full year accounts .

:) my question was mainly to a few of the rampers here to see if they knew the mechanics of there company :D.i like to ask these things from time to time

onya rhino , good article

Funny how 11 million tons already shipped fails to get a mention too Nunny, not too bad an effort for 6 months work, would take MGX 4 years to even see these figures :eek:. Regardless the old FMG is pretty battered and bruised ATM, think its going to be the first company in history who's income exceeds its market cap...:)
Funny how 11 million tons already shipped fails to get a mention too Nunny, not too bad an effort for 6 months work, would take MGX 4 years to even see these figures :eek:. Regardless the old FMG is pretty battered and bruised ATM, think its going to be the first company in history who's income exceeds its market cap...:)

:D funny how you didnt answer my original question frank , by the way what date is FMG,s due debt repayment due ? pretty sure theres one due soon