Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

how come every time i log on to aussie stock forums i notice FMG in the top 10 threads on the main page?

just goes to show, regardless of whether you like it or hate it, there is heated debate about the company

does this say something about its popularity ;)

Need to check the chart to determine popularity agro


  • FMG 2yrs weekly.gif
    FMG 2yrs weekly.gif
    9.3 KB · Views: 277
i couldn't careless about the chart, find me a chart that is trending up and i will buy stocks in that company..

if FMG being in the top 10 threads is not a predictor of popularity than can you explain to me what it is a predictor of?

i mean even the people not in favor of FMG and unlikely to hold it are posting!!

there must be a motive ;) otherwise they would not be doing it


cbf further replying - waste of time
Former stock market darlings always had a following. Its spectacular fall from grace attracts attention... Its more morbid curiosity than true speculative interest... Similar for pre-merge Zinifex, Centro, Bear Sterns... etc
Need to check the chart to determine popularity agro

er ummmmmm, almost everything is going down at the moment....

Lets compare to other Iron Ore stocks...

BCI - Down 85%
AGO - Down 84%
CFE - Down 56%
MGX - Down 89%

FMG - Down 78%
er ummmmmm, almost everything is going down at the moment....

Lets compare to other Iron Ore stocks...

BCI - Down 85%
AGO - Down 84%
CFE - Down 56%
MGX - Down 89%

FMG - Down 78%

that is exactly the point gav. when a stock is obviously, so very, very, obviously headed south, the options are to:
1) cover
2) short
3) exit
not a lot to be made from either of:
4) holding
5) buying
particularly when that stock is speculative - ie not paying a div, but hey, each to their own I guess.
I am not currently in FMG (either dirrection) having shorted after the uptrend broke. I post here attempting to provide some balance to bad advice that some may be influenced by.
As for the seasoned trader/investor, I do not for a second think they would take notice of much on here.

I dont hold FMG, but did in the past. Held a bit too long, an expensive lesson. Some of the posts flogging FMG here amaze me, why arent these ppl doing the same in the MGX thread?

I am all in cash atm.
i couldn't careless about the chart, find me a chart that is trending up and i will buy stocks in that company..
MTS is, and CPU aint doing too badly.

I dont hold FMG, but did in the past. Held a bit too long, an expensive lesson. Some of the posts flogging FMG here amaze me, why arent these ppl doing the same in the MGX thread?

I am all in cash atm.
Because you don't have an admitted ramper cheerleading it, in the thread?
er ummmmmm, almost everything is going down at the moment....

Lets compare to other Iron Ore stocks...

BCI - Down 85%
AGO - Down 84%
CFE - Down 56%
MGX - Down 89%

FMG - Down 78%

LOL u wanna know the funniest part ? MGX the only one actually turning a profit with a positive cashflow ...............weird aint it .........

oops sorry or pointing that out , its just your statistics had me lookin

I dont hold FMG, but did in the past. Held a bit too long, an expensive lesson. Some of the posts flogging FMG here amaze me, why arent these ppl doing the same in the MGX thread?

I am all in cash atm.

lol my turn to dig now darl :)

:D all 50% of it ............. anyways ya read my posts ............. go fmg for lovers of stock

ps the reason MGX thread aint so heated is perhaps ppl post facts there and research INSTEAD of some of the fairytale posts made here 80% of the time

blessya son
Nun, my last post was not a "dig" at you or anyone else. I was simply posting FACTS (which according to you, only make up 20% of this thread).

MGX may be cash flow positive, but how much profit have they lost due to the ridiculous hedging of $0.90AU. What a silly risk to take that was, assuming the aussie dollar would remain over 90cents. Meanwhile SP is down 90%, so their shareholders suffer.
No worries Chops,

I don't think we have any met's lurking on ASF atm, this question may have to remain unanswered for tonight at least ;)


Folks who hold FMG and JMAN (who does not hold)

Have you ever seen the metallurgical analysis published by FMG for its current 45 55 or 100 MTPA mines ore body?

Last time they published it was very high silica and alumina. I remember have posted in this thread about requirement of desanding plant

Still FMG a real mystery but unfortunately with share price slump Twiggy is not the richest person of Australia any more


Miner (Do hold:banghead:_
that is exactly the point gav. when a stock is obviously, so very, very, obviously headed south, the options are to:
1) cover
2) short
3) exit
not a lot to be made from either of:
4) holding
5) buying
particularly when that stock is speculative - ie not paying a div, but hey, each to their own I guess.
I am not currently in FMG (either dirrection) having shorted after the uptrend broke. I post here attempting to provide some balance to bad advice that some may be influenced by.
As for the seasoned trader/investor, I do not for a second think they would take notice of much on here.

I think we need to be careful here with our definitions - a speculative stock is generally accepted to be one that is exploring yet has not found anything yet, or that has found something but could find more, or that still needs to sort out partners, funding etc in order to proceed to production, eg SDL.

To say that FMG is speculative because it does not pay a dividend is misleading IMO
I think we need to be careful here with our definitions - a speculative stock is generally accepted to be one that is exploring yet has not found anything yet, or that has found something but could find more, or that still needs to sort out partners, funding etc in order to proceed to production, eg SDL.

To say that FMG is speculative because it does not pay a dividend is misleading IMO

accept different definitions jono but have always held to the following from Business Encyclopedia: Stocks

"There are four main categories of common stock, each of which is best for a particular investment strategy and purpose.

Blue-chip stocks. High-grade, or blue-chip, stocks are issued by well-established corporations with many years of proven success, earnings growth, and consistent dividend payments. Blue-chip stocks tend to be relatively high priced and offer a relatively low-income yield. They are a relatively safe investment.
Income stocks. Income stocks pay a higher-than-average return on investment. They are generally issued by firms in stable businesses that have no need to reinvest a large percentage of profits each year.
Growth stocks. Issued by firms expected to grow rapidly during the years to come, growth stocks have a current income that is often low, since the company plows back most of its earnings into research and expansion. However, the value of the stock may rise quickly if the company performs up to expectations.
Speculative stocks. Speculative stocks are backed by no proven corporate track record or lengthy dividend history. Stocks issued by little-known companies or newly formed corporations, high-flying "glamour" stocks issued by companies in new business areas, and low-priced "penny stocks" may all be considered speculative stocks. As with any speculative investment, there is a possibility of tremendous profit””but a substantial risk of losing all as well."
Wouldn't those definitions place FMG in as a Growth stock then not spec. The Cash for FMG did just increase $432million in the last Qtr.
Wouldn't those definitions place FMG in as a Growth stock then not spec. The Cash for FMG did just increase $432million in the last Qtr.

correct but people don't know what the definition of speculative is

they tend to use it freely.. cash will increase next year too with further ramp up of production
Wouldn't those definitions place FMG in as a Growth stock then not spec. The Cash for FMG did just increase $432million in the last Qtr.

no, because it does not meet this essential requirement to be a growth stock yet"Speculative stocks are backed by no proven corporate track record or lengthy dividend history"
FMG is still spec because it has no div history at all.
no, because it does not meet this essential requirement to be a growth stock yet"Speculative stocks are backed by no proven corporate track record or lengthy dividend history"
FMG is still spec because it has no div history at all.

tell me this...

was RIO and BHP once a speculative stock in that case?

i think you are forgetting 2008 has been the year FMG has shipped its first iron ore

it has done remarkably well... dividends will come
accept different definitions jono but have always held to the following from Business Encyclopedia: Stocks

"There are four main categories of common stock, each of which is best for a particular investment strategy and purpose.

Blue-chip stocks. High-grade, or blue-chip, stocks are issued by well-established corporations with many years of proven success, earnings growth, and consistent dividend payments. Blue-chip stocks tend to be relatively high priced and offer a relatively low-income yield. They are a relatively safe investment.
Income stocks. Income stocks pay a higher-than-average return on investment. They are generally issued by firms in stable businesses that have no need to reinvest a large percentage of profits each year.
Growth stocks. Issued by firms expected to grow rapidly during the years to come, growth stocks have a current income that is often low, since the company plows back most of its earnings into research and expansion. However, the value of the stock may rise quickly if the company performs up to expectations.
Speculative stocks. Speculative stocks are backed by no proven corporate track record or lengthy dividend history. Stocks issued by little-known companies or newly formed corporations, high-flying "glamour" stocks issued by companies in new business areas, and low-priced "penny stocks" may all be considered speculative stocks. As with any speculative investment, there is a possibility of tremendous profit””but a substantial risk of losing all as well."

According to these definitions, FMG is a growth stock then - current income is low due to self-funding expansion, expected to grow rapidly (40 - 50 - 160mtpa over the next five years), value may rise quickly (as evidenced up until June) ;)
how come every time i log on to aussie stock forums i notice FMG in the top 10 threads on the main page?

just goes to show, regardless of whether you like it or hate it, there is heated debate about the company

does this say something about its popularity ;)

Because lot of people are now sitting at a paper loss and looking for way to calm their confidence :)
Until China buying iron at crazy price again this stock is not going any where soon and if this prolong and at the rate they are burning money they may goes broke before the good time start again.