Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

So is anyone in this thread still holding aside from value collector?
I am still holding and accumulating. I very rarely sell any stocks that I purchase. I originally purchased FMG in 2004 and have been accumulating ever since. Prior to last month I purchased 3/9/2020 at $5.41/share... My average cost prior to the purchase last month was $2.88/share... US... I am only purchasing additional shares with dividend money... meaning I may purchase more when the price goes down an additional 15%-20% with this last dividend payout... I purchase as FSUMF and FSUGY in US dollars. I am not at a full position of FMG as I will not put more than 5% of my net worth in any single company...
Look into dividend reinvestment plans dat111, you can probably save yourself a mint on taxes if you play things right ;)
is carbon capture the best way forward , i believe in more efficiency of energy use ( not wasting the excess ) is the better way , energy generation costs are liable to rise , unless some develops a new technology , solar and wind are nice but not 100% reliable , wave technology is still not up to the task for heavy need , nuclear is still fairly expensive to build the plant

imo there is still room for research and development especially in remote areas where demand cycles can be estimated accurately

so if any of the billionaires have a better way to generate energy let them research ( and let them have the usual tax breaks for it ) got to be better than government wasting energy and time with more regulations ( that often never get enforced anyway
Look into dividend reinvestment plans dat111, you can probably save yourself a mint on taxes if you play things right ;)
I pay taxes in the US... I pay 20% in taxes regardless whether I DRIP or I reinvest the dividends. I used to always DRIP before I could purchase shares for free... but since I can purchase shares for free and I noticed that different brokerage accounts DRIP at different purchase prices and the spreadsheet I built showed that I could do better... I purchase my dividends on my own now...
is carbon capture the best way forward , i believe in more efficiency of energy use ( not wasting the excess ) is the better way , energy generation costs are liable to rise , unless some develops a new technology , solar and wind are nice but not 100% reliable , wave technology is still not up to the task for heavy need , nuclear is still fairly expensive to build the plant

imo there is still room for research and development especially in remote areas where demand cycles can be estimated accurately

so if any of the billionaires have a better way to generate energy let them research ( and let them have the usual tax breaks for it ) got to be better than government wasting energy and time with more regulations ( that often never get enforced anyway

is carbon capture the best way forward , i believe in more efficiency of energy use ( not wasting the excess ) is the better way , energy generation costs are liable to rise , unless some develops a new technology , solar and wind are nice but not 100% reliable , wave technology is still not up to the task for heavy need , nuclear is still fairly expensive to build the plant

imo there is still room for research and development especially in remote areas where demand cycles can be estimated accurately

so if any of the billionaires have a better way to generate energy let them research ( and let them have the usual tax breaks for it ) got to be better than government wasting energy and time with more regulations ( that often never get enforced anyway
I graduated with a BS in Chemical Engineering in 1989... During our senior year one of our classes was plant design. My year our task was to design a Methanol plant using the flue gas from a coal fired power plant... That is carbon capture at its finest....
Wait a second.. He is talking about making Ammonia or Hydrogen using solar power...have you studied those costs... There are serious engineering problems. The cost to make ammonia or hydrogen using solar power is also economically nonviable. Having the dream to create green steel is wonderful but creating a product that costs a great deal more than what other people will be producing the same product for is bad business.

Perhaps not ? And frankly Twiggy Forest is probably the last person on earth to go into a venture that won't make a buck. More importantly he has a health realisation that there is new technology available that can achieve these outcomes. He will be prepared to commercialise it.

Perhaps not ? And frankly Twiggy Forest is probably the last person on earth to go into a venture that won't make a buck. More importantly he has a health realisation that there is new technology available that can achieve these outcomes. He will be prepared to commercialise it.

depends on how solar is used

most think of solar as in solar panels , but you also have reflectors which are used less often but still used , and other ways MIGHT be capable of commercial applications ( say generating intense heat but not converting to electricity first )

with solar the persistent problem is the cyclical patterns ( unless you are collecting from space ) and that might be inconvenient
depends on how solar is used

most think of solar as in solar panels , but you also have reflectors which are used less often but still used , and other ways MIGHT be capable of commercial applications ( say generating intense heat but not converting to electricity first )

with solar the persistent problem is the cyclical patterns ( unless you are collecting from space ) and that might be inconvenient
you can superheat water in classic thermal power station with solar before actual gas/coal combustion and that's a nice easy way to gain a bit of efficiency/retrofit some existing coal stations
yes there are some interesting ways .. the hard bit is to make it cost efficient for the task you want achieved

but Twiggy should have some smart engineers already in the company , i am sure he will cull the unworthy techniques
Twiggy should have some smart engineers already in the company , i am sure he will cull the unworthy techniques
Something to always remember is that so long as it does work, efficiency isn't a barrier to adoption if it can be done profitably.

Countless things are woefully inefficient from a purely technical perspective but they work as such, they do what they're supposed to do, and the market's willing to buy them which makes for a viable business.

As one example, gold mining involves digging up huge amounts of ore and throwing 99.999% of it away in order to get a tiny bit of gold out of it. It's still a very workable business though despite that huge inefficiency of moving waste rock around and processing it.

Same goes for hydrogen. From a business perspective, so long as it can be produced at a price that enables it to be profitably sold then as a business it's viable even if it's inefficient in a technical sense. :2twocents
Something to always remember is that so long as it does work, efficiency isn't a barrier to adoption if it can be done profitably.

Countless things are woefully inefficient from a purely technical perspective but they work as such, they do what they're supposed to do, and the market's willing to buy them which makes for a viable business.

As one example, gold mining involves digging up huge amounts of ore and throwing 99.999% of it away in order to get a tiny bit of gold out of it. It's still a very workable business though despite that huge inefficiency of moving waste rock around and processing it.

Same goes for hydrogen. From a business perspective, so long as it can be produced at a price that enables it to be profitably sold then as a business it's viable even if it's inefficient in a technical sense. :2twocents
And once you bring narrative based taxfunded money, efficiency has no role....
In the past decades, wood pellet burner were subsidized in France to rrplace oil burners..heating in winter..but a no go now, so subsidies for electrical heating...nuclear..and would not be surprised to find than "clean" gas is still agencies being often a war it just in France? ?
i equate efficiency with profitability , sure i might be twisted

and sure given time and thought an even better way might be discovered

now WHEN ore extraction becomes almost perfect you might wonder when the 'waste' might be put to better use as well ( roads , drainage , etc etc ... )

of course if the world proceeds on it's current Communist/Socialist trajectory all this will become a redundant discussion
Perhaps not ? And frankly Twiggy Forest is probably the last person on earth to go into a venture that won't make a buck. More importantly he has a health realisation that there is new technology available that can achieve these outcomes. He will be prepared to commercialise it.

Have you looked at the chemistry and math? It is wonderful to think that new technology is going to become available but chemistry, physics and math pretty much dictate what is possible. It is not possible to take the sun's energy, turn it into electricity, then convert this electricity to hydrogen...cheaper than what is currently being done unless the government is forcing the issue... Twiggy is playing politics to force the government into a position that he can make more money at... and if you go back to what I commented on is the thought that Twiggy is complaining about the government putting $250M into carbon capture...
Have you looked at the chemistry and math? It is wonderful to think that new technology is going to become available but chemistry, physics and math pretty much dictate what is possible. It is not possible to take the sun's energy, turn it into electricity, then convert this electricity to hydrogen...cheaper than what is currently being done unless the government is forcing the issue... Twiggy is playing politics to force the government into a position that he can make more money at... and if you go back to what I commented on is the thought that Twiggy is complaining about the government putting $250M into carbon capture...
Yes sometimes nature and physic tend to not understand Narrative
Like carbon capture..a concept who every year 12 ,even bad at math can debunk...
1billion so far of taxpayer money wasted so far,and counting in Qld
Yes sometimes nature and physic tend to not understand Narrative
Like carbon capture..a concept who every year 12 ,even bad at math can debunk...
1billion so far of taxpayer money wasted so far,and counting in Qld
But FMG is i think playing well..more narrative than acts..better than BHP who actually sell its assets in oil and gas just as they are going to make a killing.dumb and dumber,but a trademark..
Have you looked at the chemistry and math? It is wonderful to think that new technology is going to become available but chemistry, physics and math pretty much dictate what is possible. It is not possible to take the sun's energy, turn it into electricity, then convert this electricity to hydrogen...cheaper than what is currently being done unless the government is forcing the issue... Twiggy is playing politics to force the government into a position that he can make more money at... and if you go back to what I commented on is the thought that Twiggy is complaining about the government putting $250M into carbon capture...

The UNSW crews new hybrid plasma-electrochemical tech is about being a greener method than the Haber-Bosch method, as their tech does not produce CO2. (It's lab-scale research.) Here's a link to their Journal Article; A hybrid plasma electrocatalytic process for sustainable ammonia production - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing) (sorry it's pay-walled, supplementary info is free and somewhat interesting)

As this a FMG thread I best say something iron orey. I wouldn't be surprised if the iron ore price drops down to 75 USD/T or lower over the next few months, winter cycle in china and all that jazz. Also congrats to Fortescue on buying into High yield Energy Technologies (HyET) Group.
iron ore demand down ( unless there is a a major hot war , not that i want one , but SOME do ) yes i agree with that
if Evergrande is the signal for a wider construction industry downturn , that would double your chances of being correct

i am still watching for Brazil to come back online with full iron-ore production just to add more pressure on the iron price

now to my mind the recent price peaks are an extraordinary glitch in the usual resource investment cycle , now sure the falling purchasing power of ( most ) currencies has been a big help to prices .

however i am still interested in adding more FMG cheaper ( because i wasn't buying years back , like the Twiggy faithful were )

so a seasonal downturn will not be totally bad for me , if it happens .. and last i heard FMG can export iron ore at a rather low price and remain profitable , especially if the Australian dollar stays weak compared to the $US dollar .
The UNSW crews new hybrid plasma-electrochemical tech is about being a greener method than the Haber-Bosch method, as their tech does not produce CO2. (It's lab-scale research.) Here's a link to their Journal Article; A hybrid plasma electrocatalytic process for sustainable ammonia production - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing) (sorry it's pay-walled, supplementary info is free and somewhat interesting)

As this a FMG thread I best say something iron orey. I wouldn't be surprised if the iron ore price drops down to 75 USD/T or lower over the next few months, winter cycle in china and all that jazz. Also congrats to Fortescue on buying into High yield Energy Technologies (HyET) Group.
The SMR process before the H-B process, however, emits CO2 when converting CH4 + H2O into CO2 + H2.

They now use an electrolytic process to wrestle hydrogen free from oxygen in water to give to the nitrogen - as well as to react with the Ox attached to it.

This pretty much corresponds to electrolysis of water to make free hydrogen.

What they have really devised is a way of separating nitrogen out of air using plasma activation. And it remains to be seen whether this is more efficient than cryogenic air separation...

Their process: 1836 kJ/mol for the electrolysis.
Energy loss (from hydrogen) in H-B process: 46 kJ/mol NH3
Additional energy consumption to produce the hydrogen: 550 kJ/mol NH3

I'm afraid I fail to see how this is an improvement let alone a method to produce hydrogen energy that is more efficient than fossil fuels. We all must realize that unless all countries go green the ones that don't are going to be where the wealth is going to be transferred. The countries who think they are going to be saving the world are not going to save the world and destroy themselves...
The SMR process before the H-B process, however, emits CO2 when converting CH4 + H2O into CO2 + H2.

They now use an electrolytic process to wrestle hydrogen free from oxygen in water to give to the nitrogen - as well as to react with the Ox attached to it.

This pretty much corresponds to electrolysis of water to make free hydrogen.

What they have really devised is a way of separating nitrogen out of air using plasma activation. And it remains to be seen whether this is more efficient than cryogenic air separation...

Their process: 1836 kJ/mol for the electrolysis.
Energy loss (from hydrogen) in H-B process: 46 kJ/mol NH3
Additional energy consumption to produce the hydrogen: 550 kJ/mol NH3

I'm afraid I fail to see how this is an improvement let alone a method to produce hydrogen energy that is more efficient than fossil fuels. We all must realize that unless all countries go green the ones that don't are going to be where the wealth is going to be transferred. The countries who think they are going to be saving the world are not going to save the world and destroy themselves...
a little trip to China economic powerhouse areas would be beneficial to our Greta fans to have a clue; you can save next door stream with local action, you do not save the world by cycling to work.
luckily CO2 is a distraction so that does not matter much, just destroy the west; but more issues are killing our planes and sadly,same principle is still true, we can do not much alone