Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


The people behind water fluoridation seem to be dentists, epidemiologists, and government beurucrats amongst others. Why don't you explain who you think are behind it. I don't see some great conspiracy just people trying to improve society by reducing dental caries.

freddy - ever wondered why majority of european countries won't have a bar of water fluoridation??
freddy - ever wondered why majority of european countries won't have a bar of water fluoridation??

The stupidest part of the Water Fluoridation/Chlorination etc Debate is that the people who approved this monstrosity aren't just poisoning us, they're poisoning themselves and their families as well.

Many European countries ozonate their water as well instead of chlorinating.

Fluoride is the primary ingredient used in anti-depressants.
Chlorine is the primary ingredient used in chemical weapons.
Well, Qld Parliament is in the process of wrapping up for the night and this sitting session... and still no Fluoridation Bill passed. :D

As the sitting timetable stands now, the next session is 11 to 13 March. With a 1/2 dozen bills on the adgenda ahead of it, I doubt it will get to resume the second reading there, unless they expedite it up the adgenga. The following session is 15 to 17 April.

So, we've got a bit more time to try to get this thing derailed to the scrap heap. :cool:

Any new info that people come across, post it up and we'll see how useful it can be.
Re: E-Petition

Please Support the E-Petition calling for a water fluoridation referendum in Queensland.

Help fight forced water fluoridation by signing the E-Petition on the Queenland Parliament website ; please click on link below ( or paste into browser if not live ) QUEENSLAND RESIDENTS ONLY

The petition reads:"Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the high level of public concern in relation to mandatory fluoridation of Queensland's potable water supplies.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to give the people of Queensland the opportunity for an informed choice by referendum on mandatory fluoridation, to be held prior to the debate on the bill."

Whilst this is not everything we would want, because a lost referendum can force people to consume fluoride against their will, it is the best opportunity to tell the Government how we feel. It is also an opportunity for people who believe in the rights of others to have a free choice, to also have their say, by supporting this petition.

The Principal Petitioner is Denis Connolly, 11 Dawson Road, Gladstone, Qld. 4680 and it will be sponsored into the Queensland Parliament by Independent member - Liz Cunningham MP.

This is very important - Please sign the petition NOW.
Note: The closing date is 21st March. If you are against Water fluoridation, add your signature now.
Alex Jones sure isn't happy about Sodium Fluoride being put in his water.

And before you think he is a crackpot, go do some research, everything this guy says is documented...
Chlorine is the primary ingredient used in chemical weapons.
And table salt.

Agreed with much of what has been said on this thread but just because a chemical has a bad or otherwise questionable use doesn't automatically mean the chemical itself is automatically bad in any application.

Cars, electricity and water itself cause quite a few deaths. That doesn't make them bad as such.

Ozone is toxic by the way.:2twocents
Isnt every element in the periodic table toxic/dangerous in some form/dosage or another?
An article in today's "Sunday Mail" says The Australian Beverages Council has asked Food Standards Australia New Zealand for permission to add fluoride to bottled water and water coolers.

What, then, are people who do not want to consume fluoride supposed to do if they cannot afford a reverse osmosis filtration system (about $1000) and have no capacity for rainwater tanks?

I suggest others who are against fluoride should make their protests to both The Australian Beverages Council (Google brings up their Contact address) and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (ditto with Google).
An article in today's "Sunday Mail" says The Australian Beverages Council has asked Food Standards Australia New Zealand for permission to add fluoride to bottled water and water coolers.

Yeah, I saw that julia. It looks like a push to dispose of fluoride from industrial waste further around the world since more places in the USA in particular are turning fluoridation off. From what I am finding most if not all new fluoridation plants are in states where it has been forced with legislation as in Qld. It's not unlike many drugs that the USA ban, but the manufacturers then turn to other countries to dump the stuff. Watching with interest.

Isnt every element in the periodic table toxic/dangerous in some form/dosage or another?

Prawn, what you say is true as a loose generalisation. But such generalisation tends to be dismissive of the intrinsec danger and toxicity of many of those elements or compounds of, some of which are banned from use such as asbestos, other extremely dangerous elements such as products of uranium, not no mention the S7 POISONS of which concentrated fluoride is included.

There is one quality that makes fluoride intrinsictly toxic and more dangerous than others, and , ie fluoride does not evaporate off in steam like other elements. It concentrates in the residue in the container.This is a particular concern with cooking and processed foods made from boiled down water bases.

It is even a problem with natural fluoride in artesian water in outback Qld. The QDPI warns people to test the water for fluoride and empty out troughs regularly rather than top up to dispose of the concentrated fluoride, because evaporation lowers water levels and by topping up the trough, the fluoride concentration increases to a point where it kills and seriously maims livestock.

In the US cattle have been severly affected by airborne fluoride settling on pasture. Graziers have won significant settlements which included buying out of their farms.

I posted much earlier in the thread that Europe was avoiding produce from California because of the high fluoride residues.

The other important issue that makes fluoride intrinsictly toxic and more dangerous is there is no cure for overdosing fluoride. It is irreversable. You are stuck with the adverse effects and a lower quality of life until you die.

Even the WHO and the US authorities say while there seems to be some benifit in preventing too decay, there is a greatly disproportionate lack of research into the side effects of fluoridation. There is also increasing evidence showing questionable advantages of fluoridation.

The Qld government regularly uses the catch cry that there is no credible evidence that fluotidation is harmful. So that begs one look at the credability and vested interests in their own evidence.

The main research in Australia quoted to measure cavities is The child dental health survey, Australia 2002. This is carried out by the Australian Research Center for POPULATION ORAL HEALTH (ARCPOH) in the School of Dentistry at the University of Adelaide.

What is not published with the report is that The University of Adelaide School of Dentistry is sponsored by Colgate.

The other point is the full name of the report which is also not published probably it's a dead give away for the motivation of the report. The full report name is Water fluoridation and childrens dental health - The child dental health survey, Australia 2002.

When one reads the full report including the paragraph about the qualifications of the data by the researchers and why NSW figures weren't included that time, ( Post 240 and since the QLD gov makes a big issue of credability, their main source of data... a report by a university sponsored by the fluoride industry and with a vested interest in promoting fluoridation... has to be of dubious credability.

But then that is why the Qld gov legislated forced fluoridation and indemnified everyone from prosecution and let the recourse fall back on the state. Otherwise, in a normal court of law their evidence would hardly be considered 'indipendent', rather it could be successfully challenged as being biased, tainted with sponsorship by the fluoride industry.
I saw this image and thought some might appreciate it... or not.


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I have not read all entire lot of posts so sorry if I repeat.

Fluoridation History: Some group of people in the world had very good teeth and doctors scientist wondered why...? They found the community had a naturally high level of fluoride in the water. So they applied this theory to the rest of us.

Dosage: The dose rate is very well controlled in your water system. Do not self medicate unless you are careful because a small amount of F is great a lot is very bad.

Removal (if think you have to, I don't): Buy an under sink reverse osmosis unit or maybe better a filter that is specific for fluoride. Each have limited life so you must check the swap out frequency or buy a F test kit so you can see if its still removing F.

Please don't start complaining about chlorine in your water.
I have not read all entire lot of posts so sorry if I repeat.

The following quote borrowed from the bottom of Whiskers' post (three posts back in this thread):

If you think you can think about a thing, inextricably attached to something else, without thinking of the thing it is attached to, then you have a legal mind. (Thomas Reed Powell)

SilverDollar, by posting on this thread expressing a strong opinion whilst ignoring all earlier posts I think you may have just qualified for that legal mind....

Please don't start complaining about chlorine in your water.

Not sure what you are trying to say here exactly, but of course we all know that without the Chlorine we would not have a potable water supply. Fluoride is an additive that has nothing to do with purification of the water.

But thanks for the advice on reverse osmosis and the Fluoride test kit.
Are there people in hospitals from drinking fluoride long term and whats the death rate.I have never heard or seen effects of either side of the arguement.
Are there people in hospitals from drinking fluoride long term and whats the death rate.I have never heard or seen effects of either side of the arguement.

this from the mecola website:

Fluoridation Increases Lead Absorption In Children

The chemical most commonly used to fluoridate America's drinking water is associated with an increase in children's blood lead levels. Most studies that purport fluoridation's safety and effectiveness in preventing cavities use the chemical sodium fluoride. However, most communities inject cheaper silicofluorides (fluosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride) into their drinking water based on the theory that each chemical comes apart totally, so that freed fluoride can incorporate into tooth enamel.

However, the silicofluorides (SiF) do not separate completely, as sodium fluoride does, As a result, water treatment with silicofluorides functions to increase the cellular uptake of lead.

In research published in the International Journal of Environmental Studies (September 1999), Masters and Coplan studied lead screening data from 280,000 Massachusetts children. They found that average blood lead levels are significantly higher in children living in communities whose water is treated with silicofluorides. Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey (NHANES III) and a survey of over 120,000 children in New York towns (population 15,000 to 75,000) corroborate this effect.

Masters and Coplan reported that some minorities are especially at risk in high SiF exposure areas, where Black and Mexican American children have significantly higher blood lead levels than they do in unfluoridated communities.

Silicofluorides are used by over 90% of U.S. fluoridated towns and cities. Ironically, children with higher blood lead levels also have more tooth decay (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 23/30, 1999 reviewed in a previous newsletter).

So water fluoridation may prove to cause tooth decay rather than prevent it. This research is just another block stacked on a giant wall of evidence that proves fluoridation is neither safe nor effective -- no matter what fluoride chemical is used.

Lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and at high levels, seizures, coma and even death, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Lead is a highly significant risk factor in predicting higher rates of crime, attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity and learning disabilities. Higher rates of violent crime and substance abuse in silicofluoridated communities were also found in research that is yet to be published.

Web sites:

CONTACT: Paul Beeber, J.D.,
P.O. Box 263, Old Bethpage, NY, 18804-0263, phone, 516-433-8882, fax, 516-433-8932,; or Professor Roger D. Masters, Ph.D., 603-646-2153, or fax, 603-646-0508,

"17th International Neurotoxicology Conference Children's Health and the Environment," Little Rock, Arkansas, October 17-20, 1999


Dr. Mercola's Comment:

If you still don’t believe fluoride is a toxin that should be avoided not only in your water and toothpaste but also at your dentist, then I would recommend you look at the fluoride links on my "Links" tab at my home page
I have never heard or seen effects of either side of the arguement.

Hi petervan.

Thanks for you interest.

I was in exactly the same position as you until Julia started this thread. I pretty much believed what the advertising was saying and stoked on plenty of fluoridated toothpaste all my life and never worried about gargling and swollowing a little. Fortunately for me, I have mostly drank non-fluoridated water.

Just out of curiosity I did some research, particularly into what the WHO, US Dental Association's, EPA, FDA and some other well respected (main stream) research was saying and noticed a distinct pattern of Fluoridation advocates selectively [mis]quoting research to favour their objective.

The common theme portrayed, often with advertising with government funds, by pro fluoridation advocates in the public service is that "there is no credible evidence to support the claims of adverse effects..." But importantly, these people won't have anything of conducting more research as the WHO and others clearly say is necessary to determine what exactly the safe level of fluoride is.

Are there people in hospitals from drinking fluoride long term and whats the death rate.

Yes, [premature] death is an uncurable certainty where naturally high fluoride exists in the water as in parts of China in particular and even in the case of livestock watered from some artesian water in western Queensland. There have been occasional deaths from overdosing malfunctions of fluoridation equipment and quite a few cases where dozens, even hundreds of people, including school children have become ill, some requiring hospitilisation.

But for the main part Fluoride is a slow, premature death by disrupting various natural chemical reactions thus effecting many organs of our body to not perform as efficiently or effectively.

Please take the time to browse back through the thread and discuss the concerns with your family and friends.
What, then, are people who do not want to consume fluoride supposed to do if they cannot afford a reverse osmosis filtration system (about $1000) and have no capacity for rainwater tanks?
Go to the nearest creek, river, dam or whatever and fill up a few barrels seems to be the only option.

That's assuming, of course, that the creek etc hasn't dried up due to the drought, isn't polluted with something and that you have a car.