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''In the 1920′s and 30′s Dr May Mellanby conducted diet trials to determine the effect of vitamin D and nutrition on the development of tooth decay. Importantly, these trials were conducted in resident hospitals and orphanages, which allowed precise control over food intake.

Compared to the Standard Diet of the day, Dr Mellanby obtained remarkable results with the Mineralizing Diet. Over a six month period, those children following the Mineralizing Diet experienced very few new cavities, with the widespread arrest and healing of pre-existing decay, while those children on the Standard Diet continued to developed more new cavities with no healing.''


Thanks Motorway, this is a far more logical and scientific line of reasoning. I know that recent studies of Vitamin D have greatly increased our knowledge of its efficacy and role in the human body, but it has long been known to help with the absorption of calcium. That alone is sufficient reason to ensure an adequate intake. I have to confess that until quite recently I was of the mistaken opinion that a daily dose of sunshine was all that was needed. Your posts, and other reading have helped to educate me.

But............ it's far too easy to mass-medicate the population, getting rid of industrial waste at the same time, than to expect / educate people to be responsible for their own health!!
I filled in an 2GB online letter regarding Fluoride in our drinking water, with lots of useful info and links etc etc about 2 weeks ago. No reply.

How can we bring this to the attention of the public?

Interesting on USA TV

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In an effort to salvage my remaining teeth my dentist has prescribed a toothpaste called NeutraFluor 5000 Plus. Pretty impressive eh?

I can understand his concern. Each tooth is a gold mine to him. In the last six months I have had three root canals and three crowns, and several minor fillings and two cleanings. About 12 hours of torture.
Aye the fluoridization scheme is disgusting. The idea that the government has ANY right to control peoples consumption in ANY aspect whatsoever for their own good is monstrous (no, drugs are different - no one ever hurt anyone else because they didn't get enough fluoride).

The solution to this particular government imposition is simple - privatization of the water utilities. No company would spend money to implement a dosing system which its customers would object to.

Regarding some specifics some people might not know. Fluoride is taken up into the teeth from a young age, increasing the strength of the teeth, and thus resistance to cavities. Sure that's all very good, but fluoride toothpaste does the same job as fluoride in the water.
However, in the dental profession in the UK, a phenomenon known as the 'Birmingham Bomb' is well known. In Birmingham, where the water was fluoridized, this was taken by many a family to mean 'your kid does not need to brush his teeth anymore'. And true, the bacteria had a hard time getting through the super-hardened teeth - but if you don't brush the plaque away, it finds a way. The situation would then arise in which the kid had an apparently OK set of teeth, which were all rotten inside. One day, the kid would then bite down on something hard - and from 'Birmingham Bomb', you get the picture.
Aye the fluoridization scheme is disgusting. The idea that the government has ANY right to control peoples consumption in ANY aspect whatsoever for their own good is monstrous (no, drugs are different - no one ever hurt anyone else because they didn't get enough fluoride).

The solution to this particular government imposition is simple - privatization of the water utilities. No company would spend money to implement a dosing system which its customers would object to.

Regarding some specifics some people might not know. Fluoride is taken up into the teeth from a young age, increasing the strength of the teeth, and thus resistance to cavities. Sure that's all very good, but fluoride toothpaste does the same job as fluoride in the water.
However, in the dental profession in the UK, a phenomenon known as the 'Birmingham Bomb' is well known. In Birmingham, where the water was fluoridized, this was taken by many a family to mean 'your kid does not need to brush his teeth anymore'. And true, the bacteria had a hard time getting through the super-hardened teeth - but if you don't brush the plaque away, it finds a way. The situation would then arise in which the kid had an apparently OK set of teeth, which were all rotten inside. One day, the kid would then bite down on something hard - and from 'Birmingham Bomb', you get the picture.

But they are pommies, you cannot extrapolate that to Australians.

It would be like comparing the dental practices of the various Stans to Australian dental hygiene.

Oz, I agree with you, but all the uprising and furious protests, at least here in Qld,
have been utterly pointless. The government has just ignored them and gone ahead with fluoridating the water. It hasn't reached where I live yet, but when it does I'll use tank water instead, though that's less than convenient.

Right, it's the typical business as usual response - no response. If everyone sent a Notice to their water supply company that informs them that you would be recovering the costs to remove poisons from the water supply from the quarterly bill then a different repsonse may be received.
The whole thing is made more insidious by the fact that the Bligh government passed legislation making it impossible to take any legal action against them should there be any adverse effects of the mass medication of our water.

This begs the question, "Why did they feel they needed to do that, if fluoride is so good for you"? Do they know something they aren't telling us? Stupid question.......... they know what WE know but choose to indulge in a massive cover-up and keep promulgating the lie.
Interesting on USA TV

Gotta love the spin - "too much of a good thing"

The real statement is: We're seeing real adverse affects of fluoride on peoples health especially if they are infants or children, so we've decided to reduce the fluoride levels.

In another ten years they'll repeat this and so on, until fluoride is completely removed - as well as the legal liability of the damage it has caused.
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The solution to this particular government imposition is simple - privatization of the water utilities.
Privatisation of utilities, especially water, opens up an entirely new set of problems. Using tank water for drinking would be the lesser of the evils...
The whole thing is made more insidious by the fact that the Bligh government passed legislation making it impossible to take any legal action against them should there be any adverse effects of the mass medication of our water.

I haven't seen a copy of this particular legislation, but ultimately it is unlawful to harm another human being - simply drawing up legislation to protect the guilty doesn't void this fact. Under common law, this legislation wouldn't stand if consent was not given or it was withdrawn eg there is no form of contract or tacit agreement to agree to be ingested with poisons.
Privatisation of utilities, especially water, opens up an entirely new set of problems. Using tank water for drinking would be the lesser of the evils...
But note that a water tank is a private utility ;) :D.
But they are pommies, you cannot extrapolate that to Australians.
I can and I do. I know of a few places (which I won't mention), where upon informing the residents "your kids teeth are now strengthened against decay automatically by the water they drink", one will definitely in the future hear of '<these places> bomb'.
Gotta love the spin - "too much of a good thing"

The real statement is: We're seeing real adverse affects of fluoride on peoples health especially if they are infants or children, so we've decided to reduce the fluoride levels.

In another ten years they'll repeat this and so on, until fluoride is completely removed - as well as the legal liability of the damage it has caused.

Yeah, l just did a quick google and found those vids - recent too.

I agree with your statement Oz.

Why the government is putting the big F into our drinking water is totally beyond me. Someone posted a youtube link previously in this thread and it has been stated that for fluoride to be effective, it is to be applied to the tooth directly (ie, gel, paste) not ingested (ie, in the water).

Can you legally put a case forward against the state government in regards to making you take this substance (Fluoride), without your permission and without real scientific proof that it actually does more good than harm? (Julia?)

As l asked before, what can we do as a group to get the attention of the media to get this issue some traction and make it known in the public domain?

Did a google search and clicked on the first sponsored link;
When I think of fluoridation, two words come to mind: medical experiment. And the guinea pig is Y-O-U. That's right: Without any solid proof that ingesting fluoride was beneficial for your teeth-and with no safety tests conducted to determine its potential effects on the rest of your body - the government moved forward with the mass medication of the country's water supply.

Think about it: With the exception of fluoride, every other chemical added to tap water is for the purpose of improving the water's safety. Fluoride is the only chemical added for the purpose of medication. And just like all drugs doled out by Big Pharma, this one comes with a litany of potential side effects. The difference? There's no black box warning on your faucet like there is on a bottle of pills.

But there should be.

Did you know that for years fluoride was classified as a toxin? In fact, not too long ago its only approved uses were as an insecticide and a RAT POISON!

And that's just how your body treats it - as a poison.

Plenty of studies have been done over the years - and the results are frightening. Fluoridation has been linked to immune system alteration, musculoskeletal harm, genetic damage, thyroid dysfunction, and even cancer.

Do you think all that's worth preventing cavities?

Before you answer that, I have one more wrench to toss at you. More and more studies are showing that ingesting fluoride has absolutely no bearing on preventing tooth decay. And now the American Dental Association is advising that parents NOT give fluoridated water to babies - BECAUSE IT CAN CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE!

Heard enough? Well, there's more. A lot more. I'll give you all the bone-chilling details of fluoride's effect on your body, and I'll tell you all about the best ways to avoid exposure to this toxic chemical in my FREE report, The Fluoride Myth Busted.

Contrary to what your dentist might tell you, you don't need fluoride to have healthy teeth. And if your dentist asks you where you heard such nonsense, tell him Dr. William Campbell Douglass II said so.

And just who am I, you may be wondering.

I've long been one of America's most popular mythbusters. I make it my mission to reveal the surprisingly inexpensive and easy road to real health - to the chagrin of pharmaceutical companies and surgeons everywhere.

I've been called "the conscience of modern medicine," and the National Health Federation voted me "Doctor of the Year." But I've also been labeled a "maverick," and several less flattering names, too, by some of the biggest names in government and the health establishment - but hey, that's part of the territory. I've taken more than a few arrows in my time in order to get you the truth - without paying an arm and a leg for Band-aid "solutions" that will only make you sicker and promise to send you to an early grave.

Trust me - I know how confusing it can be to sift through all the baloney you're indundated with by greedy drug companies and mainstream medicine. That's why I'm happy to offer you this free report, The Fluoride Myth Busted.

Simply enter your email address in the space above and click "Get my FREE Report" for instant access to The Fluoride Myth Busted. When you do, you'll also receive - absolutely FREE - a subscription to my Daily Dose, an e-letter written by yours truly that I send out several times a week via email. The Daily Dose will keep you up to date on health-related news, breakthrough studies, bureaucratic snafus, and revolutionary new products for looking and feeling great.

Just enter your email address in the sign-up box and click "Get My Free Report!" to get your free report and to activate your free subscription. And rest assured, I'll never give your email address to anyone, and you can unsubscribe whenever you like. In fact, there are easy unsubscribe instructions in every single email you'll receive.

Got the report, 3 page PDF
It's in the next post in this thread

The fluoride myth busted!

Visit us at Learn more aboutWilliam Campbell Douglass II,M.D.

The fluoride myth busted!

Back in the 1940s and 50s, when fluoride was first added to the water supply in many countries
including Australia and the U.S., most dentists believed that you had to swallow the stuff in order
for it to work. It hadn’t been proven, mind you. But that didn’t stop the government from including
it in the chemical cocktail that’s routinely added to your tap water.
A lot has changed since then, though. Now, more than 50 years of research have proven, beyond a doubt, that fluoride is NOT suitable for human consumption. Period. You may also be surprised to learn fluoride is AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED POISON!!

That’s right. For years fluoride was classified as a toxic waste in the U.S. In fact, not too long ago its only approved uses were as an insecticide and a RAT POISON!Most nations have wisely abandoned fluoridation, realizing that it was a horrible mistake and was responsible for bad health and death in millions of innocent people.Most nations, except, of course, for a few slowpokes including Australia and
the good ol’U.S. ofA.

Now, those people who have been exposed to a lifetime of poisoning…er, I mean fluoridation…are suffering the consequences. Fluoride poisoning plays a role, in my opinion, in practically every disease that we see.Why? Because fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor, and that means not one single cell in your body escapes its toxic effects.

Is the idea of having healthy teeth really worth risking your life?

Millions of people are being forced to ingest a toxin that’s been linked to a whole host ofdiseases.

Take a look:
 Immune system alteration””Fluoride causes the immune system to fail to distinguish
between the body’s own proteins and disease, which can lead to autoimmune conditions,
like asthma and Graves’ disease.
 Musculoskeletal harm””Fluoride-caused enzyme toxicity damages the collagens and
other substances that make up muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and even tooth enamel.
Rheumatoid illnesses such as arthritis and osteoporosis are aggravated as a result.
 Genetic damage””Fluoride’s enzyme poisoning effects penetrate the body’s chromosomes,
causing permanent genetic changes that can lead to damage to the genitalia, and
has even been linked to an increased incidence of birth defects like Down Syndrome.
 Cancer””Because fluoride is a mutagen, it can cause the uncontrolled spread of certain
types of cells””including cancer. One report from San Francisco in 1950 showed a
400% increase in one type of cancer during the period in which their water supply was
initially fluoridated.
 Thyroid dysfunction””Fluoride causes damage to the thyroid gland in multiple ways,
which can play havoc on your body’s hormonal balance and ultimately lead to hypothyroidism, an increasingly common condition in most all civilized nations.

As if these things aren’t bad enough, because your body can only eliminate about half the fluoride you ingest, this toxin builds up in your system over time. So the older you get, the more likely you are to suffer from fluoride’s toxic effects.

That doesn’t mean it can only harm adults.

Plenty of children have had to suffer the consequences of fluoridation as well.

Fluoride’s attack on children:​

Lead poisoning, bone cancer, dental fluorosis, and brain damage
Dr. Roger D. Masters, Research Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth College, and president of the Foundation for Neurosurgeon & Society, has uncovered a surprising and shocking relationship between fluoride ingestion and lead toxicity. Masters and his group of researchers compared children’s blood lead levels in communities using fluoride-treated water with communities using non-fluoridated water. In three separate samples, totaling over 400,000 children, fluoride-treated municipal
water was ALWAYS significantly associated with increased blood lead levels in children. This is chronic lead poisoning, which can lead to a myriad of other terrible diseases.

Another study found a direct link between fluoride in tap water and bone cancer in young boys.
It’s no wonder: About 90 percent of the fluoride that is stored in the body is taken into the bones.
One of fluoride’s effects is to stimulate bone growth in the growing ends of the bones, places
where a type of bone cancer (osteosarcoma) occurs, according to Dr. Vyvyan Howard, senior lecturer
in toxico-pathology at the University of Liverpool.

Recently, the American Dental Association advised that fluoridated water should not be given to infants because it put them at a high risk of developing dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis!! In case you’re not familiar with the term, it’s a problem that occurs when excess fluoride intake at a young age (namely six months to five years old) damages developing teeth, leaving these unfortunate children with yellow teeth, white spots, or damaged enamel.

But that’s nothing compared to what was published in my favorite medical journal, the Lancet:
a study showing that fluoride can damage developing brains!
Fluoride doesn’t prevent cavities!
Here’s the real irony, though: Fluoride may not even be good for your teeth!
In one of the biggest studies ever undertaken on the subject (using data from 39,000 school children in 84 metropolitan areas around the U.S.), there was no statistically significant difference in rates of tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated water supplies.

That’s right: fluoride doesn’t prevent cavities.

Here are a few more stats for you to mull over:
Visit us at Learn more aboutWilliam Campbell Douglass II,M.D.
(Continued on next page)
 In New York, findings show that there is no noticeable difference in decay rates between
people who drink fluoridated water and those who don’t (
 In Illinois, more than half of the state’s eight- and nine-year-old school children have
tooth decay, and that percentage is even higher in low-income families, where fluoridated
tap water is more consumed (
 A study of Detroit’s low-income African American children five years old and younger
found that almost 100% of the children exposed to fluoridated water have cavities by
age 5 (
 In 2000, the publication of the UK government sponsored “York Review,” the first
systematic scientific review of fluoridation, found that NONE of the studies purporting
to demonstrate the effectiveness of fluoridation to reduce tooth decay were of grade
A status, i.e. “high quality, bias unlikely” (McDonagh et al., 2000).
 The publication in May 2006 of a peer-reviewed, case-controlled study from
Harvard University found a 5-7 fold increase in osteosarcoma (a frequently fatal
bone cancer) in young men associated with exposure to fluoridated water during
their 6th, 7th and 8th years (Bassin et al., 2006).

Actions to take:
(1) Protect yourself and your family from fluoride’s toxic effects by investing in a good filtration system for the main pipe coming into your house. The only filter I recommend is the Doulton Water Filter Plus. Go to for more information. In Australia, you can contact Water Filter World by phone 1800-217-726

(2) Don’t buy toothpastes that contain fluoride. Better yet, don’t buy toothpaste at all. Plain old baking soda and peroxide will give you the same, if not better, results. Sure, many brands of toothpaste now boast “baking soda and peroxide” as added ingredients. But why spend over $3.00 when you can make your own for a few cents.
The procedure couldn’t be easier: Just mix a little bit of three percent hydrogen peroxide and baking soda together to form a paste and then rub it into your gums. If you do this two or three times a day, you’ll keep your teeth––and the rest of you––safe and fluoride-free.
(3) Once you’ve taken steps to protect yourself and your family, contact Fluoride Australia ( to find out more about how you can participate in the anti-fluoridation campaigns.

Visit us at Learn more aboutWilliam Campbell Douglass II,M.D.
©Copyright 2010 The Douglass Report 702 Cathedral St., Baltimore,MD 21201, USA.All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means or for any reason without the consent of the publisher.

This information is provided as information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Can you legally put a case forward against the state government in regards to making you take this substance (Fluoride), without your permission and without real scientific proof that it actually does more good than harm? (Julia?)

This has been attempted - and failed. There are a number of action groups - thousands of letters written - documents provided adequately substantiating the facts that a) fluoride is a poison and b) ingesting the stuff does nothing to prevent tooth decay. The Bligh government just gave us the metaphorical finger.

As l asked before, what can we do as a group to get the attention of the media to get this issue some traction and make it known in the public domain?

It has already been tried. Google some of the action groups and see just how much has been done. Media not interested. Perhaps they've have somehow been gagged by Bligh. Mind you, the various action groups have not given up. If you're interested in participating they would be glad to have you.
Methinks we're fighting well above our weight here.
Google steel and fluoride, and you will find how much fluoride affluent would have to be neutralised and safely disposed of. Consider the cost that would add to those poor industrial conglomerates.

And then, several decades ago, some bright spark came up with the brilliant plan to dispose of it all across the countries' lawns and gardens by diluting the affluent into every city's water supplies. Brilliant - hey?

Having travelled around a fair bit, I've lived in areas that did, as well as in areas that did not poison their citizens' water supplies. And I found out in a very painful way that my body knew the difference and let me know which tap water was poisoned and which was safe. The "signal" my body used were kidney stones, dozens of them, but only in areas of the former kind.

I may be a slow learner, but in the end I did put 2 and 2 together and used a micro-filter that puts the tap water through a reverse osmosis filter, getting rid of those poisons. And guess what: In over 20 years, I haven't "given birth" to a single kidney stone.
Some female friends, who know both kinds, confirmed that the term "given birth" is aptly chosen.

PS: Although I have made it a habit to tell every medical practitioner about my findings, not one of them has shown an interest to take the matter any further. If anything, their reaction is marked by curiosity; no one admits having heard this before; neither does anybody suggest I'm fibbing - against which I would have records anyway. Seems they simply "know" there is no way any research into this phenomenon would find funding.
Cant say i've read much of this thread, but i grew up drinking rainwater in the country.

Have been living in cities for 6 years now drinking tap water and noticed no differences at all (positive or negative)
I haven't seen a copy of this particular legislation, but ultimately it is unlawful to harm another human being - simply drawing up legislation to protect the guilty doesn't void this fact. Under common law, this legislation wouldn't stand if consent was not given or it was withdrawn eg there is no form of contract or tacit agreement to agree to be ingested with poisons.

I think I might have posted the legislation way back in the thread, but basically it indemnifies the gov and water treatment operators against any action that is done according to the legislation.

I think there is still an overwhelming ignorance by most people about the problems and side effects of ingestion of fluoride, despite all the evidence. But similar to the slavery, female rights/vote, asbestos, to name a few where once the majority public opinion reached a critical balance like the current middle east revolts against dictatorships, then the flood gates will open for reform and reversal of some of these dubious, even hideous products and practices to happen.

In Qld in particular water availability and water quality has been an issue for some time. I made the point on the Shale Gas thread, that the practice of fracking looks like it will add fuel to the water quality lobby to turn the tide hopefully not to far down the track.

Also, if Labor gets tossed out in NSW in March and Qld labor follows, although the LNP went along with the legislation, mainly under pressure from John-Paul Langbroek I think the LNP (hopefully after JPL is ousted) will be an easier gov to have fluoridation dismantled under.
Cant say i've read much of this thread, but i grew up drinking rainwater in the country.

Have been living in cities for 6 years now drinking tap water and noticed no differences at all (positive or negative)

I was much the same until Julia started this thread. I lived mostly in rural areas and drank tank water and never thought much about water treatments in urban areas.

Interistingly, actually worringly a relative made a comment the other day at a function that they all had teeth fluoridation as kids, reckon it was fabulous for their teeth and didn't see any problem with fluoridation of water supplies.

I also think ignorance is bliss... they completely don't see the significant differance between getting a fluoride treatment at the dentist and fluoridation of the water supply and continuous ingestion of fluoride.
Although some on this thread may believe Fluoride ingestion thru water supplies and toothpaste is ok, the reality is that it isn't, esp if you have a child that decides to make a meal of bubble gum flavoured toothpaste...

One of the little-known facts about fluoride toothpaste, is that each tube of toothpaste - even those specifically marketed for children - contains enough fluoride to kill a child.

As detailed below, most "Colgate for Kids" toothpastes - with flavors ranging from bubble gum to watermelon - contain 143 milligrams (mg) of fluoride in each tube. This dose of fluoride is more than double the dose (60 mg) that could kill the average-weighing 2 year old child. It is also greater than the dose capable of killing all average weighing children under the age of 9.

Fortunately, however, toothpaste-induced fatalities have been rarely reported in the US. In a review of Poison Center Control reports between 1989 and 1994, 12,571 reports were found from people who had ingested excess toothpaste. Of these calls, 2 people - probably both children - experienced "major medical outcomes", defined as "signs or symptoms that are life-threatening or result in significant residual disability or disfigurement" (SOURCE: Shulman 1997).

Fluoride table.jpg

Yet Australia doesn't require any such warning labels on toothpaste.
Cant say i've read much of this thread, but i grew up drinking rainwater in the country.

Have been living in cities for 6 years now drinking tap water and noticed no differences at all (positive or negative)

That is no reason to remain complacent - or ignorant. Just because there are no outward signs does not mean your health is not being compromised. People who develop osteoporosis (for example) have no symptoms, while all the time their skeletons are being eroded and health severly compromised.

On the other hand, you may suffer minimal ill effects. Does that mean you are happy to accept the immoral principle of mass-medication of the populace? Of forced ingestion of a known poison?