''In the 1920′s and 30′s Dr May Mellanby conducted diet trials to determine the effect of vitamin D and nutrition on the development of tooth decay. Importantly, these trials were conducted in resident hospitals and orphanages, which allowed precise control over food intake.
Compared to the Standard Diet of the day, Dr Mellanby obtained remarkable results with the Mineralizing Diet. Over a six month period, those children following the Mineralizing Diet experienced very few new cavities, with the widespread arrest and healing of pre-existing decay, while those children on the Standard Diet continued to developed more new cavities with no healing.''
Thanks Motorway, this is a far more logical and scientific line of reasoning. I know that recent studies of Vitamin D have greatly increased our knowledge of its efficacy and role in the human body, but it has long been known to help with the absorption of calcium. That alone is sufficient reason to ensure an adequate intake. I have to confess that until quite recently I was of the mistaken opinion that a daily dose of sunshine was all that was needed. Your posts, and other reading have helped to educate me.
But............ it's far too easy to mass-medicate the population, getting rid of industrial waste at the same time, than to expect / educate people to be responsible for their own health!!