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My brother told me a story of some people he knew of that use to work treating the drinking water. One time they were so stoned they forgot how many shovels of some chemical used to treat the water (I can’t remember what it was) so they added in a couple extra just to make sure. After reading this thread it turns me off tap water knowing partly what goes on at these places.
Opposed to water fluoridation? Please see the bottom of this email .
Dear Premier
On the 5th December 2007 the Health Minister, Mr Stephen Robertson said on
ABC Radio that people who did not want Fluoride, could install " equipment "
in their home. Presumably by this he meant expensive Reverse Osmosis
filtration units. The only problem with that Premier, is that many people
cannot afford to buy and maintain Reverse Osmosis units or buy large water
tanks or buy bottled water for the rest of their life.
Even if they could afford water tanks, many people live in flats, units or
retirement homes where there might not the space for a tank, or, they may
not be allowed to install a tank.
These people, through no fault of their own, will be trapped, into having to
consume and also bathe in fluoridated water. Fluoride can be absorbed
through the skin, being a much smaller molecule than Nicotine or Estrogen as
used in skin patches. The very young and the very old with fragile skin are
more vulnerable to external exposure to fluoridated water.
Bob and Eleanor, aged pensioners who have been married for almost fifty
years, are very opposed to forced water fluoridation, but they are in poor
health and financial circumstances. They have recently donated $5 to help
fight forced fluoridation. They would liked to have been able to donate more
to the "Forced Fluoridation Fighting Fund", but cannot afford more.
They have also written to Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer of Qld
and with their kind permission, we are now forwarding their letter to all
Qld MPs.

Dear Dr Jeannette Young
Queensland Chief Health Officer
My wife and I are totally opposed to having forced fluoridation of our water
supply. Toowoomba voted overwhelmingly against drinking recycled sewerage
and now we are supposed to drink fluoride? Why can't we vote on fluoridation
of our water supply instead of it being forced on us?
We are supposed to be the "smart" state. The smarter countries have stopped
fluoridating their water!
There are numerous international scientific studies linking
fluoride/fluoridation with serious health conditions such as hip fractures,
cancer, osteoporosis, thyroid dysfunction, neurological impairment and
irritable bowel syndrome.
I already have bladder cancer and after 32 radiation treatments I also got
irritable bowel syndrome. Why should I be forced to overload my body with
yet more poison?
It is imperative that this proposal / implementation of adding fluoride to
Queensland's water supply be stopped immediately! Fluoridation is an
infringement of our Human Rights!
Bob and Eleanor Elias from Toowoomba ( contact details available
on request )

Dear Premier, please have a heart, how can you do this to people like Bob
and Eleanor who do not want to have fluoridation forced upon them and who
will have little chance to avoid artificially fluoridated water and the
impacts it will have on their health.
Premier, you made the decision to fluoridate Qld and it is believed that
you will force all Labor MPs to vote for forced fluoridation to get the new
Bill through Parliament.
Thus Premier it will be one person, yourself Anna Bligh, who will be
responsible for mass medicating 4 million Queenslanders.
Many of the 4 million Queenslanders you want to medicate will be like Bob
and Eleanor, they will be trapped with few options.
Premier, we invite you to address the " Rally Against Forced Fluoridation "
at 9am Tuesday 12 th Feb, Parliament House, George St
Authorised by M Haines on behalf of Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation
Inc contact mob 0418 777112

Fluoridation, it's not science, it's just marketing.

If you are opposed to forced fluoridation, It would be really appreciated
if you could copy and paste this email into a new email ( to get rid of
forwarding arrows ) and then forward on to as many contacts as you can. We
cannot afford the full- page fluoridation promotion ads in the Courier Mail
, ads in the regional newsapers and the
ads on radio and TV, even the posters in public toilets, that the Qld Govt
have been doing with our taxpayer funds.

Please see " tools for fighting fluoridation " for an easy
way to email all 89 Qld MPs to let them know that you do not want your
water supply to be fluoridated .

Please keep watching the website for details of a " MY WILL " petition
campaign and about the rally on the morning of Tuesday 12 th February.
Thank you if you can help, on behalf of QAWF INc
Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual

Industrial by-product consumed by millions of Americans lowers IQ, causes cancer Prison Planet | January 15, 2008

Paul Joseph Watson

The establishment media will have to find a new tactic with which to ridicule those who oppose the fluoridation of water after a major new Scientific American report concluded that "Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift" as new evidence emerges of the poison's link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.

"Today almost 60 percent of the U.S. population drinks fluoridated water, including residents of 46 of the nation's 50 largest cities," reports Scientific American's Dan Fagin .

Fagin is an award-wining environmental reporter and Director of New York University's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program.

"Outside the U.S., fluoridation has spread to Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand and a few other countries. Critics of the practice have generally been dismissed as gadflies or zealots by mainstream researchers and public health agencies in those countries as well as the U.S. (In other nations, however, water fluoridation is rare and controversial.)"

Indeed, the zeitgeist for scoffing at those who spoke of the dangers of mass medicating the public against their will with fluoride was the deranged and paranoid character of General Ripper in the hit 1964 Peter Selllers movie Dr. Strangelove .

But that stereotype is quickly fading as serious scientific research uncovers proof that all the horror stories about sodium fluoride told down the decades are essentially true.

The Scientific American study "Concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid -- the gland that produces hormones regulating growth and metabolism."

The report also notes that "a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower IQ."

"Epidemiological studies and tests on lab animals suggest that high fluoride exposure increases the risk of bone fracture, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly and diabetics," writes Fagin.

Fagin interviewed Steven Levy, director of the Iowa Fluoride Study which tracked about 700 Iowa children for sixteen years. Nine-year-old "Iowa children who lived in communities where the water was fluoridated were 50 percent more likely to have mild fluorosis... than [nine-year-old] children living in nonfluoridated areas of the state," writes Fagin.

The study adds to a growing literature of shocking scientific studies proving fluoride's link with all manner of health defects, even as governments in the west, including recently the UK , make plans to mass medicate the population against their will with this deadly toxin.

In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys.

"New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma - bone cancer - between the ages of 10 and 19," according to a London Observer article about the study.

Based on the findings of the study, the respected Environmental Working Group lobbied to have fluoride in tap water be added to the US government's classified list of substances known or anticipated to cause cancer in humans.

Cancer rates in the U.S. have skyrocketed with one in three people now contracting the disease at some stage in their life.

The link to bone cancer has also been discovered by other scientists, but a controversy ensued after it emerged that Harvard Professor Chester Douglass, who downplayed the connection in his final report, was in fact editor-in-chief of The Colgate Oral Health Report, a quarterly newsletter funded by Colgate-Palmolive Co., which makes fluoridated toothpaste.

An August 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages children's liver and kidney functions.


- Fluoride is a waste by-product of the fertilizer and aluminum industry and it's also a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972.

- Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).

- USAF Major George R. Jordan testified before Un-American Activity committees of Congress in the 1950's that in his post as U.S.-Soviet liaison officer, the Soviets openly admitted to "Using the fluoride in the water supplies in their concentration camps, to make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient."

- The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany's Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission. ( Ref. book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin .)

- 97% of western Europe has rejected fluoridated water due to the known health risks, however 10% of Britons drink it and the UK government is trying to fast track the fluoridation of the entire country's water supply.

- In Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg fluoridation of water was rejected because it was classified as compulsive medication against the subject's will and therefore violated fundamental human rights.

- In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water.

- Sources of fluoride include: fluoride dental products, fluoride pe sticides, fluoridated pharmaceuticals, processed foods made with fluoridated water, and tea.
Good job on all the hard work guys and girls. I have signed the petition and sent an email to all 89 Queensland MP's. Keep up the fight!
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
If more Americans knew that fluoride, which many dentists STILL mistakenly promote as the panacea for healthy teeth, is also the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder, I suspect they would feel vastly different about ingesting it via drinking water and toothpaste.

But FINALLY the tides do seem to be turning.

In 2005, eleven unions within the EPA publicly called for a ban of water fluoridation, over concerns that it may cause bone cancer. And in 2006, the American Dental Association warned parents of infants not to use fluoridated water when mixing baby formula.

When you begin to examine the evidence surrounding water fluoridation, this gradual retraction makes perfect sense.

As award-winning journalist Christopher Bryson revealed in his book The Fluoride Deception, there has been a multi-tiered effort -- or as Bryson says, an abuse of power -- by military and industry scientists and public health officials to shamelessly promote fluoride to the dentistry field and the American public with little regard to the implications it would have on human health.

Just what are those potential implications?

An increased risk of bone cancer

Fluorosis, a discoloring of your teeth and breakdown of their enamel (between 30 percent and 50 percent of children have dental fluorosis on at least two teeth in “optimally fluoridated communities”)
An increased risk of osteoporosis
Developmental problems such as lower IQ
But that’s not all. According to Paul Connett, PhD:

1. Fluoride accumulates in your bones and makes them more brittle and prone to fracture. Lifetime exposure to fluoride will contribute to higher rates of hip fracture in the elderly.

2. Fluoride accumulates in your pineal gland, possibly lowering the production of melatonin, a very important regulatory hormone

3. There are serious concerns about a connection between fluoridation and the current epidemics of both arthritis and hypothyroidism.

4. In animal studies fluoride at 1 ppm in drinking water increases the uptake of aluminum into your brain.

5. Counties with 3 ppm or more of fluoride in their water have lower fertility rates.

6. The fluoridating agents most commonly used in the United States not only increase the uptake of lead into children's blood but are also associated with an increase in violent behavior.

Of course, the main reason why fluoride is reportedly added to the U.S. water supply in the first place is to prevent cavities. Yet, data compiled by the World Health Organization shows no difference in tooth decay in countries that use fluoridated water compared with countries that don’t use fluoridated water. So not only is fluoride unsafe, it is ineffective as well.

Get That Fluoride Out of Your Water!

If you are receiving your water from a municipal water supply in the United States, your water is probably fluoridated -- and a simple carbon filter will not remove it.

You must filter your tap water with a reverse osmosis filter to remove fluoride, and remember to use this water not only for drinking but also for washing fruits and veggies, making ice cubes and cooking.

You can also join the fight against water fluoridation by supporting the Fluoride Action Network’s petition to end water fluoridation. It’s already been signed by over 1,200 professionals, including a Nobel Prize winner, three officers in the union representing professionals at EPA headquarters, the executive board of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, leading fluoride researchers, and medical, dental, scientific and environmental professionals from around the world.
Bligh's proposed timetable for introduction of fluoridation in Qld.

Don't rush out buying your reverse osmosis filters just yet. Even by Bligh's timetable this ain't gonna happen overnight.

Note: Bundaberg (Burnett) is among the last on the calender. Probably because it was soundly rejected here back in the sixties.


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Im 36, living in Sydney and no fillings. Personally I suspect its something in the water. Flame on ;)
I had a mouth full of fillings by age 10, lived in LA (a flouridated water supply). Musta been sumthin' in the water.

Bligh's proposed timetable for introduction of fluoridation in Qld.

Don't rush out buying your reverse osmosis filters just yet. Even by Bligh's timetable this ain't gonna happen overnight.

Note: Bundaberg (Burnett) is among the last on the calender. Probably because it was soundly rejected here back in the sixties.
Whiskers, do you happen to know whether Hervey Bay will be lumped in with Burnett also? Or maybe Maryborough?

Reminder for anyone in Brisbane who is able to attend the Anti-Fluoride Rally outside Parliament on the first sitting day and also QUT.


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Whiskers, do you happen to know whether Hervey Bay will be lumped in with Burnett also? Or maybe Maryborough?

Reminder for anyone in Brisbane who is able to attend the Anti-Fluoride Rally outside Parliament on the first sitting day and also QUT.

Don't know for sure Julia, but I tend to think Maryborough.

Tuesday Feb 12 is shaping up to be a pretty good public awareness campaign.

Pity the petition to the US Congress is held up and overshadowed for the moment by the subprime mess. That petition could sign the complete death nell of fluoridation. But no doubt there are the usual suspects doing everything they can to prevent it being fully scrutinised in a public forum.
There was a great special by National Geographic on the ABC that showed that certain chemicals are harmless in low doses when tested.

However it was shown that when mixed with other chemicals which are also proven harmless in low doses something may happen that makes the animal susceptible to cancers or other problems.

The US has this problem with the water from the central lakes. Studies are still in their infancy but it makes you wonder about fluoride.
There was a great special by National Geographic on the ABC that showed that certain chemicals are harmless in low doses when tested.

However it was shown that when mixed with other chemicals which are also proven harmless in low doses something may happen that makes the animal susceptible to cancers or other problems.

The US has this problem with the water from the central lakes. Studies are still in their infancy but it makes you wonder about fluoride.

That's a very pertinent point knobby. I'll see what I can find about that research.

Fluoride concentrates are extremely acidic, ph 0 and extremely corrosive.

One of my concerns is about the point of testing a fluoridated water supply. The fluoride content is tested at the injection end, but so far I have not found anything about full spectrum testing at the consumer tap end.

Even though the fluoride concentration is diluted heavily, I still wonder whether it can still slowly release chemicals from any or all the materials that have been used for water supply pipes including AC (asbestos concrete) pipes, cast iron, lead/zinc galvanised steel, PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), polyethylene, and copper.

All these materials are still in use in various degrees in different areas. There are a lot of toxic elements there that can be destabalised with prolonged use of a strong acid with properties like fluorine, one of the most reactive chemical elements, and it is not difficult to imagine the possibilites of leaching.
Dr Jeannette Young Chief Health Officer Qld Health, refused to debate fluoridation with a professor of chemistry on 4BC Brisbane and network stations hosted by Greg Carey this morning.

She would only agree to comment to questions via Greg Carey.

The good news is the transcript will be availably soon on 4BC. Some good self-incriminationg stuff theere. :D

When asked by Carey, if children had proper parental supervision brushing teeth and didn't eat so much sweet junk food, would they have just as good teeth as children just on fluoridated water (who didn't brush teeth properly and ate too much junk food)?

Dr Jeannette Young's reply was they would no doubt have better teeth... :) but the point is fluoridation is to help protect all childrens teeth. :banghead:

From their own figures, 3 out of 4 children up to 15 yrs have absolutely nil decay, ie DMFT= 0, so WHY do they need extra help from fluoridation!! :(

That is the head of our health department examplifing the irrisponsible 'we'll just give it a bit more for good measure' mentality that we have been trying to educate people who handle chemicals, medications, pesticides etc NOT to do!!!! :mad:

Will have more difinitive action plan once I get a look at the Short Title, General Outline and Explanatory Notes of the proposed fluoridation legislation.
On a qld Gov DPI website: Re sheep

Got those magic words on a Qld Gov website. :D

Good stuff. :D

Are you still going on about this.

I think there is a bigger environmental catastrophe in your state on the cards, that will endanger people's health there. Ever heard of lead?

Know what the biggest lead mine in the world is?

Do you know where it is exported from?

Did you know that the safety ponds at the port were not adequate and overflowed 2 years ago?

Do you know what Town recently flooded?

Has anyone living there had blood tests?

Did BHP cover the last problem up, and nearly lose its export license from there?

Is it going to happen again? Or is this just going to be another Esperance?

Are you Whiskers going to ask questions? Or does lead not compare in its dangers to fluoride? :rolleyes:
Are you still going on about this.


I think there is a bigger environmental catastrophe in your state on the cards, that will endanger people's health there. Ever heard of lead?

Are you Whiskers going to ask questions? Or does lead not compare in its dangers to fluoride? :rolleyes:

Gladstone had a sulphur problem years ago.

I've dealt with arsnic ones before.

Lead is certainly up there with arsnic and fluorine.

Doing my best. Can't be everywhere at once. :cool:


$35 million dollars would be wasted on forced water fluoridaton.

This would pay for a lot of school dental therapists and education programmes.

"Kicked in the teeth " By Jennifer O'Reilly
Townsville Bulletin - Saturday February 16, 2008
Saying fluoride is a poison is a red herring and intellectually dishonest. Every single chemical including H20 (water) can be defined as a poison if the dosage is high enough. Also anti-coagulants commonly used in medicine are used as rat poisons. There may be many valid arguments against fluoride but the "it's a poison" argument is not one of them.
Saying fluoride is a poison is a red herring and intellectually dishonest. Every single chemical including H20 (water) can be defined as a poison if the dosage is high enough.

Since you mentioned intellect, freddy, lets have a look at the definition of a poison.

  • a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health.
  • Chemistry. to destroy or diminish the activity of (a catalyst or enzyme).

Hardly fits the common, let alone legal definition of water, does it!

Also anti-coagulants commonly used in medicine are used as rat poisons.

That's why there is a poisons schedule monitered by the Poisons Schedule Standing Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

There may be many valid arguments against fluoride but the "it's a poison" argument is not one of them.

There certainly are valid arguements against fluoride, fluoridation in particular and POISON certainly is one of them.