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Federal Labor Party discussion

Interesting, the media polls are saying Abbott is more popular than Rudd, not that you can believe them.
However, just shows flipping Abbott for Turnbull, maybe wasn't

Here is more news on Beattie. I would suggest to Beattie not to unpack his bags since arriving back from New York because he will be heading back on the 8th.
Not actually true as about 20% of them went to NZ and as we all know NZ is pretty much a de-facto Australian state,
New Zealand is absolutely not anything like a de facto Australian state.
As a country, it's light years away from Australia in too many aspects to count.
so close to 65% ended up in Australia considering that 100% of the ones that went to NZ are now in Oz.
Really???? Let's see some evidence of that. Link, please.
New Zealand is absolutely not anything like a de facto Australian state.
As a country, it's light years away from Australia in too many aspects to count.

Really???? Let's see some evidence of that. Link, please.

Julia, not sure you will get a reply as I think SC has most of us on ignore! But I suspect these figures are as much of a thought bubble as Rudd's bubbles...
Not actually true as about 20% of them went to NZ and as we all know NZ is pretty much a de-facto Australian state, so close to 65% ended up in Australia considering that 100% of the ones that went to NZ are now in Oz.
LOL.....Still as delusional as ever, eh Cynical, trying to distort the facts in support of your favorite bunch of losers!
Next thing you’ll be repeating the ridiculous claim you made about four years ago when Rudd was well and truly on the nose, stuffing up just about everything he touched. Even Rudd himself at the time admitted his poor performance by stating ‘We’re taking a whacking in the polls, and frankly we deserve a whacking’.
But you, my deluded friend, came out and declared that Rudd was ‘basically doing a good job’.

Mistakes hey lets consider the facts.
1. Making Rudd PM = Won the election
Yes indeed, let's consider the facts.......Sure they won the election by putting Rudd in as leader of their party. And the ALP very quickly realized what a mistake that was, as Rudd proved to be an egotistical control freak who was impossible to work with, an incompetent economic manager who inherited no debt and a big budget surplus and quickly turned them into a big debt and a bit deficit, a man who showed he was almost completely devoid of common sense by dismantling an excellent border protection policy and replacing it with a debacle that has seen tens of thousands of boat people flood us and drain our finances to the tune of twelve thousand million dollars, a man who burdened business with investment-stifling taxes and continues to do so, a man who wasted money like an irresponsible fool.

If you can’t see that Rudd was a mistake for the Labor Party and a mistake for Australia, then you need to open your eyes and start looking past the end of your nose.

2. Making Gillard PM = Won the election
Wrong – Gillard didn’t win the election, she lost it. Her party won less seats than the opposition. She was put into power because of couple of independent mongrels called Oakshott and Windsor overruled the vote of the Australian people.

3. Making Rudd PM = ?
If Rudd wins the election it will prove to be just as big a mistake for the ALP and for Australia as it proved to be last time he won.
Hopefully Australian voters won’t be so stupid and gullible and irresponsible as to repeat the mistake they made last time they voted Rudd into power.
The REAL Kevin Rudd.
Perish the thought of this creep leading our country for another three years!

Australia is sometimes referred to as the lucky country and the clever country.

It will be interesting to see what percentage of the population come under the "clever" type.

If anyone votes for this incompetent moron then they certainly are not in the "clever" group.

Hopefully more than 50% are in the "clever" group. Then we might go back to being the lucky country (after a six year hiatus).

I have seen the baseball bat sales jump markedly recently so I have great faith that we are indeed the clever country.
Can somebody tell me how this could be possible?

Another Labor Party bungle.’s possible because the ALP government of the last six years has been and still is the most pathetic, dumb, incompetent government in the history of this country.

That’s why I keep making the point that if any of us employed a manager to run a business for us, and he/she displayed a similar level of incompetence to what this Labor government has displayed, we’d sack him immediately and replace him with somebody else.
And that’s exactly what any self-respecting Australian who is loyal to his or her country will do to the Rudd government at the September election.

Unfortunately, these same incompetent politicians can make all the mistakes spending and wasting our money and then retire for life on fat pensions at tax payers expense.
Rudd has over acted and when you see him mixing with school kids, that is about his level.

If he were treat people in a mature way he may have just reached out to them and attained better results.

He is very mixed up at the moment and while he satisfied his own ego with revenge on Gillard, he now does not know what to do with himself. It has all gone to his big fat head and the brain inside is all so twisted with poison from the past.

I am starting to think Rudd is going insane. He is going off his rocker.

I loved the photo of Kevvie and his wife in that photo....gone are the confident smiles of a couple of weeks ago, and in their place are looks of defeat and dispair.
It’s wonderful to watch the wheels falling off Rudd’s wagon!
If he gets a hammering in tonight’s debate it should just about kill off any chance of him winning the election.

People are just not buying his campaign slogan of ‘A NEW WAY’. And why would they, when every day Rudd demonstrates that present day Kevin is just a carbon copy of the Kevin of old.
When Gillard became PM she had the opportunity of fixing Labor’s mistakes and steering the party back on track to responsible government. She completely and utterly failed to utilize that opportunity.
Now Rudd has the same opportunity that Gillard had to fix up their mistakes and steer Labor towards responsible government. But just like Gillard, he’s showing little inclination to utilize that opportunity.
He could start by killing the carbon and mining taxes – both are an unnecessary burden on business and investment at a time when he should be making it easier, not harder, for businesses to expand and employ people. Unemployment is rising, and whey wouldn’t it rise when Rudd insists on keeping taxes that hit business profitability.
And he could stop lying – Aussie voters are still fuming about all Labor’s lies of the past six years...the last thing they want to hear is Rudd adding to the pool by telling even more lies.
Instead of trying to pull the wool over our eyes by claiming he’s getting rid of the carbon tax to lighten the burden on average Australians, he should just shut up about it. Nobody is so stupid (except perhaps a hardcore of Labor voters) that they can’t see Rudd’s ulterior motive in replacing the carbon tax with just a renewed version of it under a different name so that a few years down the track it brings in even more money as the price of carbon invariably rises.

And the asylum seeker issue, yet another example of how Rudd’s ‘new way’ is not a new way at all, but just more of the same old incompetence that lets the boats keep coming.
A report on ABC news this morning said that three thousand boat people have arrived in the three weeks since Rudd announced his PNG ‘solution’.
Rudd has promised Indonesia that he won’t tow the boats back to Indonesia. But that’s exactly what he should be doing, just as Alexander Downer did as Foreign Affairs minister in the Howard government. They didn’t have to tow back many, only half a dozen or so were enough to let the people smugglers and the illegal immigrants know that if you jump in a boat and head for Australian, you’ll quickly find yourself back where you started. Downer didn’t seek permission from Indonesia, and Rudd wouldn't need to either. Just show a bit of leadership and do it, and to hell with whether it offends Indonesia. They sure don’t care about offending us by allowing Indonesia boats with Indonesian crews to bring people illegally to Australia.

Rudd needs to show a bit of backbone by taking decisive action to fix the numerous problems that six years of Labor government has created. But the bloke is too wishy washy to do it. He looks like a powder puff and he behaves like one.
Australians don’t want powder puffs in government – they want strong men and women who are prepared to take the hard and responsible decisions necessary to utilize the great potential of our country.
That’s why Abbot and his team are pulling ahead in the election race, while Rudd and his incompetent mob are falling behind.
Colin Barnett appears to have gone from denial to grief.

One can't blame Woodside for walking. The state government couldn't even get the environmental approval process right.

The emperor has had his wings well and truly clipped on a number of issues over the past few weeks and hopefully as a politician and as a leader he can grow from this. I was impressed in how he presented himself on Q&A last year and one thing he does have on his side is time.

I haven't directly followed the economic merits of onshore vs offshore processing for gas so can't comment directly there.

Colin Barnett will be on ABC 720 after the 9am news. That will be interesting to listen to.
In 2010, Labor MP Steve Gibbons called Rudd a psychopath. I think it would be impossible for his family not to know this.
Dratted paywalls.

I hear J.Albrechtsen used a quote from Hamlet? However it's Richard III who might provide the clearer prototype, in Henry VI, Act III:

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