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Given today’s political climate it seems these LNP folk seem to get into all sorts of troublesome situations.
Tucker don’t forget is a “born to rule” Liberal with daddy being the former head of the Queensland Lieberal Party...

Is it just me or do these alleged conservative types seem to wallow in amorality... Most just think that their connections will get them off... In Tucker’s case this has blown up in his face dramatically... Even the Murdoch Media is publishing his misdeeds and throwing legal threats from his side of the fence in the rubbish bin...
Both Tucker and Cowen are firmly locked into the massive litigation against them now that millions of dollars in security for costs has been put in place by the liquidators.

The issue now is, can Tucker and Cowen personally "pony up" with the required cash to defend themselves ??? The legal fees will run into the millions... Oh the irony of it all...
Are David Tucker and David Kennedy still in contact with each other ?

Where are the Millions of Dollars belonging to Equititrust investors which were transferred overseas by Tucker & Cowen solicitors ?

Why have the Tucker's gone all PRIVATE on social media ? PS the relevant people have the metadata...

Jennifer Tucker

14 February at 07:19 ·


Here’s our story:
David Tucker

How’d you guys meet?
Through my friend
Karyn Wernham
. We both went to her admission drinks at the Criterion
First date:
The Abba movie at The Metro Movie Theatre back in 1992. Our second date was David cooking me dinner. I can still remember where we were and what we ate. It was a very special night.

How long have you been together:
28 years


Age difference:
Exactly one month. I am older and wiser.

Who was interested first:

Who is taller:

Who said I love you first:
David. Actually I have no idea.

Most impatient:

Most sensitive:
Me. On second thought David is such a softie - maybe he is more sensitive than me.


Most stubborn:
That is a difficult one. I think we are both incredibly stubborn.

Falls asleep first:

Cooks better:
I have cooked more often over the years but David is a better cook.

Better morning Person:
Both of us love the mornings.

Better driver:
Me. I think David would disagree.

Most competitive:
Again this is a pretty hard decision. I think David would win.

David by a million miles. David makes me laugh most days.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Home but now our children have all left school we are eating out lots more.

Who is more social?
Me but again we are both very social people. I think I love spending time on my own more than David.

Where was your first kiss?
I think the Criterion. My memory is a bit fuzzy about this.

Who initiated your first kiss?
Me probably

Do you get flowers often?

Plans date night?

Who picks where you go to dinner?

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong?
Me. David is never wrong.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Who has more tattoos?

Who sings better?
Me. David sings Hamilton very well though.

Hogs the remote?

Spends the most?
We spend differently. I have a clothing addiction. David has a travel addiction.

Did you go to the same school?
Both Grammar people.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together?

Who drives when you are together?
David. David drives w/hen anyone else in the car. He is a terrible back seat driver. My advice if you offer him a lift let him drive.

Post a picture of you and your valentine
Tucker looks like he’s in his late 60’s, he’s ageing as well as his old mate McIvor #extremestress #karma
Of note ? Tucker’s wife states that he believes he is never wrong...

That may fly in a crap marriage but not before the Supreme Court of Queensland...

Interesting times ahead for Davey Boy... Some tough life lessons to be learnt...
In breaking news on the Tucker and Cowen litigation front Tucker’s new line of defence is that the rule of law should apply to all LNP members who proclaim their innocence and that he be found not guilty...
The insurers lawyers have signaled that they will now seek particulars.. This exercise along with fighting with Stephen Russell's interlocutory steps will amount to gargantuan legal fees for Tucker and Cowen...
Tucker and Cowen are now irretrievably bogged in a mire of litigation. There are no positives for them in the immediate future, personally, nor professionally... The financial risk to both is dire, given the magnitude of the legal fees that both will have to outlay before the case comes to trial...

Both are now well and truly Stephen Russell's b#tches...
It's safe to say that Stephen Russell has outmanoeuvred and outsmarted both Tucker and Cowen in this litigation. Tucker and Cowen used all the dirty tricks in their litigation books to delay and incur cost on the other side and what did they achieve ??? Zero, it has all blown up in their faces...

Just punishment for all the innocent people they mercilessly destroyed as paid mercenaries for the likes of McIvor and other cretins like him, that fed off the hard earned money and souls of innocent people...
But here’s the clanger, others have come back from the dead and won’t rest till Tucker and Cowen are brought to justice… Tucker and Cowen will go down in the same fashion as McIvor...

Bondi boomer couple convicted of $6m fraud​

A Sydney couple in their 60s have been sentenced to jail after they were found guilty of defrauding millions destined for charity and spending it on flash homes.

The wife of a disgraced lawyer from Sydney’s ritzy eastern suburbs almost collapsed in court today as her husband was sentenced to at least six years in prison for masterminding the theft of more than $6 million from the estates of elderly women, most of which had been intended for charities.

Therese O’Brien, 63, had to be helped to her seat and said “won’t someone look after him,” as her husband was led away in handcuffs.

The boomer couple spent the ill-gotten gains on luxury homes and furniture – and to top up their self managed superannuation fund.

Also a part of the multimillion-dollar plot, Therese O’Brien was sentenced to three years imprisonment but will be able to serve that as an intensive correction order including 500 hours community service.

Mark Leo O’Brien, 64, wearing a black polo shirt and green trousers in the dock, gave his wife a weak smile and final kiss on the lips before he was taken down for 10 years with a non parole period of six years.

Sentencing at Sydney’s Downing Centre courts today, Judge Robert Sutherland said the operation was a “carefully thought out subterfuge” that included moving moneys in and out of O’Brien’s law firm, between various bank accounts, mortgages and superannuation investments and the forging of several documents.

At the height of their crimes, the couple had traded up from a home worth more than $1 million in North Bondi, bordering the Pacific Ocean, to an even swankier house nearby. But it was this sudden upgrade to their living that was to be their downfall.

Therese O'Brien and her husband, Sydney lawyer Mark O'Brien, pleaded guilty to defrauding clients of more than $6 million. Picture: Gaye Gerard/NCA NewsWireSource:News Corp Australia

O’Brien was convicted on 10 charges including several involving dishonestly obtaining financial advantage by deception and knowingly dealing with the proceeds of crime. His wife was convicted of two charges including dealing with the proceeds of crime.

The couple, who met at Sydney University in the 1970s, were born and bred in Sydney’s well-to-do eastern suburbs.

Mark O’Brien was a lawyer whose legal firm looked after the estates of a number of wealthy older people in the area.

In 2015, a client passed away whose will left more than $1 million to a number of medical organisations and charities.

However, O’Brien funnelled that cash into a new bank account he had opened with it going towards paying off two mortgages on the couple’s North Bondi property.

Smaller donations were made to the charities in the will. But when those charities sent the law firm letters of acknowledgment, O’Brien would use them to forge fake letters for the full amount set out in the will in case his legal firm was audited.

Justice Sutherland said that showed “a degree of planning and sophistication” – on O’Brien’s part – had gone into the fraud.

According to court documents, when O’Brien told his wife about his scheme she was “horrified” and during an argument told him to “put it back”.

However, Justice Sutherland noted that, “his refusal to put the money back, put her in a moral conundrum that ultimately led her to acquiescence”.

Some of the money went into the couple’s superannuation fund and on interest free loans to their children of several hundred thousand dollars each. There is no suggestion the children knew where that money had originated.

Therese O'Brien and Mark O'Brien arrive at the Downing Centre court in Sydney for an earlier hearing in December, 2020. Picture: Joel Carrett/NCA NewsWireSource:News Corp Australia

The earlier theft went undiscovered. But in 2017, O’Brien spied a further opportunity with another of his wealthy elderly clients for who he had power of attorney over.

“With self-confidence buoyed by the earlier misappropriation not being discovered and the forged letters undetected despite an audit, O’Brien decided to try his hand at fraudulent misappropriation again,” said Justice Sutherland.

At first he transferred smaller amounts while the woman was still alive. However, when she died she left an estate worth more than $6 million.

Like his previous victim, she had bequeathed large amounts of her wealth to charities, including around $3m to St Vincent de Paul Society.
Instead that money went to the O’Briens who used it to buy and then renovate a $3.4m home in Bondi Junction.
Theresa O’Brien spent $50,000 of the cash to buy furniture and decorate the couple’s new pad.
In total, the O’Briens extracted $6.1m from the estates of the deceased victims.

However, the ruse was revealed in early 2019 when O’Brien’s business partner from the firm Harrington, Maguire and O’Brien became suspicious about how he could afford a $3m-plus four-bedroom, four-bathroom Bondi home.

Initially O’Brien said his wife had come into the cash. But his colleague brought in auditors to scrutinise the firm’s accounts and established that he was misappropriating funds through the company.

Although O’Brien originally said the fraud was to benefit the struggling law firm he later conceded it was also done to fund his retirement.
The judge noted that the O’Briens have since paid back all the funds they took which is something of a rarity as in similar cases most of the money is quickly spent.

However, the couple invested most of the cash instead. Through selling their property (which had increased in value), emptying their super fund and by their children repaying back the loans, the charities eventually received the cash they had been promised years ago.
Justice Sutherland said he accepted the couple’s “deep remorse and contrition” but that did not absolve them from “criminal complicity”.
O’Brien will be eligible for parole in March 2027.

Editor’s note: Readers should not confuse this Mark O’Brien with defamation lawyer Mark O’Brien of Mark O’Brien Legal.
– Additional reporting by Steve Zemek
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