Any news on Court hearing scheduled for this morning?The can just keeps on getting kicked down the road... A legal form of Chinese Water Torture perhaps...
It's now been over 18 months since the Receiver or the Liquidator have posted a report to Investors.
This is BULL ****.
Even if Tucker and Cowen are taken to the cleaners the Investors won't see one brass razoo.
The Liquidators will take the they did with KPMG.
Now I may be missing something here.... can someone please explain what is going on.
money has been frittered away by all these "professionals" they can hardly say that they are saving us money by not sending
out mailings etc. What a load of crap! Actually everything about this whole proceedings from start to finish has been exactly that! The Investors will never get another penny from this lot but you can put your shirt on a bet that there will be money made available for
everyone else who puts their hands out. That sure as Hell ain't going to be us.
As for the help we were supposed to get from ASIC - don't start Mozzi on that subject!
100% agree with you Mozzi.
My biggest fear as an investor, are all the sets of beady eyes looking at the $7,575,460.25 that currently sits as our cash book balance.
35th Report online now. Not sure Mozzi wants to spend more hours than has already reading the same, same, same........
Mr Whyte must have got the hint! Does he read this? Do you think?
36th Report online now. Not sure Mozzi wants to spend more hours than has already reading the same, same, same........
Mr Whyte must have got the hint! Does he read this? Do you think?
The Liquidators don’t give a damn about the investors... They haven’t posted a report on the Equititrust website in almost 2 years... What does that tell you...It seems to me after reading David Whyte's latest report that the Media Exposure should be focused on the Liquidators.
Let's just get this finished A.S.A.P.
Give me my 2 cents or whatever.....and let me get on with life.
The defence of one of the insurers which is basically a massive ?to Tucker’s attempts to blame them for his malfeasance... ?
View attachment 125452
Hi Skate, here it is...
Tucker is about to get multiple ??? in his life soon from, financiers, insurers and a bankruptcy trustee that will not be of his choosing... Remember folks it was Tucker who has has said he will declare bankruptcy in, of all places, the Federal Court. The judge ?Condensed to save reading the entire PDF
“Legal Services” is defined as “work done or business transacted in the ordinary course of legal practice” and not for his personal gain that constitutes dishonest conduct.
The middle finger icon that @No Trust used is so adapt in this case.
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