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End of the China bull?

Day three
Looks like we're going to have to kill all the HK people.
We've done it before there were about 100million Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China
We fixed that!
HK has only 7.5 million. It's a peace of cake.
Let the noise die down. Take them away quietly and slowly and fill it up with mainlanders.

Hong Kong locals, who have the luxury of holding foreign passports, and many of the 100,000 Australians living in the former British colony, woke up on Friday reassessing their future in the city.

Enter the psychopaths - the menacing looking police who were in black, mixing with the local police but far outnumbering them. Who did not speak English like the HK people can, The Chinese Communist Party and HK dictatorship of course deny they were mainland police.
Then came the beatings, the tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, bean bag shotgun shelling and general chaos. -

"The protests were different than in 2014," says the head of a large Australian corporate in Hong Kong during a conversation in one of the high rises overlooking the city's harbour. "They were peaceful and calm. People seem much angrier now. Having 10 per cent plus of the population turning up for a protest is huge.

"It was a tinderbox already and [opposition to the extradition laws] catalysed people."

At the press conference the next day -
Hong Kong reporters wear helmets to indoor police press conference to highlight police brutality

What the unbrainwashed Chinese really think of the CCP.
It's not enough to just postpone the extradition bill.
How dare they even consider such and evil lawless imposition on the HK people.
They want their freedoms to stop being eroded as any normal person does.

The Chinese Financial System is Full of Lies
According to Baoshing's most recent regulatory filing, the smallish lender based in Inner-Mongolia, made a $600 million profit in 2017.
It had assets of around $90 billion, non-performing loans were modest — under 2 per cent — and its capital buffers would fit comfortably with the global demands of a Tier1 bank.
Then it collapsed!

The Baoshang collapse totally contradicts fundamental claim of the CCP that interbank defaults are not possible thanks to 100 per cent implicit guarantees.

Now credit risks and counter-party risks are descending on this very core market in China's financial system, all the key players in the system have to figure out how to price risks in the new paradigm, and quickly. However they can't because it's full of fraud and lies.
The consequences are big and unpleasant waves of risk repricing with major banks shying away from doing business with smaller lenders.
This is a major problem, as small-to-medium sized banks combined have balance sheets as big as the big banks combined, but are far more dependent on interbank funding - that spells 'credit crunch.'
Not an ideal mix when the broader Chinese economy is slowing and under pressure from the ongoing push backs from the US against China's legacy of economic aggression.

Meanwhile in China's property market China has an estimated 21.4 per cent dwellings vacancies. China now has as much as 6.4 billion square metres of empty residential floor space.That is 1.68 times the amount of floor space built over the past five years, and hints at the scale of construction downturn needed to allow the excess supply to be filled with residents.
To give you a better sense of the scale of China's overbuilding, assuming a reasonably generous average of 40sqm of floorspace per new dwelling, that is 160 million units that are currently sitting empty.
Biggest pushback against Chinese president Xi Jinping’s Belt Road Initiative

Tanzania’s president John Magufuli has accused the Chinese project backers of presenting “exploitative and awkward” terms in exchange for financing. Chinese financiers set “tough conditions that can only be accepted by mad people,” Magufuli told local media.

China usually gets the local officials in poor nations to sell out their countries by taking bribes for agreeing to exploitative terms.

They are so far ahead in some areas ... if you open your eyes.

Finally, someone put a more balance view to the situation. Only if notting would spend more time highlighting all the sh--it that our own govnuts impose or turn a blind eye to in our own communities, but some just need to rage
There are problems in all governments and organizations. Of course nothing is going to be perfect when people need to interact. I focus on the greatest threat to everything the human race has been threatened with.
You clearly have no idea how relatively fortunate you are to make such a naive and futile statement.
After a day in one of their camps you'd be wishing you were never born.
The sadism of the Chinese is unprecedented to humans and animals alike.
Worse is the fact that they get off on it.

Here is an example of how you will be living in the not too distant future, for your mindless and childish complacency -


Well constructed argument, not.

Naive, hardly, futile, you responded, wish I was never born, ask the people of the first nation the same question, unprecendented sadism, you have never spent time in China with the locals.

FYI the greatest threat to the human race is the human race.
Welcome to China, we're sure it's not what you expected.

A Photographer Goes Missing in China

For five weeks, the world has had no idea where Lu Guang is.

Lu Guang is an internationally acclaimed photographer from China, and he has been my friend for more than 15 years. I’m proud that the agency I co-founded represents and distributes his work. We first met in Beijing in 2002. He was already a well-known and widely awarded documentary photographer in his country, and he would soon win a slew of international awards, including some of the world’s most prestigious.

Lu Guang’s images have shown the world China’s larger reality -

No wonder they all smoke, it's healthier than breathing.

Hoping to catch something for dinner

What's that smell?


And what would I drink?

Anyone for a run around the block?

Perhaps you'd like to go for a spot of fishing?

We love the people and wish them to have a bright future. That's why we are not enriching ourselves at the expense of well, everything.
Love The Chinese Communist Party

Come and get it, we love you -

IS so so good ;;;

700 million Chinese peasants NOW live middle class lives post 1980.
Life expectancy has risen 24 years in the past 40 years in China ...

USA ... lower 80% live SHORTER lives and lost 12 years of life compared to 40 EU nations lower 80% post 1980.

Cmon Satan. This Chinese regime is one of the worst with all the atrocities.
I think it's comendable what @notting is doing. Something needs to be done. Xi Jinping is worse than Putin and Trump combined. Probably just a smaller Kim.
A favorite ....

Nothing has changed how they treat people .... other than one group now allowed at the event .... all others are subhumans.

Rah rah rah happy 4th July

Oscars Film Shows Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden

2019 version about to occur ... with tanks in Washington.

For all Chinese issues, and yes there are many ... slavery never went away in the USA ...

I would kiss the ground ... Australian ... right now.

China has massive issues and still a lot in poverty 700 million are NO longer there ...'
USA has its lower 50% NOW with no net wealth .... NONE ..
Lower middle class and half the middle class has NO NET WEALTH .... none.

Putin is worse than both with the top 1% with 90% of wealth.'
Kim is a psychopath ... NO ifs ... whats or Buts ...

USA is so far right they are actually debating healthcare for all. Anyone supporting it ... is called communist or socialist, things we enjoy ... even China has a decent and getting better healthcare system.

One is going backwards, whilst actually stealing tax globally from other sub humans, and we are viewed as subhuman and if we complain, tariffs, even threats further than that.

strange world we live in rah rah rah ... USA stocks all time highs ... not anyone in the middle class and lower middle class OWNS ANY SHARES .... NONE ... choices are paying your rent ... or medication where say Ibuterol for asthma is 10 times the cost in Australia ... of eating food.

Meanwhile homeless number up 25% in 2 years, living in cars up similar and ... well ... apparently all time lows unemployment ? Which, has USA participation rates DOWN .... not up ., down ... where the 28 EU nations all time highs ... Australia all time highs ... USA just doesn't count those mainly brown and black people who cant get jobs after 6 months, they are removed. No support.

The amount of poo ... on the sidewalks in LA and San Fran ... liberal twits like Tucker Carlson complain about the inconvenience of 3 million homeless or living in cars, double that living on the couch ...

Every nation has issues, but one where tax stops on social security at $110,000 and Medicare tax which is only for over age 65 free healthcare ... which no longer is free in the USA but needs $15,000 a year to pay for gaps and NOT covered and co-payments ... is where they are.

Mr Gates pays NOTHING to welfare .... not a cent ... Mr Buffet out of his 100 billion .... not a cent ... Mr BEzos with 200 billion ... minus 40 for his new girlfriend ... made 20 billion last 2 years Amazon and paid NOT a cent in tax.

China whilst i do NOT admire its authoritarian style .... control of people and its going to get far worse .... USA has gone to the uber rich with their quaint views about non whites and Latinos ... and healthcare that only covers 66% of people costs 20% of GDP ... basically double any other nation .... but only covers 66% so at near Medicare ion Aust or NHS in UK ... cost would be 30% of GDP ...

3 TIMES ... anywhere else .... MRI costs $1,100- v $270 here ... on and on I could go.

Welfare ... in USA ... is ... awful and slashed of late. USA stocks all time highs ?
Of course they are. ... tax was cut from 35% to 21% ... tax paid already awful at 35% tax at 17.6% ... its NOW .... 7.1% ....

Meanwhile anyone outside the top 10% is being paid with wooden tokens where they may be on a good day exchanged for an aspirin for your ill child.

China is no saint .
I do prefer our system ... and EU one.
A progressive tax system .... decent health and education ... China has these but with massive over control and lack of liberties. Sure .... lots left as peasants ... about half ... still there ...

The liberties and freedoms we enjoy in Oz and NZ and Eu .... USA has lost its mind, then again the Historical Amnesia they suffer, slavery sadly never went away in 1876, it is alive and well ... sadly we in Australia are viewed as sub humans as well.

USA oil company .... LNG plant in WA ... they sat on the deposits for 40 plus years .... we have several plants up ... Pluto the WPL Australasian one paying 300 million company tax ... same economics built around same time ... next door ... not one, but three different USA ones ... Chevron and others.... NO tax paid doing same thing. .. same costs ....

We must pay ... Google ... Microsoft ... Facebook .... lets not book sales in Australia ... but via Bermuda and avoid GST ... and some tax on profits ....

A mere speck of the 30 billion we pay to our masters !! Each year ...
Villages don't matter much to the communist party, the majority of the Chinese people are officially treated as serfs and slaves.
The Chinese Communist Party plunged the Chinese into poverty and mass starvation in the first place.
They have barley raised them out of anything that the CCP created and the numbers are lies. Recently they have stolen their retirement money and healthcare money. Simply by not paying it when it became due.
That money was counted as part of the 'raised out of poverty status' Which is pathetically low to begin with.
She got ill in the village. You have to drink the poisoned water and try to live off the toxic land when you can't afford to buy water or filter it.

Villages don't matter much to the communist party, the majority of the Chinese people are officially treated as serfs and slaves.

It seems are ex pollies see us as no different.

"Foreign investors are thought to own around 500,000 Australian homes, many of those in Sydney and Melbourne."

I walk past homeless people everyday, it seems to be getting worse in inner Melb every year and Bob Carrs answer to the problem is "Get Over it". How about F--k off Mr Carr
Australia is in deep sh0t from allownig the Chines to buy up all sorts of things here, not the least of which is property which they do in concentrated areas to take over the politics of an area and gain leverage over governments to assist in corrupting the decision making for further infiltration.
Even the Chinese here tell us we are crazy to have let this happen.
it's one reason why you should find out as much as you can about how the Chinese operate and how terrible the consequences will be for Australia's future.

According to the Henry Jackson Society researchers, the analysis of employee CVs—with as many as 25,000 uncovered by Fulbright University's Christopher Balding—showed that Huawei staff had "worked as agents within China’s Ministry of State Security; worked on joint projects with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA); were educated at China’s leading military academy; and had been employed with a military unit linked to a cyber attack on U.S. corporations.

They dress to look soft, look you in the eye with a kindly smile whilst telling unconscionable lies..

They have no conscience at all.
They think it is weakness!
How stupid you are for not doing the same.
We are the Han Chinese. We are superior. We are a long way ahead of you.
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