Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

EMR - Emerald Resources

Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas


Why has the EGO take off been greater than EMR, to date?

EGO has billions of shares so easier for day traders to move about.
EMR has around 50 million (and tightly held).

The PR machine such as HC.

Others may like to add additional reasons....

Seems EMR has the best leverage now, as Pommie's post outlines.

Happy days.
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas


As mentioned previously, its simply the orders of magnitude available for shares that are priced in decimal points.
The examples are endless of P&D on stocks/options at this price range.


Check out the bottom left hand corner of the map this is the comparable shallow target (to the Stokes formation only) on EMR's 100% lease.

I'll leave it up to you to figure for a deep Valentine analogue:)

As per not being part of the other other canning drills.
They are in JV for all the yellow section including West Kora.

This from there quarterly-

"Figure 4: Canning Basin showing Emerald’s EP104 / R1 (yellow) and EPA 4/05-6 (green)
interests, and mapped prospects and leads. The main feature on both leases is the Pinnacle Fault,
the source of much of the previous hydrocarbon production in the Canning
Basin. "

In my opinion ARQ will first focus where oil/gas is or was before heading out into the tiger country.
Remember they will be accepting 40million dollars as a pre-purchase arrangement next month;)


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Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

I think Kenna's would disagree with you atm UPKA.
A little bit further to go yet but she's doing her best to do the right thing;)

I think today will be the day we can put EMR in the break out thread..

Lets so if the activity around EGO will shift and traders will take up EMR for a few days.

Hope its a good week for all.

Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

EMR and EGO both halted right now but i can't see the announcement

anyone got a copy of the announcement??

is this the one we're waiting for???
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Commencement of the Empire Oil & Gas N.L. Canning Basin
exploration programme with the spudding of the Valentine-1 exploration well.

Let the roller coaster begin! :D
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

EMR and EGO both halted right now but i can't see the announcement

anyone got a copy of the announcement??

is this the one we're waiting for???

ha.. I had just put another order on for EMR too after it slipped back a bit. If it's good news I'll be mighty unimpressed :)
I've been assuming the drilling was taking place roughly around the 19th based on a previous announcement, and the fact that things always take longer than estimated, but it sounded rough so could be.....
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Commencement of the Empire Oil & Gas N.L. Canning Basin
exploration programme with the spudding of the Valentine-1 exploration well.

Let the roller coaster begin! :D

Just noticed the announcement in the time it took to reply here - my seat is in the full and upright position!
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

remember guys EMR has another project EP405/6 due west of valentine, on the same fault line and 100% owned! so a discovery at Valentine will push EMR alot higher than EGO! PLUS, they started another drill in Texas with 80% possibility of a hit, its only a matter of time now boys!
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Another Announcement!!!

ARC`s Canning Basin Exploration Program Commences!

Man did they pick a good day to announce things :)

Hold on tight this is going to be a ride and a half!
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

its the same announcement

so EGO goes up 10% after the announcement and EMR goes down 5%

Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

remember guys EMR has another project EP405/6 due west of valentine, on the same fault line and 100% owned! so a discovery at Valentine will push EMR alot higher than EGO! PLUS, they started another drill in Texas with 80% possibility of a hit, its only a matter of time now boys!


Did you notice the info in the white box of my previous post?
The shallow target alone is five times larger than stokes - punch that data into pommies spreadsheet and see what you reckon
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas


Did you notice the info in the white box of my previous post?
The shallow target alone is five times larger than stokes - punch that data into pommies spreadsheet and see what you reckon

Ok..this is now ridiculous.

EGO's market cap is $75 million
EMR's is $22 million

I just sold out of my position in EGO and bought more EMR. Far too scary to hold EGO.:eek:
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Ok..this is now ridiculous.

EGO's market cap is $75 million
EMR's is $22 million

I just sold out of my position in EGO and bought more EMR. Far too scary to hold EGO.:eek:

True that, but ain't market sentiment a fickle thing. Could it be a substantial holding increase? Still less volume that Fridays effort ... more people holding for drill results now i'd say

Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas


Did you notice the info in the white box of my previous post?
The shallow target alone is five times larger than stokes - punch that data into pommies spreadsheet and see what you reckon

Hi jtb, thats why EMR is so undervalued, bt its picking up now, it took a few weeks be4 ppl realise the potential for EGO, i think it'll be the same for EMR. we r not gonna double or triple in few days, it takes time. i reckon 2 weeks from now, or a week be4 the completion of the drill, we'll see EMR's mkt cap closer to EGO's if not more!
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Well, after doing the research and the sums, I have to retract my previous comment about EGO in favour of EMR. I sold all my EGO last week and have just taken a nice position in EMR now. I like the look of its prospects in terms of CB and Hope. Downside is limited. Upside is magnificent. Love it.
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas


We all agree we are gonna make money.


Thanks for all the wonderful input from the posters on this thread.

Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

we have done a recorde volume today, should definately be an interesting week for EMR, im pretty confident that this will hold even if the the market goes down tomorrow. still smallish traders, wanting for the big guns to come in as seen in EGO.
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Another good day at the office -22% rise. In the last 6 trading days, we've only had one fall, and that was only 2.4%.

It looks as though EMR is finally being 'discovered'. IMO this should snowball this week providing that Cow Jones doesn't end up in the slaughterhouse again.
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas

Another good day at the office -22% rise. In the last 6 trading days, we've only had one fall, and that was only 2.4%.

It looks as though EMR is finally being 'discovered'. IMO this should snowball this week providing that Cow Jones doesn't end up in the slaughterhouse again.

yes definately, with recorde volume going through today, im sure this one will pop up on alot of traders' radars. lots of buyers around the 27-28c level, bt there's always someone dumping 100k shares at a time, dunno if its the same person tho.
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas


Suggestion that large seller/s could be the sophisticated investors who got in at 18c via placement.

This is the best thread I have ever read, imo.


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