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Electric cars?

Would you buy an electric car?

  • Already own one

    Votes: 10 5.1%
  • Yes - would definitely buy

    Votes: 43 21.7%
  • Yes - preferred over petrol car if price/power/convenience similar

    Votes: 78 39.4%
  • Maybe - preference for neither, only concerned with costs etc

    Votes: 38 19.2%
  • No - prefer petrol car even if electric car has same price, power and convenience

    Votes: 25 12.6%
  • No - would never buy one

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters
Shale wells in the united states all of a sudden look extremely attractive when the iranians have just bombed 3/4 of saudi arabia's production facilities. No competition to worry about then, is there?
Electric cars also look extremely attractive in that scenario.

The economics of a petrol car versus an electric one become somewhat irrelevant if the petrol car can't actually be driven anywhere due to a lack of petrol.

As many found out in the 1970's, economics only works up to a point during times of scarcity. Beyond that, physical shortages emerge - that's one problem that an EV definitely gets around (well, except for those living in remote places where the power's generated using diesel, but they're not the people likely to buy an EV anytime soon).
Oh absolutely. I was just trying to point out that the saudi-iranian war that's soon to break out is going to be a huge boon for all the other oil producers. So if you buy electric car makers and american oil companies, you're set.

Conversely, you want to avoid internal combustion car manufacturers as they face pressure from both electric cars and lack of oil supply.

Having said all this, america is actually oil independent now, hence why they don't care about the saudi supply being taken offline. It's only a physical supply problem for everyone else - who will have no choice but to buy our oil off the yanks for pretty seriously inflated prices.

Nice way of saying there's a lot of out-of-touch dinosaurs out there isn't it?
That guy is completely wrong, Tesla isn’t doomed any more than Apple was when Samsung brought out their imitation phones.

The vehicle market is huge, there is plenty of space for other EV makers to thrive without out impacting Tesla at all.

If anyone is doomed it’s car companies that aren’t making a proper attempt to enter the EV market or are just making a small number of compliance cars.
I tend to agree simply for political reasons - EV's & renewable energy et al are VERY popular at the moment.

Check out TAN both over the year and since biden won the election:

It was at $40 pre march crash, dropped to $23, and has been on an absolute tear ever since. I bought & sold and bought & sold a bit of it months ago and am back in again wishing I'd just bought & held the whole time.

There's no question that governments around the world will be throwing all kinds of money at all this green energy etc etc stuff over the next few years - the reasons why don't matter, all we need to worry about is whether it'll happen or not, and it undoubtedly will.
If anyone is doomed it’s car companies that aren’t making a proper attempt to enter the EV market or are just making a small number of compliance cars.

Does anyone seriously expect that you'll be able to buy any new ICE car at all 20 years from now?

The writing's on the wall very clearly, any question being one of detail.
To be fair, the video was about tesla specifically, not EV's as a whole.
To be fair, the video was about tesla specifically, not EV's as a whole.
But if we agree there is going to be a trend towards ever more EV’s, it’s not the company that is the leader of the EV market that is in danger of being doomed.

I have watched a few of that guys videos, he has a business (that he advertised at the start of that video) where he makes money by finding the dealership that will give you the biggest discount on your new car you want.

which means, ofcourse he is going to be against Tesla because they don’t sell cars that way, you can’t talk a deal with Tesla, because they don’t operate using individually owned dealerships that will compete against each other, so his little business can’t help you buy a Tesla.

however, he can continue making his commissions if you avoid Tesla and instead buy some other EV from a company that uses traditional dealership networks.

so don’t expect fair review from that guy unless it’s on a car that he can help you buy and earn his commission.

Does anyone seriously expect that you'll be able to buy any new ICE car at all 20 years from now?

The writing's on the wall very clearly, any question being one of detail.
I actually believe you will be but not in the west, 5 billions or more in india, asia , africa will buy ices at half the price the western citizen mandated evs.but they will be developing so that is ok.
In australia, i actually wonder cause it will not take much of a shock for us to slide back into the other not so lucky side, especially if coal and gas prices are crushed/export forbidden

Electric trucks are a long, long, LONG way off. This is a total fool's errand.
So, it looks like apple might be in the electric car business in 3-4 years.

If this is true, I can't wait to find out more about what sort of vehicles they will be producing, eg will they be high end vehicles or more mass market, very exciting, it also opens up yet another area Apple will have to sell services as well as hardware.

Elon Musk knew 4.5 years ago that Apple was planning an electric car, and could tell from their hiring patterns that they were planning more direct competition than google.

Elon Musk knew 4.5 years ago that Apple was planning an electric car, and could tell from their hiring patterns that they were planning more direct competition than google.

I can never get over the people who keep claiming this guy is an idiot. Like bill gates, he's successful because he has both the technical know-how and a business head. There's a lot of people out there with one or the other, but to find someone with both is extremely rare.
Reading his biography is interesting.i always laugh at people stating that such and such billionaire is an idiot: be it Trump or Musk, Bezos or Gate etc..and then go back to their shitty $60k or $150k jobs,most of these fake jobs, with a middle management boss and a HR policy...
Oh frog. Don't you know that the only reason anyone ever gets well off is privilege/unfairness/etc? Intellect, work ethic, decision making, sensibility with money etc etc have nothing to do with it.
I would disagree for garbage trucks: perfect target low noice..think city night early morning traffic, start stop on regen brakes,etc
The other thing is, garbage especially recycling is very light by volume, so EV garbage trucks probably make a lot of sense. I have a mate who is a garbo, I will run it past him and see what he reckons.
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