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Economic implications of a SARS/Coronavirus outbreak

Gov IT is one of the few triggers that is guaranteed to send me onto a bender. Who the hell to they hire for these projects?

Ahh you outsource the cheapest o
Stay at home if possible.

Keep distance from others if out.


After this is passed, we all have to do our bit to make Australia strong. No more "selling out" and giving in to Chinese $. We need to keep things at home as much as possible.

This situation shows us how easily we can be crippled and so dependant on a foreign non ally power.

Yes we will all take a hit and scale back the easy sugar money but it doesn't mean we will struggle.

This means instead of reselling cheap dodgy product manufactured in a Chinese factory with 20% failure rate at 90% profit we need to support local manufactures and buy a superior product with 2% failure rate at 30% profit.

Its a mentality we have to take on, if every Aussie follows this pattern (ofcourse with products and supplies we are able to make locally) we will prosper and grow in the long term.

For too long we have been fattening up China who now are in a position to buy out half the world 'if they are permitted to'

Lets at least make one positive from this tragedy and go back to being more self sufficient.

p.s the education sector really needs to change BIG CHANGES no more easy money from printing degrees to Chinese students, educate property and educate locally
XAO 5040.

+10% achieved yesterday and today.

I'll take my beers at home though!
Agreed although I'll note a difference between blame / hate versus looking at the implications it has for different countries and economies etc.
Muslims put in a good shift of 20 years dealing with those types of people.

Asians are happy to give them a year or two off.
How believable is the "problem" when we can suddenly find $3trillion for a nasty flu, that so far hasn't done much (apart from economically). But not a great deal on CC that will allegedly kill more and cause greater economic destruction?

Surely now would be the point you would start transitioning while the money is flowing?
Agreed although I'll note a difference between blame / hate versus looking at the implications it has for different countries and economies etc.
Please note that while fully convinced it is man made, i do not in the slightest believe this was intentional and do not blame China for that, and even less Chinese people..but as pointed already the denial will move to anger and become ugly.
Please note that while fully convinced it is man made, i do not in the slightest believe this was intentional and do not blame China for that, and even less Chinese people..but as pointed already the denial will move to anger and become ugly.
I put blame squarely on the Chinese that ate or had a supporting role in those wet markets. They keep eating stuff with a high risk of zoonotic transmission. Turn a blind eye, then you can suffer the blame.
This is what, the third time or more?
Get your sht in order China.

And there's a billion of you. And you are one of the most powerful nations on earth. People need to stop feigning calls of "racism" to those in power to play down an obvious problem. They have basically destroyed the economic world.

However, no Chinese should ever be attacked on a personal level whatsoever. There is a massive difference between the singular and a nation that needs to reassess it's practices.
Agree overall but by focusing on these wet markets we do not attack the actual cause this time and the people playing with what could be mankind death in these labs crisping happily variole and who knows what either for research or even military purpose

I reckon China will definitely reassess it's practices as they get over this crisis. On a purely pragmatic basis they are living through the costs and will want to take whatever action required to minimise it happening again.

But I don't think we need to use this forum to kick "Chinese ass" . No matter how you might try to spin it it comes out as an attack on all Chinese.

In terms of creating economic disasters one could far more realistically note how Donald Trump and much of the broader US economic system is currently walking over a cliff and taking the country and the world with them.
QFrog could you please let up on this continual scare mongering about random labs brewing killer viruses. It just isn't useful.


It's a long time since the early story about this coming from the wet market was completely debunked. The first patients identified were long before the virus ever got to the wet market. It started near the laboratory (however you want to think it got there), it spread between multiple people, *then* one of those people went to the crowded market and it spread between more people there.

People keep saying the Chinese are to blame for eating strange things. This virus did start in China, China did silence people trying to raise the alarm and did use the situation to its economic advantage and is guilty as sin in many respects even if you don't want to consider the actual origins of the virus, but looking at the origins of the virus, it makes no sense to get angry at people for dietary choices.

Most diseases outbreaks come from domestic animals, not wildlife. Think about the outbreaks we have experienced. Swine flu came from pigs, mad cow disease came from cows, MERS came from domestic camels, bird flu came from domestic poultry... yet in this case when despite all the incredible advances in genetics technology giving us so much better technology than before, they ate for the very first time since the advent of any form of genetics technology unable or unwilling to to give us an origin story, and that despite this by far being the most intensely studied virus in the history of the planet. That and it started right next to a virus lab. In China. If they announced it was artificially modified it would cause utter chaos and immediate war. If they could give us any natural origin story you know they would. These dots alone are so close together they're already pretty much touching, and there are several more dots in between, join them if you can.

So, with most disease outbreaks coming from monocultured domestic animals and there being no genuine evidence that this one is from wildlife and the most plausible story not being eating wildlife, we should probably not currently focus blame on people eating wildlife.
I think technology will be used to trace those likely to have been in virus contact. The stumbling block in Aussie culture (and not just us) we see it as 'invasive' technology, where the Chinese culture is more accepting. This technology was used to back track peoples movement and then contact potential carriers. I think this has expedited their whole turn around.
We, are asking people to recall where they have been. Consequently it may take considerably more time to get on top. One thing for certain is a lot of work will be done in this area. It will have its drawbacks too.
It has happened three times. Stating facts that the Chinese government has repeatedly failed is hardly "kicking Chinese ass". This is the government keeping political prisoners, organ harvesting them, suppressing Uighur population not to mention the actual citizens of China.

If Donald Trump had caused the virus you would be on his ass in an instant. In fact you have pretty much deferred blame onto him. You repeatedly praise China and shtball the US.
It's possible that it has escaped. But for now, until further proof it's a case of zoonotic transmission. Either way it was a huge and dangerous failure.
If Donald Trump had caused the virus you would be on his ass in an instant. In fact you have pretty much deferred blame onto him. You repeatedly praise China and shtball the US.

I'm kicking the sxhit out of Donald Trump for a litany of actions he has taken that have undermined the US capacity to respond to this crisis and are currently threatening to undermine their capacity to bring it under control before it devastates their economy and takes rest of us with it. OK ?

I have absolutely no problem in wanting to see a new competent leader of the US ASAP.

I don't have a great love of China. They have certainly done many things I think are very wrong. You brought up a few of them. I just don't see good value in geeing up anti Chinese sentiment over this issue. IMV it is probably far more useful to pick their brains and resources on how they have managed to largely control this outbreak.

And of course they do have elite medical/research skills that are dealing with this problem. Well worth sharing I think.
(j) larger companies will look to extend Accounts Payable time
I think they will reduce it significantly, I know told of two major (ASX20) companies have just gone from monthly to 1/2 monthly. There will probably soon be others.
China sea, Debt trap of foreign poor countries, silencing of citizens, murder of citizens, military bullying of other countries. At what point do you realize Trump isn't actually the threat in the room.

I wonder if the same was said of Germany or Russia during the ascendancy of Hitler or Stalin. "Shhh, don't point out the obvious..... Because that's racism".
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