Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Economic implications of a SARS/Coronavirus outbreak

Need more info on that poz. Moderna reckon their jab is about 90% effective?
So,the solution is to vaccinate everyone with a vaccine which may or may not kill you, does not orevent you from catching the virus, does not prevent you from being contagious and does not prevent you from endding in hospital or dying.
As a result,we carry on lockdown which basically do only slow the spread.
We managed this way to kill our economies, extend the epidemy from a quick 1y or sowildfire to a slower burning multi years consuming all carnage, which will now only maybe end when everyone will have been contaminated and the 1 or 2 pc death rate achieved.
How the hell can iur economy survive this mismanagement?
10000s overseas military personnel arrived in central Queensland from US, Korea, Canada, UK,etc while a restaurant owner can not open fully in sydney or you can not cross a state border to do a job there?
What a shamble under the name of science...
given the virus has been known for 18 months now and international borders were NOT closed properly , and hotel quarantine became problematic , i think it is safe to assume 70% of the Australian population has had the opportunity to survive the virus ( including most of those in care homes , paradoxically )

governments and currencies rely on trust , prepare for what comes next
No problem, I watched the broadcast, they tried to remove it, but it was publicly televised. Then they tried to say he made a mistake, but that was definitely not the case. Why was it not on our news?

mind you .. to be fair , before the jab roll-out , they left the old to die in care homes and persuaded the sick NOT to seek medical treatment until near the point of collapse

so now you CAN get hospital treatment , whether jabbed or not , so of course there will plenty of the jabbed in hospital haven't seen many Tik Tok videos lately maybe the staff are actually busy now
From the beginning of Covid I have always known that avoidance and vaccines are futile. You are all seeing this now. It is crazy to lock a country's borders to keep us safe because all we are doing is delaying the inevitable.
This is what you need for 100% protection, I have used it for years, it costs (for the micropulser) between $300 and $600 depending on where you purchase and it will protect you for the rest of your lives for the cost of an occasional 9v battery.
Here is the literature, but I mostly use the wrist micropulser, not the four protocols.
I have no interest in this other than seeing you and others fully protected without side effects and without having to be an experimental, drug-company mouse for every new virus the emerges in the future.
Please read everything on the website, not just the manual so that you understand that this is genuine, has been around for 20+ years, was developed by a brilliant physicist for all the world and the plans to build your own given away free.
Here are two site where you can purchase, but they have to advertise that it is for 'recreational use' so do not ask them about cures. The Bob Beck website does not sell, it is there for your complete information. Canadian dollars Australian dollars
When I come down with a virus I put on the wrist micropulser for 2-4hrs after which symptoms disappear, then I repeat for 2hrs for the next three days. That's it, provided you catch it early enough before the virus causes all the mucous and sinus problems. As soon as all your muscles ache use it.
The first mRNA vaccine tried against dengue fever in the Philippines killed 600 we realised after the fact that people who had had no previous exposure overreacted in contact ..a rough summary...but you can read about this yourself.
Called Dengvaxia, it caused an antibody-dependent enhancement (via cytoplasmic leakage syndrome) when administered to previously unaffected people, such that the immune response of the vaccine amplified the effect of in a person subsequently catching the virus. Thus, the vaccine is only safe to be administered in a person who has previously been confirmed as having had dengue fever.
The mRNA nature of Dengvaxia was not regarded as factor in the deaths.
qldfrog et al, ( still can't log in properly only post logged out). The UK had 96 deaths today way up on last week and the infection rate is out of control. A warning to Australia as this Delta Variant is so infectious and deadly for many not double vaccinated. - even if double vaccinated it can still kill you. America is finding more young children infected and suffering from long covid. The UK's Government's Health Secretary has contracted the Delta variant despite receiving two jabs. This is a war not just something to take a bit seriously.
Regarding the implications of Covid, I seriously think we will come out of all this much the same as we did after WW1&2.

I think travel will be slow to get moving, domestic tourism and recreation will boom first, (I just invested in BCF (SUL ticker) for the recreation boom) shortages will be common, jobs will be snatched up, and another baby boomer revival will occur without the babies because fertility is a major problem and parents do not want a big bunch of kids.

I think it will be 2025 before things open up and a boom building for 10 years after that.

Not much else compares to nations across the globe shutting borders and restricting movements, massively reduced economies and skyrocketing government debt.
Regarding the implications of Covid, I seriously think we will come out of all this much the same as we did after WW1&2.

I think travel will be slow to get moving, domestic tourism and recreation will boom first, (I just invested in BCF (SUL ticker) for the recreation boom) shortages will be common, jobs will be snatched up, and another baby boomer revival will occur without the babies because fertility is a major problem and parents do not want a big bunch of kids.

I think it will be 2025 before things open up and a boom building for 10 years after that.

Not much else compares to nations across the globe shutting borders and restricting movements, massively reduced economies and skyrocketing government debt.
sadly this is also usually mixed with booming taxes and property/asset seizures for the national interest!!!
qldfrog et al, ( still can't log in properly only post logged out). The UK had 96 deaths today way up on last week and the infection rate is out of control. A warning to Australia as this Delta Variant is so infectious and deadly for many not double vaccinated. - even if double vaccinated it can still kill you. America is finding more young children infected and suffering from long covid. The UK's Government's Health Secretary has contracted the Delta variant despite receiving two jabs. This is a war not just something to take a bit seriously.
I never said it is not to be taken seriously, over 65 get vaccinated, below delta or not, let the virus run and die, if we do not let it run its course, it will NOT die..noone suggest seriously (not talking Guardian ABC) that you can really have covid then get reinfected as a general will obviously happen in rare case, but this is an exception, not the rule.And if it was the rule, what would be the point of vaccines...
as always the question is what is the fatality rate?, can hospital treat you properly ? I am all for smooth the curve concept then if you kill the economy, how many people do you kill via poverty, lack of new hospital or tech developed, etc in the next 20y
people gloat about long covid potential unknown danger while getting mRNA jabs?
And the Greens campaign against GMO and yet still support trial vaccines on millions???

Right now, we sacrifice the future for the current older generation.
this is not the way society should be in my opinion, and i am not prime buck anymore so in a way I benefit from that selfish attitude
Need more info on that poz. Moderna reckon their jab is about 90% effective?
It may be worth noting that hospitalised cases might conceivably be less than 10% of the vaccinated populace. Naturally, more information would need to be considered to confirm.
It may be worth noting that hospitalised cases might conceivably be less than 10% of the vaccinated populace. Naturally, more information would need to be considered to confirm.
I think it is only the worst cases in hospital, not all the cases. 'Effectiveness' was a very loose term without a proper definition. I do believe others who pointed out that infection rates dropped with vaccinations so they must work to some extent, but I am not convinced it will allow us to travel and gather in large numbers and 'save the country' as we are led to believe.
It may be worth noting that hospitalised cases might conceivably be less than 10% of the vaccinated populace. Naturally, more information would need to be considered to confirm.
vaccinated or not, far far less than 10% of infected required hospitalisation, otherwise, France and UK would really have been under..they were not..
Except in qld where it seems you are sent straight away as soon as tested positive and become a guinea pig for research...
IMO QAN isn't even worth the pie in Joyce's face

i inherited QAN ( and sold out in 2013 ) it didn't take me long to work out Joyce is a professional victim parading as a CEO

somehow REX ( which i do NOT hold ) is pushing ahead nicely ,

so maybe the indutry needs a restructure ( i hope MQG a lessor of aircraft doesn't suffer too much i have a few of then )

but of couse all those trough-feeders in Canberra will save their favourite meeting lounge
IMO QAN isn't even worth the pie in Joyce's face

i inherited QAN ( and sold out in 2013 ) it didn't take me long to work out Joyce is a professional victim parading as a CEO

somehow REX ( which i do NOT hold ) is pushing ahead nicely ,

so maybe the indutry needs a restructure ( i hope MQG a lessor of aircraft doesn't suffer too much i have a few of then )

but of couse all those trough-feeders in Canberra will save their favourite meeting lounge

A story:

An Irishman wants a job, but the boss won’t hire him until he passes a simple math test. The boss says:

“Here is your first question; without using numbers, represent the number 9.”​
He says:

“Without numbers? That’s easy.”
He proceeds to draw three trees :

The boss asks:

“What the heck is this?”​
To which he replies:

“Have you no brain? Tree and tree, plus tree makes 9.”
The boss responds:

“Okay, here is your second question.
Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99.”

He stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree.. “There ye go.”

The boss scratches his head and says:
“How on earth do you get that to represent 99?”

To which he replies:
“Each of the trees is dirty now. So, it’s dirty tree, and dirty tree, plus dirty tree. Dat makes 99.”

The boss is getting worried that he’s actually going to have to hire the guy,
so he says:
“All right, last question. Same rules again,
but represent the number 100.”

He stares into space a bit,
then he picks up the picture and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says, “Here ye go. One hundred.”

The boss looks at the picture:
“You must be crazy if you think that represents a hundred!”

He leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree
and says:
“A little dog came along and pooped by each tree.
So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd,
and dirty tree and a turd, which makes 100.”

The boss had to employ the new man who rose through the ranks and is now the CEO of Qantas!