Ann, you said "I thought it was an hilarious opportunity for a bit of fun, a reaction I am not sure Skate was all that pleased with but it was simply an exercise"
I used you to demonstrate an insignificant point, it could have been anyone but you were the easiest to manipulate at the time. I didn't do it to cause friction but to demonstrate why we shouldn't jump at shadows, why we shouldn't "REACT" but "RESPOND" as "RESPONDING" gives you time to think - you perfectly demonstrated how someone uses their "Lizard" brain.
I could trot lots of quotes & relate them to the way you reacted (but I won't)
Our conversation has now ended - I'm not in the mood to play tennis with you.
I'm NOW addressing @willy1111 from this point on.
Willy1111, what an orator, after reading your post you have displayed that you are a gifted orator who raised excellent points, making everyone understand better what I was trying to demonstrate where others had no understanding. (I'm about to post an article about how STUPID salespeople really are it will be interesting to read, I relate sales skills or perceived sales ability with trading, I hope the poster reads it)
Ann, didn't understand what I was demonstrating, she didn't get it - my lesson was to demonstrate how to manipulative people, (Ann, often makes quotes (that I don't believe) & (I don't reality think she believes either) its all to do with "little person syndrome" by using "little person syndrome" I mean no disrespect & none is intended but using that saying add meaning to my statement.
There was a remark made that she couldn't be manipulated, as she is stronger than that & it wouldn't work on her.
I made one statement & BINGO !! (reaction with attitude) for someone who has no feeling & doesn't get upset (she says she don't get upset) well with ever post to me she is upset, one whinge any another.
She (I've use the word 'she' not disrespectfully - I have used the word 'she' so I don't offend her again by using her real name)
Let me start again
She perceived my statement one way when my statement meant something entirely different.
Our belief system comes from others & in her case it came from a "poor role model" in her father, the story she posted broke my heart so I now have a better understanding of her attitude when it comes to others & her perception of the markets.
It's a pity
We tend to see the world through our eyes rather than as the world really is.
I think it is important that we all be aware of this cognitive bias both in ourselves and in others.