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Hi Dave, are you trading any of Nick's subscription services, or using his API for US trading ?

No i don't use either his subscriptions, turnkeys or API for trading, i just like to use it as a baseline for my own trading.

I bought all his turnkeys during his black friday deal last year at 50%. It was an offer too good to pass up.
Yes you need to setup a whole infrastructure framework. IB, an API, Norgate, amibroker all built in a custom VPS.

Yes and you would want to cover all the risks for that mean reversion.
Hopefully that VPS doesn't have the unthinkable happen during the US market.

Imagine a big IB margin account while you're snoring away. You place a few hundred trades before the market opens to trigger at a price and the API limits the number of trades bought.

Then the VPS has an outage and your API resets during a market sell off. Oooops.

You'd have an alarm on your mobile if an outage happened but you'd be out of bed in a flash scrambling to cancel trades.
I'm sure Nick has pointed out on his twitter in the past that they have had some technical glithes with the US systems running overnight in the past which caused problems but not sure the extents of it to be honest. I believe the US markets have some halts based on volitility and circuit breakers where the market is closed for the rest of the day on limit down (-20%)
I run 4 heavily modded versions of Nick's day trade strategies. 1 x short and 3 x longs. I use his API to manage the orders and I run it from a server. As soon as a trade is filled, an MOC order is immediately placed (although out of the thousands of orders I've had filled the last 12 months, about 5 times there was no MOC order placed). So the API resetting during a market sell off would not affect any of the strategies, as the API simply manages the open and filled orders, it doesn't react to live price movements.
The worst case scenario with regards to outage of VPS would be that the API won't cancel my unfilled orders, nor will it place MOC orders as it should. I attempt to max out my entire account every night anyway, so theoretically I can't exceed what I intend to as IBKR won't allow this. So I could potentially be stuck holding a bunch of positions which were intended to be exited at the close of the market... so if this scenario ever happened, I would just sell at the next open. The odds of this happening are slim, the consequences would not be that bad - and potentially could even work in my favour.
I run 4 heavily modded versions of Nick's day trade strategies. 1 x short and 3 x longs. I use his API to manage the orders and I run it from a server.

Hi Wasp - what does Nick recommend as the minimum position and portfolio size for these systems ?

Hi Wasp - what does Nick recommend as the minimum position and portfolio size for these systems ?

I don’t know if Nick has specifically recommended any minimum size, but you want to minimise commission drag by placing larger orders. I initially started with $50k plus $25k IBKR margin long only strategy unmodified and it was profitable. Once I was satisfied I wasn’t going to lose all my money I upped my account size. Position sizing is tricky without 4:1 margin, I did a lot of back testing with various combinations of max positions and position sizing.
If you reached out to Nick on Twitter he would probably answer your questions, I’ve found him to be generous with his time and knowledge, as well as being very helpful.
Don't we just hate it when we do the right thing and sell when we should and the bloody price takes off like a flying bat.

Of course the system doesn't know that Russia produces and exports heaps of potash around the world and HFR has a potash project in Spain.

This happens to all of us. The upward price movement paused and price remained in a corrective pattern which triggered the sell signal for the Flying Bat System. Looks like the next impulsive swing may have started.

ps: Check out the other ASX potash stocks; SHP (Germany), APC, KP2. SO4 - so sad, too bad.
Hi Wasp - what does Nick recommend as the minimum position and portfolio size for these systems ?


This question probably has more to do with you, your account size and ability to stomach a loss. Here's a simple calculation :

1 - On ANY system work out what the maximum drawdown is likely to be, ie. Backtest it.
2 - Work out how much you think you can stomach to lose and halve that amount.
3 - Calculate your portfolio capital to stay within your MDD.

ie, Your system produces a MDD of around 20% through backtesting.
If you THINK you can stomach a $20 K drawdown, you should calculate for a $10K maximum drawdown ( this is expectation vs reality ).
Your calculated portfolio size should not exceed $50K.

Also, don't be fooled into thinking daytrading strategies are magic bullets and better than other strategies, they're just different. I would never run a daytrading strategy in isolation. Most daytrading strategies require a 4:1 leverage amount to become effective, so the amount of money exposed to the market is quite a lot and your portfolio can be quite volatile and unpredictable.

To put all this in perspective my DT portfolio is currently down 12% since the start of this week ... 3 days. You should think about whether or not that's something that would stress you out.
To put all this in perspective my DT portfolio is currently down 12% since the start of this week ... 3 days. You should think about whether or not that's something that would stress you out.
Yikes, I'm stressed just reading it.
Yep .. It only takes one bad bar to ruin a month or one good bar to make a month.

This week it was 7-3 ... The US dropped 3% in one session,
Last month it was the 24-Feb, where we had a perfect bounce and the daytraders cleaned up.

These are extreme days though.

@ducati916 in a nutshell & at a quick glance "Composer" is a simple "menu-driven backend architecture" for trading the US markets & is relatively a new concept as of November 2021. The name is derived from you "Composing" (building) your own automated investing strategies. (Similar to many already)

"Composer" is a no-code tool for building strategies
Composer is corralled into different accounts (portfolios) so that you can execute "buy & sell orders" in multiple accounts so the data & execution ensure the structure is kept to a minimum.

"Composer" is software that helps with the creative part of investing
The investing strategy is a decisions process that relies on data being fed into the "Core Logic Investment Strategy". The investment strategy can then be executed from individual accounts for trade execution. The individual accounts form the modules displayed on their website.

You add "their ingredients" to their backend architecture (their software)
Their software as with most others "you" need to create, inspect, backtest & modify the strategies, whether you know how to code or not. Composer is the backend architecture of the software that allows you to add "programmed features" to it thus increasing the structure & effectiveness of the strategy. At the end of the day, it's a tool to help you in your decision-making process, rather than replace them altogether.

Being new, "Composer" will take time to develop into an effective tool requiring a community to swap ideas to make it work. After all, it's just a tool to help you make trading decisions. "Composer is an automated trading platform" that allows you to build strategies without coding experience allowing you to watch your trades execute automatically. I should also say you need to be "smarter than the average" who has a lot of time on their hands to handle the frustration of setting up individual trading portfolios & getting it to work as promised.

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