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Some of you may be aware that between December 2013 and October 2017, ASF was involved in litigation in Queensland’s Supreme Court. Some of you may also be aware that a company cannot be represented in legal proceedings by anyone other than a licensed legal practitioner. Unlike a natural person, who has the right to represent him or herself in court, a company must be represented by a legal practitioner at all times. ASF is operated by a company that I established in 2007 and for that reason it required a lawyer to represent it during those legal proceedings.

Over the course of that almost four year litigation, and in the subsequent three and a half years since then, approximately $400,000 was expended on legal fees. I’m sure that you’d agree that’s a fairly substantial sum of money. The case was successfully defended, but not one dollar of those costs has yet been recovered. Related costs are still being expended to this day as insolvency proceedings continue against those who commenced the litigation.

As everyone is aware, ASF is a website that is entirely free to use. There has never been any membership fees payable to make use of the website. However there are many expenses that go along with providing the service that ASF provides; web hosting, off site backups, software, custom coding and design work, and compensation for the person who organizes all of that, and who oversees and manages the website and community. All of those expenses are separate to the legal expenses mentioned above.

So it is clear that ASF must generate revenue in order to survive, and continue to provide the service. With no membership revenue it does this via advertising, both display advertising and email advertising. Both are necessary in order to generate the revenue required to cover all the costs outlined above. That is just to break even.

The reason that you just can’t unsubscribe from email advertising is because that would make the service ASF provides unviable. Unfortunately I am not able to fund ASF from my own resources. The fact that there is email advertising and this cannot be unsubscribed from unless you unsubscribe from the service entirely is outlined in the website Terms of Use. This Terms of Use is agreed to upon registration by checking a box. Unless this box is checked registration is not possible.

I would hope that those who come here to spend time, and hopefully learn and benefit from ASF understand and appreciate the costs involved and the necessity of revenue generation. It’s just a fact of life that cannot be avoided. I hope that you will remember that when you see display ads or receive an email advertisement. Don’t feel annoyed, feel glad that ASF is generating the revenue it needs to stay online. Every day more than a thousand people find ASF from various search engines. Some of them come looking for an answer to a question they have, others for information on a particular topic. ASF provides a service to them also. Some of them occasionally choose to register and stick around and contribute too. I’m sure that’s how most of those reading this ended up here.

Every month I pay a small donation to Michael West, a former Fairfax journalist who was given the boot years ago for ruffling too many rich and powerful feathers. He now runs his own independent journalism website where he does the same thing he did at Fairfax, exposing tax cheats, scams and corporate skullduggery. He relies – at least partially - on donations to fund his journalism and he used to have on his website, “Don’t donate so you can read it, donate so everyone can.” I agreed with that sentiment and that is part of the reason I donate. If you visit his website you will see that he doesn’t pull punches. Australia needs the likes of Michael West. It needs as much independent media as we can fund because one of the great things the internet gave us is the decentralisation of information. The Murdochs and those like them no longer get to own and completely control the airwaves like they used to. These days any old Joe Blow off the street can start a website and build an audience, or a community. ASF is just another part of that independent media landscape. Any support (or even understanding) you can offer is appreciated; even if that’s as simple as putting up with some advertising so ASF can continue to provide the service that it has for the last seventeen years.

That’s my dump for tonight. Thanks for listening.
Thankyou Joe,

For everything ......

There is a great program out there on netflix called the Social Dillemma. There is a quote in there that says

if you are not paying for a product then you ARE the product.

While it all sounds nefarious, understanding what the big corportations goals and motivations are is the biggest step into arming yourself with defenses against them.

As a society the attacks on your personal information, liberties and freedoms are going to become more commonplace. They have no jurisdictions that they need to follow, so everyone is fair game, no matter what website you log into, phone calls you make, texts, sms's or any other form of communication, It's all being recorded ( multiple times ) so you may as well get used to it ( and mitigate against it ).

Anyway the bottom line is that i trust the site you have set up and value the contributions made by the members of this community.

Spam is just something to deal with now on an everyday basis ... whether it's emails, phone calls, snail mail ..... Be educated and just throw it away.
Please remind us of the bank account to make contributions to your legal case and support of this great community.
Stay strong.
There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of advertising to support the cause.
Thanks all. I only posted that dump to give everyone a bit of an insight into how much of a slog it can be running a website like this and how necessary it is for it to generate revenue. If ASF hadn't been able to generate revenue for the last eight years, the website either wouldn't be here any more or it would be owned by those who sued. I simply wouldn't have been able to defend the litigation.

Everything in life is fragile and tentative and money equals power. Those with money run over those without, especially in the world of litigation. I have seen first hand how it all works, and it is horrifying. I was told by a partner in a legal firm, "it's a legal system, not a justice system" and that is bang on. Lots of legal, not a lot of justice.

For anyone who would like to donate and help support ASF, I have made it easy. Just go to your user menu and click "Donate" and then select your preferred payment method. All donations are sincerely appreciated and will go towards legal costs. Thanks.

Purchase button doesn’t seem to work.
purchase button doesn’t seem to work
Appreciate everything you do to keep this forum running, Joe. Thanks.
I was told by a partner in a legal firm, "it's a legal system, not a justice system" and that is bang on. Lots of legal, not a lot of justice.
Hi Joe,
I hope this is not inappropriate, but could I tell you a little story, one that one might only fully appreciate after experiencing what you have.

There was a Kiwi who travelled to Sydney for the first time and while his wife went shopping he went for a bit of an adventure and found himself in China town. He stumbled upon an old shop and as he opened the door entered through the dark doorway a bell rung above his head. An old Chinese gentleman appeared seamlessly from behind a dark velvet curtain. As he browsed the grimey curios something at the back off a shelf took his attention. It was unexplainable but something told him he just had to buy it.
Now for the first time the old Chinese gentleman looked up as the Kiwi asked for a price. The old Chinese gentleman replied "$1500 for the statue and $3500 for the story that goes with it."
The Kiwi looked again at the statue, a little taken back as to how life like it was, a rat standing on its hind legs.
He said "I'll take the statue but I don't need the story." The Chinese man smiled as he took the $1500, roughly dusted off the grime and loosely wrapped the statue in brown paper tying it up with brown string and quipped "you be back for story."
As the Kiwi left the shop and was walking down the road looking at the other interesting shops he had a sense of something following him and glanced behind to see a rat, followed by another and another. As he picked up his pace so did the rats now seeing rats coming from under buildings jumping of rooves to the road, out of windows, out of drains the noise was becoming deafening. He stripped off the brown paper thinking this might help but only made the numbers greater.
Luckily he was running toward Circular Quay and by the time he saw the wharf was absolutely sprinting for his life. Now with the aid of momentum and the weight in his hand cast the statue as far as he could out into the harbour. All the rats started disappearing over edge of the wharf into the water. It became a sea of rats, rat on rat, on rat and after what seemed a lifetime started drowning, The noise subsided with the movement until finally all was quiet with the rats bobbing lifeless with the movement of the water.
After watching the scene in disbelief the Kiwi slumped onto a bollard.
With his heartbeat and breathing slowly returning to normal and serious contemplation he made the decision to make his way back to the shop.
As he walked through the door, again the Old Chinese Gentleman appeared from behind the curtain and said " So you come back for story?"

To which the Kiwi replied "You can stick your story.. all I want to know is.... Do you have another statue that looks like a lawyer."

All the best

I hear what you're saying re spam email.

Not wanting to teach you how to suck eggs, but have you thought about creating a separate ASF email folder in your mail client and then setting up an auto filter which automatically places ASF emails into that folder so they don't appear in your inbox? I do that--it keeps my inbox for only stuff I want to appear there and other stuff in their respective folders. That way I can check the folders separately at a later date and when I want to--importantly I'm not constantly cleaning up my inbox. Sometimes it's far simpler and easier to workaround the problem instead of trying to eradicate the problem. Just my 2 cents
Great idea.

Nothing to do with ASF emails, but I have a separate email address that collects a few advertising and spam type emails. I will try and use this method to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Great idea.

Nothing to do with ASF emails, but I have a separate email address that collects a few advertising and spam type emails. I will try and use this method to separate the wheat from the chaff.
If you're using a client like Outlook (I use Thunderbird) you can use the rules function to direct emails away from your inbox and direct to a folder. It's very useful
Can anyone help with how I can see the price of an index continually changing? I don't mean a graph, I wish to be able to see the immediate movements in the price of a share, particularly an index. If I go into "buy" or "sell" in my trading platform I get the immediate market price. Is there a way to see this change continually without going into that mode? I am trying to get a live feed of an index price which I can do by refreshing my browser continually, but that is a pain.
If you want to see live data you have to pay for it, especially ASX data. Prices are viewed through a trading platform like Iress, Spark or IB. There are many other providers. The ASX makes everyone pay a monthly fee for access to their live data. If you don't need a chart then you can view the data through a table (watchlist) in the trading platform. The trading platform may include live international data for the main indices.
seeing an index price movement (a futures contract) and seeing a stock (within that index) move are two completely different things, usually you can purchase or rental feeds separately

be clear tho what viewing a DOM and decision making thru the DOM entail especially the emotive traps that lay within that presentation
suggest you track down any work by FuturesTrade71 and or NOBS Trading videos ....FT71 also employs volume analysis
suggest you consider that volume is as vital when going down this road
Cheers, thanks, I worked out how by viewing the sell/buy price which is current. Just a pain refreshing it. Spent the day trying it out and I am quite happy now. Hopefully I will get time to check out FuturesTrade or Nobs.
Can get indices live from investing dot com phone app, not stocks. (maybe if you pay)
Indices are shown live and changing automatically using the phone app.
Don't know about website.
Stocks are delayed standard 20'
Can get indices live from investing dot com phone app, not stocks. (maybe if you pay)
Indices are shown live and changing automatically using the phone app.
Don't know about website.
Stocks are delayed standard 20'
Great, I will check it out.
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