Agree backtesting results must always be treated with extreme caution, but its fascinating trying to keep your real life trading in sync with your model from start of trading. You yourself Skate have pushed me and others to stick to their system signals. Qldfrog and others have noted the dilemmas starting a system from scratch (do you buy all the current strategy positions, or only take new positions?) and what to do if you run out of cash (take partial positions, or only whole)? what if you find an error - sell a strong stock to re-align with the system or stay in it?
It really is invaluable when systematic traders (and systematic discretionary such as Peter2) share their trades or even just comment generally on equity curve and performance. It helps give those struggling up the learning mountain an idea what they're aiming for, how much performance can vary between people on a similar strategy, or hint if they've overfitted parameters or aren't trading their system honestly.
At the end of the day the system is a tool. If Skate or anyone gives away their entire system, its not much different to a virtuso violinist lending their Stradivarius, Brian May lending you the Red Special, or Jack Nicklaus letting you use his clubs - or Geralt of Rivia giving you his sword (confession: Watched too much Netflix over Christmas....!). For the first 5 years or so you have to emulate and copy what you can of those that have succeeded, then eventually you might earn the right to start tweaking bits of the system or re-writing from scratch. Only then will you understand the subtle trade offs and gains and what you risk losing if start dismantling layers of protection for performance.
Exactly. I could buy a strategy or subscribe to a black box system, but unless I had a hand in it I likely wouldn't be able to follow it 100%. Having code handed to you certainly wont make you a good trader. Plenty of big name traders have said there systems are simple, and they could give it out but no one would follow them 100%, therefore its pointless.
Something to think about. Got to know your system, got to know how it works, and its got to match you as a trader.