Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Drug test to get benefits?

Re: Drug test to get benefits -

Drug test not alcohol testing, alcohol is every Australians birthright:D

Couple of quick questions before I sign up:

Will they also test for performance enhancing drugs;
Will users of performance enhancing drugs get more benifits or less; and
Will viagra be included in the drug testing program?

Thanks and regards.
USA - Drug Testing Unemployment Measures To Get Boost In State Legislatures

States will soon try to fulfill the Republican goal of making unemployed people pee in cups to prove they're not on drugs.

Last February, congressional negotiators and the White House included reforms to the unemployment insurance system in a broader spending bill. One of the reforms will allow states to require drug tests for unemployment claimants in certain occupations.

A bill in Wyoming will do just that, pending guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor on which occupations may be subject to testing. Republican State Rep. Michael Madden told HuffPost he introduced his drug testing law because constituents -- both workers and employers -- have complained that unemployed people were getting high instead of getting back to work.

"If somebody's working and taking dope, that's their business," Madden said. "If somebody's on unemployment and using unemployment dollars at the expense of the taxpayer, then I have a problem."
How much would the testing cost?

How often would the testing occur?

How much notice does the testee get?

Where would the testing be performed?

What kind of testing would occur?

Does this include ALL Govt benefits ie family tax benefits, health care rebate, child care rebate, paternity payment, oh and the list of middle class welfare goes on and on.
How much would the testing cost?
I'm guessing if you buy in mega bulk, it will be a lot cheaper again.

Mix up the detection so that the testing/detection of xyz drug is random.
Buy 1 million that test for pot, heroin, another for benzo, meth and so on and place them randomly at testing centres.

How often would the testing occur?
Whenever they get a payment or randomly

How much notice does the testee get?
Could be random or a set timeline (unbeknown to them)

Where would the testing be performed?
At centerlink, or some other designated place which is convenient to the recipient. You have x-time to present yourself, or no payment, unless there is some sort of reason...

What kind of testing would occur?

Does this include ALL Govt benefits ie family tax benefits, health care rebate, child care rebate, paternity payment, oh and the list of middle class welfare goes on and on.
No, just the dole bludgers.

I still remember working on a mine site up in Northern WA years ago, and I got talking to one of my fellow co-workers. He says, "Yeah, my brother is so lazy, been on the dole for 10+ years. Just sits around doing drugs (mainly pot) and collects the money".
l was kinda pissed as l had to pass a piss test before l was allowed on site, to work and pay taxes for this scumbag.
[I still remember working on a mine site up in Northern WA years ago, and I got talking to one of my fellow co-workers. He says, "Yeah, my brother is so lazy, been on the dole for 10+ years. Just sits around doing drugs (mainly pot) and collects the money".
l was kinda pissed as l had to pass a piss test before l was allowed on site, to work and pay taxes for this scumbag.

We all know someone like that.:xyxthumbs

What you find is it easier to bag you, than tell the losers to get off their ar$e. Also there are a lot of support services hanging off welfare. :D
No, just the dole bludgers.


having grown up in a "dole bludging" family I really take offence to it.

Just because a parent is on welfare doesn't make them a bludger.

Considering there's over 4 people looking for work per vacancy offered in NSW, I don't see how it's possible to have full employment.

A lot of those tax payers you hold up probably barely pay any tax by the time you see what they get back from the Govt. Besides a 10% rebate on my health insurance I get nadda, zip, nothing from the Govt. In the last month I've forked out $3300 in tax because I did a bit of overtime and had the privilege to be at work for Christmas and boxing day.

I don't really feel like seeing it being spent on tests that would probably cost a minimum of $30 each by the time you factor in record keeping and the labour costs involved.

To me if you're against drugs then who takes them, how much tax they pay, what they do in their spare time is irrelevant!

Oh, would alcohol count? It's the drug of choice of the north shore and the biggest health risk for residents there. All perfectly legal too.
Besides a 10% rebate on my health insurance I get nadda, zip, nothing from the Govt.
Can you not see the contradiction you have just made here? You DO get a rebate, so it's nonsense to claim you get nothing from the government (read fellow taxpayer).

I don't really feel like seeing it being spent on tests that would probably cost a minimum of $30 each by the time you factor in record keeping and the labour costs involved.
I don't suppose anyone does. However, are you happier to consider your tax dollars being spent on keeping someone who declines to work in pot or whatever?

To me if you're against drugs then who takes them, how much tax they pay, what they do in their spare time is irrelevant!
Perhaps not if the taxpayer is funding their purchase.
A lot of those tax payers you hold up probably barely pay any tax by the time you see what they get back from the Govt. Besides a 10% rebate on my health insurance I get nadda, zip, nothing from the Govt. In the last month I've forked out $3300 in tax because I did a bit of overtime and had the privilege to be at work for Christmas and boxing day.

Suck it up princess.
I did shiftwork most of my working career, 42 years, we had to draw straws who was going to have christmas or new year off.
Most of us took the pizz out of the person that paid the most tax, because they were seen to be the one sucking up to the boss.
Funny how the generational change happens so quickly.
I see my own kids, the girls have false nails and their hair tinted and preened every week.
I have my sons over and they go on about me buying budget beer.

I wonder when they are going to wake up to themselves, I was working on a plan from 20yrs old.
They range from 34 down to 27.
Best they get their skates

By the way Sydboy, you seem fairly smart, how hard is it to get $2m together and own your own home. Not being funny I would like to know in today's climate.:confused: PM me if you don't wont to post
Suck it up princess.
I did shiftwork most of my working career, 42 years, we had to draw straws who was going to have christmas or new year off.
Most of us took the pizz out of the person that paid the most tax, because they were seen to be the one sucking up to the boss.
Funny how the generational change happens so quickly.
I see my own kids, the girls have false nails and their hair tinted and preened every week.
I have my sons over and they go on about me buying budget beer.

I wonder when they are going to wake up to themselves, I was working on a plan from 20yrs old.
They range from 34 down to 27.
Best they get their skates

By the way Sydboy, you seem fairly smart, how hard is it to get $2m together and own your own home. Not being funny I would like to know in today's climate.:confused: PM me if you don't wont to post

Not complaining, just point out that the focus on 1 type of drug user is pretty sad. Also pointing out that people on welfare are not necessarily bad people, and to be treated as a criminal until proven guilty, well AFAIC everyone should have the same treatment. Twice yearly random drug test for everyone else a 10% tax penalty for the year. Doubt that will go over too well. I pay my taxes, and I don't see why they should go onto your drug abusing health care costs as you get older

As for how someone today can save 2M for retirement, well TBH I doubt you need that much money.

With rent so crazy low I would say if you have a mortgage free property plus super, then sell up before you retire, and start salary sacrificing 25K a year + 150K of undeducted contributions into super, and maybe keep working part time from 65 to 70.

People my age have a a good chance of hitting 90, so plenty of retirement years left after 70 :D