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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

The banks said they would happily lend him the money again. They didn't have any problems with the transaction.

It was a partisan attorney general that came up with fraud. No banks said there was fraud committed.

Yes, every single developer overstates their asset values. You must have been in the public service or something because there is no way you have run a business saying :

Why do you think Kathy had to try and say it was a "one off". Developers and investment money is about to flee NY. The fact that you think NY developers or developers anywhere don't do it blows my mind.
The statement that every developer did what Trump has done is pure hyperbole and frankly BS. I would accept that valuations are stretched. So did the Judge . What was off the page financial fraud was the relentless way they made up asset vales that had no basis in reality. If you actually read the case you would have seen the details of the frauds committed across Trumps projects.

Don't misrepresent me Moxjo. Trump was charged and convicted not because of some stretching of property valuations which everyone including the Judge would acknowledge as open to interpretation to a degree.

It was the entire picture of their financial statements that was fraudulent. Outlined in absolute detail in the parts of the judgement you skimmed over or closed your eyes on. Full stop. End of story.

But not to worry. From now one with an Independent Monitor and Compliance officer in place the organisation can behave with integrity and honesty. As Donald says " They are (will be) perfect figures" :D
The statement that every developer did what Trump has done is pure hyperbole and frankly BS. I would accept that valuations are stretched. So did the Judge . What was off the page financial fraud was the relentless way they made up asset vales that had no basis in reality. If you actually read the case you would have seen the details of the frauds committed across Trumps projects.

Don't misrepresent me Moxjo. Trump was charged and convicted not because of some stretching of property valuations which everyone including the Judge would acknowledge as open to interpretation to a degree.

It was the entire picture of their financial statements that was fraudulent. Outlined in absolute detail in the parts of the judgement you skimmed over or closed your eyes on. Full stop. End of story.

But not to worry. From now one with an Independent Monitor and Compliance officer in place the organisation can behave with integrity and honesty. As Donald says " They are (will be) perfect figures" :D
Once again it wasn't the banks calling for fraud charges. It was a tds attorney general.
Passed off onto a dodgy judge (he's the guy that was sleeping with a member of the opposing council during a trial and was caught).

The banks said they would lend the money again without question.
The only thing NY has done is cut itself off from investor funding.

Bas for 8 years you have had Trump fever. You are part of the problem.
There is no doubt many dislike Trump intensely whether you agree with the law or not Trump clearly broke it as he is want to do any prosecutor Democrat or Republican will go after high profile people if only to further their careers... it's the "American Way".

If found guilty in the US you get absloutely rat f**ked again thats the US.

Trump's defense of the charges seem to be seriously brain dead,attacking the Judge and saying crap at the hearings that clearly had no bearing on the case.

A Republican appeal Judge / Judges may reduce the fine but Trump won't get off best he can do is delay, his previous record on this stuff in the courts is woeful.

I cannot see how he will avoid a guilty verdict in the Story Daniels case which is a criminal one
This is a partisan attack to get trump.
As far as I'm concerned it's election fraud. How many cases do you have to see with laws being changed just to get one man?
Then they don't apply it to every other person that's committed the offence?
In fact the governor is going to say "don't worry Trumps a special case".
Even Biden has committed the same offences and they say he is "too old and senile"....WTF people.

New York is the biggest corrupt pile in the US. They going to go after the big bankers, developers, asset managers?
I could basically throw a dart and hit someone these charges would apply to.
They are out to get trump. We see the same feverish take out of Bas who has lost any ability to do anything else but lap up the sht they are selling.

You can even look at RFK they wont even give him secret service protection, they have released the same media attack on him and tried to make him look like a crack pot. Because he went against the narrative.

I remember 2016 onwards and all the fake stories I had to pull apart back then. Then all the voting laws that were changed. Along with media and big tech collusion. How much and at what point do people look past Trump and say hang on this affects everyone.

We always hear "Look at what the right has turned into". My God, look at what the left is.
You have all turned into authoritarian supporting, war hungry, mindless drones bent on supporting sht outcomes.
This has nothing to do with Trump. As a group, leftist have moved so far past the point of liberalism into basically boot licking rainbow nazis.
Once again it wasn't the banks calling for fraud charges. It was a tds attorney general.
Passed off onto a dodgy judge (he's the guy that was sleeping with a member of the opposing council during a trial and was caught).

The banks said they would lend the money again without question.
The only thing NY has done is cut itself off from investor funding.

Bas for 8 years you have had Trump fever. You are part of the problem.
Yep, no complaint, no default, no lawsuit. Straight out victimisation. As far as the valuation of Mar-a-Lago goes, one should search like for like properties for sale in Palm Beach, plus valuation as a business proposition.

Anyone who believes the court's valuation of $20m is stark raving bonkers. It is undeniably in the hundreds of millions.
Mo you need to take off those Trump rose coloured glasses its how the US operates, remember the FBI (Comey, Republican) publicly opening an investigation into Hillary Clinton two weeks out from the election then saying nothing to see here, the allegations against Biden including a Senate investigation that's gone nowhere now a House impeachment hearing on the same allegations that has no substance and no hope of going anywhere either.

The Republicans hired a full time prosecutor to go after Clinton looking at their investments and turned up Monica tell me thats not partisan.

The problem for Trump is he has broken the law repeatedly once before the courts they will decide, same can / will / has happen to any Democrat there is any number of Republican prosecutors chopping at the bit.

Whining about Trump is pointless again it's the American political system.

Donald Trump says he could 'shoot somebody' and not lose voters in Republican race

Posted Sun 24 Jan 2016 at 11:34amSunday 24 Jan 2016 at 11:34am, updated Mon 25 Jan 2016 at 6:29amMonday 25 Jan 2016 at 6:29am

Donald Trump points his finger like a gun during a campaign rally in Iowa on January 24, 2016.(ABC News)

"The people, my people, are so smart and you know what else they say about my people the polls, they say I have the most loyal people.... I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters," he said making a gun pose.

"It's, like, incredible."
The statement that every developer did what Trump has done is pure hyperbole and frankly BS. I would accept that valuations are stretched. So did the Judge . What was off the page financial fraud was the relentless way they made up asset vales that had no basis in reality. If you actually read the case you would have seen the details of the frauds committed across Trumps projects.
I meant that every NY developer were all as fraudulent as Trump. Along with a lot of financials. There is no justification for the size of the fine he gave. It was unusual to charge for fraud without a victim. No one was defrauded of money and everyone that were involved with the transactions were happy with the outcome.
Mo you need to take off those Trump rose coloured glasses
I'd be behind rfk except for the democrats. I already said a while back that Trump won't win.

I was also the one that called Trump a dodgy corrupt developer 5 or 6 years ago. I knew he was vulnerable on that point. But I was surprised that this is all they could come up with.
But I was surprised that this is all they could come up with.

Really ? This is all they could come up with ? Evidence of years and years of fraudulent financial statements that have no relation to the real world ? Evidence that clearly convicts him of New York laws against such behaviour?

A conviction under these laws that will cost him $400m plus at least and bar him from operating his company for at least three years ? Smal fry? Hardly

I look back to the Al Capone era. Everyone "knew" he was gangster, killer, full on crook. But in the end he was convicted on the nuts and bolts of tax evasion. This was the charge that could stick and hurt.
What is going to happen to Donald Trump as a result of the court decisions to recover $354m of disgorged profits ? He has a month to come up with the bond necessary to appeal the decision.
What could happen to him and his companies if this isn't achieved ? Could get very sticky.

Really ? This is all they could come up with ? Evidence of years and years of fraudulent financial statements that have no relation to the real world ? Evidence that clearly convicts him of New York laws against such behaviour?

A conviction under these laws that will cost him $400m plus at least and bar him from operating his company for at least three years ? Smal fry? Hardly

I look back to the Al Capone era. Everyone "knew" he was gangster, killer, full on crook. But in the end he was convicted on the nuts and bolts of tax evasion. This was the charge that could stick and hurt.
Are you serious?
NY developer. The whole of NY is a corrupt shthole. Had a mate in one of the big financials that would meet with high end clients. The stories were insane.
It's a different world for some.
Are you serious?
NY developer. The whole of NY is a corrupt shthole. Had a mate in one of the big financials that would meet with high end clients. The stories were insane.
It's a different world for some.
I'll take you at your word. And in my circles at different times I have been equally astounded at the criminality/culpability of various companies and people in high places.

But none of this takes away from the legal facts around Donald Trumps case. Nor, more importantly, does it reduce his legal or social liability for running a business with totally false accounts in New York.

The big trouble IMV was Trumps and his lawyers attempts to pretend there was nothing wrong with the accounts. That they were perfect. In fact he was worth more than the figures said ! He tried to massively gaslight the judge who had a long career in commercial law and was totally across every story/stratagem used to deflect liability. So the Judge knew it was all BS and he wasn't going to buy it. Hence the comments about "almost pathological denial".

But don't worry. There are people who will swallow Trumps schick and give their body and soul to save him. Hence... this blonde honey is determined that the property owners in the US should band together to bail out Donald Trump.

I'll take you at your word. And in my circles at different times I have been equally astounded at the criminality/culpability of various companies and people in high places.

But none of this takes away from the legal facts around Donald Trumps case. Nor, more importantly, does it reduce his legal or social liability for running a business with totally false accounts in New York.

The big trouble IMV was Trumps and his lawyers attempts to pretend there was nothing wrong with the accounts. That they were perfect. In fact he was worth more than the figures said ! He tried to massively gaslight the judge who had a long career in commercial law and was totally across every story/stratagem used to deflect liability. So the Judge knew it was all BS and he wasn't going to buy it. Hence the comments about "almost pathological denial".

But don't worry. There are people who will swallow Trumps schick and give their body and soul to save him. Hence... this blonde honey is determined that the property owners in the US should band together to bail out Donald Trump.

That's why I'm surprised they didn't find more. Trump inflating numbers isn't exactly surprising given his "biggest ever" statements every 5 minutes.
Part of the problem, US Intel is too powerful (aka - the CIA)

From CIA To 'Trust & Safety': The Silicon Valley-US Intel Revolving Door Is

Bigger Than You Thought


The US government's involvement in all forms of media is well known, and goes back to the 1940s.​

And from the 'Twitter Files' - Elon Musk's release of thousands of internal documents which exposed the Censorship Industrial Complex, and the ongoing dot-connecting being done by independent journalists, we know that both the CIA and FBI have been meddling in content moderation.​
Google & Meta function as extensions of the US Intelligence Community. With Jacqueline Lopour, Google's Head of Trust & Safety, and Aaron Berman, Meta's Head of Elections Content/Misinformation Policy, both being career CIA officers, it underscores the CIA's substantial control over online censorship.​
Why is this CIA-Big Tech revolving door, where career CIA officers wield power to censor & decide what misinformation is, purposefully suppressed in the broader conversation about censorship?​
Why are career CIA officers like Jacqueline Lopour & Nick Rossmann, who both have a history of spreading misinformation & promoting the RussiaGate conspiracy theory, now in senior roles in Trust & Safety at Google, deciding what is misinformation & overseeing content moderation?
The cumulative number of former Intelligence Community personnel hired by Meta & Google since 2018 is staggering. Before 2018, there were only a handful. Here are the combined hires by both companies:
State Dept-86


That's why I'm surprised they didn't find more. Trump inflating numbers isn't exactly surprising given his "biggest ever" statements every 5 minutes.

Because they wern't looking for anything else.

The DA identified at the beginning of the investigation that the Trump organization , directed by Donald Trump personally, just made up financial statements that were then used for loans, insurance and tax purposes. The rest of the investigation was about obtaining all the evidence around those deceptions.

This evidence was so overwhelming the Judge found the organisation guilty on the initial charge of creating false financial records. The trial then proceeded with the DA arguing on 6 further charges of relating to the initial charge. These covered the individual directs as financial officers of the Trump organisation.

There may well be many other illegal activities . This investigation and the charges brought focused solely on the deceptive financial records.



  • ny-state-trump-fraud-trial-verdict(1).pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 4

A factual response to the video posted above.

In 1995 Donald Trump signed a deed that registered Mars a Lago as a social club. He did this to gain the far lower local property valuation for tax purposes. Every subsequent valuation made that tried to pretend this could be a development site was fraudulent. The Judge went into clear detail on this in his statement.

One can also see the details for every massive fraudulent overstatement of property values in the judgement.

In 1995, Donald Trump signed a “Deed of Conservation and Preservation” in which he gave up the right to use Mar-a-Lago for any purpose other than as a social club (the “1995 Deed”).

In 2002, Donald Trump granted a conservation easement to the National Trust for Historic Preservation and signed a deed in which, in addition to conveying the rights to develop or use Mar-a-Lago for any purpose other than a social club, the Deed further “limits changes to the Property including, without limitation, the division or subdivision of the Property for any purpose, including use as single family homes, the interior renovation of the mansion, which may be necessary and desirable for the sale of the property as a single family residential estate, the construction of new buildings and the obstruction of open vistas.” NYSCEF Doc. No. 1531 at 25-26 (emphasis added).

In exchange for executing the 2002 Deed, in which he gave away, in perpetuity, the right to develop or use the property as a single-family residence, Donald Trump paid significantly lower property taxes on Mar-a-Lago. PX 1730; TT 3533-3535

McConney had in his possession, since at least 2011, a copy of the 2002 Deed, restricting the use of Mar-a-Lago as a single-family residence. TT 773-775; PX 1013; DX 360. McConney was also aware, when he prepared the SFCs supporting data, that the entire basis of the valuations of Mar-a-Lago rested on the premise that it could be sold as a private residence to an individual.

Each and every year, he valued Mar-a-Lago as if it could be sold as a single-family residence, notwithstanding the deeded prohibitions against such use in perpetuity. TT 759, 775. Further, when Patrick Birney took over for McConney in preparing the valuations for the SFCs,
Weisselberg and McConney both concealed from Birney the 1995 and 2002 deeds. TT 1258- 1259. When valuing Mar-a-Lago on the SFCs from 2016-2021, McConney and Weisselberg selected comparables for Birney to use that were exclusively for private residences. TT 1248-
1256, 1268-1282; see, e.g., PX 3026.

There is no legal gray area surrounding the permanent nature of the deed restrictions. PX 1013.

Accordingly, there can be no mistake that Donald Trump’s valuation of Mar-a-Lago from 2011- 2021 was fraudulent.


What Donald trump said

TT 3527-3530. When confronted with the 2002 deed (18) in which he signed away, in perpetuity, the right to use or develop Mar-a-Lago as anything other than as a social club, in exchange for a conservation easement tax benefit, he offered that “when you say, ‘intend,’ intend doesn’t mean we will do it.” PX 1730; TT 3533-3535.

Nonetheless, Donald Trump insisted that he believed Mar-a-Lago is worth “between a billion and a billion five” today, which would require not only valuing it as a private residence, which the deed prohibits,(19 )but as more than the most expensive private residence listed in the country by approximately 400%.(20) TT 3530.

18 See further discussion of Mar-a-Lago infra.
19 A fact of which he is well aware, having signed the deed himself.
20 According to a CNBC report, as of January 7, 2022, the most expensive private family residence listing in the United States was $295 million, for a newly developed 105,000 square foot mega-mansion in Los Angeles, California. million-may-head-to-auction.html.

Further Legal analysis of Mars a Lago value



  • ny-state-trump-fraud-trial-verdict(1)(1).pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 2
A factual response to the video posted above.

In 1995 Donald Trump signed a deed that registered Mars a Lago as a social club. He did this to gain the far lower local property valuation for tax purposes. Every subsequent valuation made that tried to pretend this could be a development site was fraudulent. The Judge went into clear detail on this in his statement.

One can also see the details for every massive fraudulent overstatement of property values in the judgement.

In 1995, Donald Trump signed a “Deed of Conservation and Preservation” in which he gave up the right to use Mar-a-Lago for any purpose other than as a social club (the “1995 Deed”).

In 2002, Donald Trump granted a conservation easement to the National Trust for Historic Preservation and signed a deed in which, in addition to conveying the rights to develop or use Mar-a-Lago for any purpose other than a social club, the Deed further “limits changes to the Property including, without limitation, the division or subdivision of the Property for any purpose, including use as single family homes, the interior renovation of the mansion, which may be necessary and desirable for the sale of the property as a single family residential estate, the construction of new buildings and the obstruction of open vistas.” NYSCEF Doc. No. 1531 at 25-26 (emphasis added).

In exchange for executing the 2002 Deed, in which he gave away, in perpetuity, the right to develop or use the property as a single-family residence, Donald Trump paid significantly lower property taxes on Mar-a-Lago. PX 1730; TT 3533-3535

McConney had in his possession, since at least 2011, a copy of the 2002 Deed, restricting the use of Mar-a-Lago as a single-family residence. TT 773-775; PX 1013; DX 360. McConney was also aware, when he prepared the SFCs supporting data, that the entire basis of the valuations of Mar-a-Lago rested on the premise that it could be sold as a private residence to an individual.

Each and every year, he valued Mar-a-Lago as if it could be sold as a single-family residence, notwithstanding the deeded prohibitions against such use in perpetuity. TT 759, 775. Further, when Patrick Birney took over for McConney in preparing the valuations for the SFCs,
Weisselberg and McConney both concealed from Birney the 1995 and 2002 deeds. TT 1258- 1259. When valuing Mar-a-Lago on the SFCs from 2016-2021, McConney and Weisselberg selected comparables for Birney to use that were exclusively for private residences. TT 1248-
1256, 1268-1282; see, e.g., PX 3026.

There is no legal gray area surrounding the permanent nature of the deed restrictions. PX 1013.

Accordingly, there can be no mistake that Donald Trump’s valuation of Mar-a-Lago from 2011- 2021 was fraudulent.


What Donald trump said

TT 3527-3530. When confronted with the 2002 deed (18) in which he signed away, in perpetuity, the right to use or develop Mar-a-Lago as anything other than as a social club, in exchange for a conservation easement tax benefit, he offered that “when you say, ‘intend,’ intend doesn’t mean we will do it.” PX 1730; TT 3533-3535.

Nonetheless, Donald Trump insisted that he believed Mar-a-Lago is worth “between a billion and a billion five” today, which would require not only valuing it as a private residence, which the deed prohibits,(19 )but as more than the most expensive private residence listed in the country by approximately 400%.(20) TT 3530.

18 See further discussion of Mar-a-Lago infra.
19 A fact of which he is well aware, having signed the deed himself.
20 According to a CNBC report, as of January 7, 2022, the most expensive private family residence listing in the United States was $295 million, for a newly developed 105,000 square foot mega-mansion in Los Angeles, California. million-may-head-to-auction.html.

Further Legal analysis of Mars a Lago value

Yes I actually have a copy of the deed. The sticking point is the use fo the word "intend" in the clause "WHEREAS the Club and Trump intend to forever extinguish their right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use"