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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

But CNN told me that Russia Russia Russia was real
ABC USA told me that Trump was a Russian Asset

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Hamilton 68

A left-wing think tank erroneously claiming to track Russian online activity was responsible for thousands of bogus stories asserting the nation’s influence in US politics, according to the latest batch of Twitter Files.​
The Hamilton 68 “dashboard” was the brainchild of former FBI special agent and MSNBC contributor Clint Watts and operated under the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a think tank founded in 2017 — shortly after former President Trump took office.​
The ASD Advisory Council included such figures as top Clinton ally John Podesta, Obama-era acting CIA Director Michael Morell, former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, and former conservative activist Bill Kristol.​
“I think we need to just call this out on the bulls–t is,” Twitter’s then-head of trust and safety Yoel Roth wrote in an October 2017 email. “Hamilton dashboard falsely accuses a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts of being Russian bots,” he added in January 2018.​
Emails in the disclosure show that Twitter’s own internal audits repeatedly showed that accounts flagged by Hamilton 68 were not Russian bots.​
The silence on all this is deafening. And then they wonder why Jan 6th happened.
Macquack - Pay Attention

Db, I hope you realise that Tom Feeney, the congressman that Curtis spoke accused of the rigging of votes was a Republican Senator, and it was about ensuring the reelection of Bush Junior, and not A democrat like Clinton?
Yes, l am aware of this. It shows how corrupt the USA is and to not trust any elections which involve machines.

1 day voting
Paper ballot only
1 day counting
The Dominion defamation case against Fox News is gathering pace. If Fox does go down for $1.6billion - couldn't happen to a better bunch of liars...

How Dominion Voting Systems filing proves Fox News was ‘deliberately lying’

Charles Kaiser in New York

‘If Fox anchors say they don’t believe X and then turn around and endorse X on air after expressing manifest disbelief in it, they have a real problem,’ said David Korzenik, a libel lawyer. Photograph: Gary Hershorn/Getty Images
Document makes clear senior Fox News figures knew after 2020 election voter fraud claims were false – and it’s likely a landmark case

Mon 20 Feb 2023 18.00 AEDTLast modified on Mon 20 Feb 2023 18.02 AEDT

The Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe said Dominion Voting Systems’ brief requesting summary judgment against Fox News for defamation – and $1.6bn – is “likely to succeed and likely to be a landmark” in the history of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Fox News hosts thought Trump’s election fraud claims were ‘total BS’, court filings show

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“I have never seen a defamation case with such overwhelming proof that the defendant admitted in writing that it was making up fake information in order to increase its viewership and its revenues,” Tribe told the Guardian. “Fox and its producers and performers were lying as part of their business model.”

The case concerns Fox News’s repetition of Donald Trump’s lie that his 2020 defeat by Joe Biden was the result of electoral fraud, including claims about Dominion voting machines.

Tribe said the filing “establishes that Fox was not only reckless” but also that producers, owners and personalities were “deliberately lying and knew they were lying about the nature of Dominion’s machines and the supposed way they could be manipulated”.

Filed last week, the 192-page document makes it clear that senior figures at Fox News from Rupert Murdoch down knew immediately after the election that claims of voter fraud, in particular those aimed at Dominion, were false.

Tucker Carlson called the charges “ludicrous” and “off the rails”. Sean Hannity texted about “F’ing lunatics”. A senior network vice-president called one of the stories “MIND BLOWINGLY NUTS”.

But none of this knowledge prevented hosts from repeating lies about everything from imaginary algorithms shaving votes from Dominion machines to non-existent ties between the company and Venezuela.

Tribe was one of several first amendment experts to call the filing nearly unprecedented.

“This is the most remarkable discovery filing I’ve ever read in a commercial litigation,” said Scott Horton, a Columbia Law School lecturer, Harper’s Magazine contributing editor and litigator with clients including CBS and the Associated Press.

“A summary judgment motion by a plaintiff in this kind of case is almost unheard of. These suits usually fail because you can’t prove the company you’re suing knew they were spreading falsehoods. That you would have evidence they knew it was a lie is almost unheard of … in this case the sheer volume of all the email and text messages is staggering.”

Horton said Dominion’s case gets “huge benefit” from the way Fox employees “express themselves with a huge measure of hyperbole about absolutely everything”.

This is not a request to go to trial. There is no genuinely disputed fact. The defendants were deliberately lying
Laurence Tribe
Tribe agreed: “This is one of the first defamation cases in which it is possible to rule for the plaintiff on summary judgment. This is not a request to go to trial. There is no genuinely disputed fact. The defendants were deliberately lying in a manner that was per se libelous and they clearly knew it.”
Obviously there are plenty of other news outlets reporting on the Dominion filing.

Keep going with this one Bas .... this is a rock in the shoe, a carbunkle on the elbow and chilli powder in thier undie's; all as they get dressed in the car and they're late for the train....

$1.6 Billion squeezed out of Rupert... Ahhhhh .... Hugo I'd kiss your embalmed corpse.
The depositions that have been released by the Courts in the Fox/Dominion libel trial are breath taking. This trial may never get off the ground and a summary judgement looks more and more likely.

Frankly I think it may be better for Fox, Rupert Murdoch , Trump and the Republician Party to have a summary judgement made and pay out the $1.6B in damage. From the evidence already released a damning result looks inevitable. But a long trial process will expose Fox and co to ongoing media publicity on just how duplicitous they were in running a barrage of total election lies which they all knew were total ignoring anything untoward had every happened.

Also of course Fox can say/suggest the Court and the judgement was rigged. Obviously the current crop of Republician election liars in Congress and the Senate will already be repeating the lies in some other form. Now they will just add a caveat that the Judicial system is rigged because it challenges this behaviour.

Rupert Murdoch acknowledges Fox News hosts 'endorsed' false claims 2020 election was stolen

Posted 19h ago19 hours ago

Mr Murdoch acknowledged under oath that some Fox News hosts "endorsed" the notion the 2020 US election was stolen.(AP Photo: Mary Altaffer)
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Fox Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch acknowledged that some Fox News commentators endorsed false allegations by former US president Donald Trump that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, according to excerpts of a deposition unsealed on Monday.

Key points:​

  • Voting machine company Dominion is suing Fox News and Fox Corp for defamation over claims about the 2020 election
  • It argues internal messages and depositions by Fox personnel prove the network knowingly spread falsehoods to lift ratings
  • Fox says Dominion's view of defamation law "would prevent journalists from basic reporting"

The claims, along with the company's handling of them, are at the heart of a defamation lawsuit against the cable news giant filed by Dominion Voting Systems.

The recently unsealed documents include excerpts from a deposition in which Mr Murdoch was asked whether he was aware that some of the network's commentators — Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro and Sean Hannity — at times endorsed the false election claims.
Mr Murdoch replied: "Yes. They endorsed."

The Murdoch deposition is the latest filing in the defamation case to reveal concerns at the top-rated network over how it was handling Mr Trump's claims as its ratings plummeted after the network called Arizona for Joe Biden, angering Mr Trump and his supporters.

An earlier filing showed a gulf between the stolen election narrative the network was airing in prime time and doubts about the claims raised by its stars behind the scenes.

President Trump broke the record for GOP turnout in AZ in 2020

The highest increase for a Democrat ever was 208K votes. Yet we’re supposed to believe Biden, who couldn’t get 10 people in AZ, got more than twice that, 510,976, a totally ridiculous number

But the 2020 Election was the most secure in history™. ABC News and CNN said so, I'm a sheep and they told me believe it
Another move in the Trump chess game. Of all the ways to go down, being convicted of falsifying business statements to hide a pay off for banging a pr0n star would be classic.

Manhattan DA invites Trump to testify in grand jury probe of Stormy Daniels payoff: Sources

The move could signal that the DA is moving toward a charging decision.
ByAaron Katersky and John Santucci
March 10, 2023, 11:12 AM



ABCNL Prime with Linsey Davis

The Manhattan district attorney's office has informed former President Donald Trump of his right to testify before a grand jury investigating his role in a payment to pr0n star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.

Didn't stormys old lawyer end up in jail before Trump did?

Was it Michael Avenatti. Dude was deadset trying to pin Trump.
Didn't stormys old lawyer end up in jail before Trump did?

Was it Michael Avenatti. Dude was deadset trying to pin Trump.
Yeah The lawyer also "xcrewed" Stormy Daniels . Ripped her off blind.

Maybe the Grand Jury could organise a little cell party for Avenatti, Trump and some other serious dudes in jail ?
Yeah The lawyer also "xcrewed" Stormy Daniels . Ripped her off blind.

Maybe the Grand Jury could organise a little cell party for Avenatti, Trump and some other serious dudes in jail ?
Well Trump wasn't wrong about "the swamp".
The lot of them are shtbags. No wonder US is close to civil war.
We all knew the truth about the 2020 Presidential elections. But Trump wanted evidence of a reality of rampant fraud to back up his
"Stop the Steal" theme. So he commissioned a research project to prove thousands of "dead" people voted in the critical States. Interesting that Trump was given the results of the research the day before he tried to railroad Brad Raffensperger into "finding him" enough votes to win. One of his arguments was BS about the 5000 plus dead Georgians that voted that his own research had said was not true.

If one was on the Grand Jury hearing this evidence on Donald trump attempting to overturn the Georgia election results it wouldn't look good.

Anyway unfortunately for Donald Trump...

Trump’s own research showed that voter fraud did not cost him election – report

Report commissioned by Trump campaign debunked former president’s claims that ballots came from dead voters

Victoria Bekiempis in New York
Fri 17 Mar 2023 15.00 EDTLast modified on Fri 17 Mar 2023 15.11 EDT

The Donald Trump election campaign’s efforts to show that thousands of ballots were cast in the name of dead people in the pivotal state of Georgia during the 2020 election resulted in a research report that in fact contradicted Trump’s claims that widespread election fraud cost him the presidency, according to a report on Friday.
Joe Biden’s victory in Georgia in 2020 was key and the Trump team’s own information went against Trump’s subsequent denial of the legitimate win by his opponent, according to the Washington Post.

Trump Media executives worried over murky $8m loans, emails reveal
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Prosecutors investigating Trump’s role in the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 by his supporters attempting to overturn the certification by Congress of Biden’s victory obtained the campaign research, the Washington Post reported.

Trump’s insistence that thousands of ballots came from dead people became especially infamous following revelations that he had urged the Georgia secretary of state, Republican Brad Raffensperger, to “find” enough votes so he would win, during a 2 January 2021 call. The Trump-commissioned study refuting this very claim “was dated one day prior” to this call, per the Post.

Dead people”, Trump nevertheless remarked during the call. “So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters.”

Raffensperger pushed back, saying: “The actual number were two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted. So that’s wrong.” Trump reportedly insisted: “In one state, we have a tremendous amount of dead people. So I don’t know – I’m sure we do in Georgia, too. I’m sure we do in Georgia, too.”

Raffensperger’s comments were bolstered by an Atlanta Journal-Constitution report in December 2021 that Georgia authorities confirmed a mere four cases of ballots cast in the name of dead people, with every instance involving a ballot cast by the relative of a deceased person. Georgia prosecutors are investigating whether Trump and his allies broke the law in their efforts to reverse election results.

Trump also made the unsubstantiated claim that “a tremendous number of dead people” cast ballots in Michigan. “I think it was … 18,000. Some unbelievably high number, much higher than yours, you were in the 4-5,000 category.”

The Trump campaign-commissioned report said analysts had “high confidence” there were only nine deceased voters in Fulton county, Georgia. The researchers also said they believed the “potential statewide exposure” of dead voters was 23, the newspaper said.

The research also contradicted Trump’s claims that some 1,500 ballots came from dead voters and that over 42,000 voted twice in Nevada. The analysis expressed “high confidence” that just 12 deceased-voter ballots were submitted in Clark county, Nevada; they said the number of possible double voters ranged from 45 to just over 9,000.

While the report does not outright state that Biden won the election, the analysis also said they did not have evidence to substantiate fraud claims about five decisive states’ results. “This result was not unexpected,” the analysis reportedly said. “Our analysis of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada concluded that in each state the final tabulated result was mathematically possible given absentee request rates.”
