Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

I do wonder if Gough Whitlam calls Kevin Rudd on a regular basis to express his sincere gratitude at the fact that he got to see one, possibly two, people wrest the title of Australia's worst Prime Minister from him in his own (long) life time.

Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

Alternatively, Gough might be dissappinted losing his claim to fame in his own lifetime.
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

Oh, and I forgot to mention,

Refreshments and light entertainment are courtesy of the HSU.
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

It gets kind of old when you guys increasingly use forum space for political slinging opportunities - could we atleast wait until closer to elections or keep it within a couple of threads ?

Its really no different than a thread entitled " x years since Howard toppled as PM " , then questioning why no mourning liberal supporters hadnt started it .....

Are you going to start a new one of these threads for every minute political related issue ?

Anyway not sure why I even bothered to open this thread as I pretty much expected the contents !
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

It gets kind of old when you guys increasingly use forum space for political slinging opportunities - could we atleast wait until closer to elections or keep it within a couple of threads ?

Its really no different than a thread entitled " x years since Howard toppled as PM " , then questioning why no mourning liberal supporters hadnt started it .....

Are you going to start a new one of these threads for every minute political related issue ?

Anyway not sure why I even bothered to open this thread as I pretty much expected the contents !

Would somebody be good enough to give numbercruncher a violin for Xmas.
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

Please do it may drown out you peoples constant political whinging.
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

Its really no different than a thread entitled " x years since Howard toppled as PM " , then questioning why no mourning liberal supporters hadnt started it .....
Johnny had too many of these annual get-togethers on behalf of his prime-ministership and in the end, lost his political marbles.

Julia's still looking for hers.
Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

I am starting to rate her performance as the worst in the world.

Are there any other contenders?
Ferenc Gyurcsány - Hungarian PM - 2004-2009

I am starting to rate her performance as the worst in the world.

Are there any other contenders?

Any contenders. Yes, Yes and Yes.

Meet Ferenc Gyurcsány - Hungarian PM - 2004-2009. MSZP - Hungarian Socialist Party.

Caught on hidden microphone.

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Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

I am starting to rate her performance as the worst in the world.

Are there any other contenders?

Worst in the World? That's drawing a long bow, and it's impossible to be objective about whether we rate them for performance or character. Back here in Australia and talking about living ex-PMs, the one I despise most is Rudd, followed closely by Frazer. This is purely a subjective assessment. On an objective basis I would probably nominate Robert Mugabe.

Of course the are dozens of Presidents much worse but you stipulated PMs.
Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

Hands down Cristina FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER.

Gillard's got nothing on this waste of air....

for many years i had hoped a woman would step up and show the male pig politicians how its far no inspirational examples. Still hoping.

Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?


Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

looks like BJ is not a fan:

Please find below an opinion piece written by Senator Joyce published in The Canberra Times 21 June 2012

Of Lies, Damned Lies and Delusion

The thought of Julia Gillard lecturing to the world at the G20 in Mexico on Labor’s economic record lives in the space between skin-creepingly embarrassing and delusional. Under Labor we have had the four biggest deficits in this nation’s history, the highest debt, and three extensions of our nation’s credit limit as we continually max it out.

Once more Ms Gillard and Mr Swan are claiming responsibility for the events of the Permian and Precambrian periods when the coal deposits of Australia were laid down around 300 million years ago and iron ore deposits were formed around 600 million years ago.

These two substances, one made up of that evil substance carbon, and the other responsible for abundant carbon dioxide emissions as it is turned into steel, gave us a role to play in China’s boom as prices for coking coal went from around $50 per tonne to $300 per tonne and iron ore went from $40 per tonne to more than $160 per tonne.

If Julia Gillard was honest about our luck in recent years then she should have given a lecture on geology and geography not on economics. We have a $231 billion gross debt. Ours is the third fastest proportionate increase in global public sector debt since 2007, as found by Dr Ken Rogoff of Harvard. Only Iceland and Ireland beat us.

After decades of mismanagement from the Queensland Labor Party, Queensland's debt is heading towards $100 billion. That makes the average Queenslander's share of Commonwealth and State debts $32,000. Greece's debt at the moment is $41,000 per person.

We have very little to brag about on government management of the bountiful harvest which is, maybe was, the mining boom.

Labor’s latest foray into their key policy objective of closing things down can now be seen in the oceans of our coast. It is perplexing when trying to go beyond the usual roll out of the rhetoric of imminent environmental destruction to find exactly what they believe is a problem.

Australia extracts less than 30 kilograms of fish per square kilometre from our ocean territory, compared to a global average of 755 kilograms per square kilometre. We are an island continent surrounded by fishing grounds but we now import 72% of our seafood as we close down our capacity to feed ourselves.

We get most of our fish from Thailand, China and Vietnam, and all of these countries extract more than 5,000 kilograms per square kilometre, around 200 times our rate of extraction.

Try and buy a fish caught in Australian waters, you will be searching, and now it is going to become even harder.

So it is evil to sustainably log our forest but we have no problem importing timber from other countries that clear fell theirs? In net terms, we import around $2 billion of wood and timber products each year. So each year we need to put $2 billion of products on a boat to send in the other direction to fund this.

We appear to believe irrigation in the Murray-Darling is wrong but subsidised European food is right. Australian coal burnt in Australia to keep our power prices down will destroy the world but if you burn it in Beijing it is miraculously cleansed of its environmental sins, you might even get a carbon credit for it.

The theme of this government is becoming clear; if it is open, shut it; if it is saved, spend it and if it is not saved borrow it. Don’t grow or make anything that you could import, and if there are things you are good at then dream up dopey taxes so that you stop growing or making them.

So a more honest appraisal by Ms Gillard at the G20, of the graces and acumen of her government, would be a truly riveting speech, but not one that would gather her many accolades. It would be a speech that starts with the removal of a popularly elected Prime Minister, followed up with a massive broken promise to the electorate, then stumbles along with a circus of fiascos. It finishes with a massive debt and some bizarre belief in a domestic climate control policy legislated by the Australian Government and administered by the Australian Taxation Office.

Barnaby Joyce is the Nationals' Senate Leader.

Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

Well said Mr. Joyce!:xyxthumbs:xyxthumbs

Kick her ass out of office!:mad:

Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

That's a really well constructed comment by Barnaby Joyce. Would he ever get a chance to make such a comment in the parliament? Probably not.
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

Where's the fashion police ?

Julie Bishop's dress sense and Julia Gillard's common sense are a lot alike.


  • juliebishop-20120628163705536316.jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 27
Re: Julia Gillard's 2-year anniversary as PM

Today is the last day for partygoers to really whoop it up. From tomorrow, it's candles only, bedtime at dusk, raw vegan hardcore and basket weaving all day.

That's tomorrow. For today, don't worry about the noise. The venue is well insulated and the kids are away for two weeks.
Re: Is Julia Gillard the worst PM the world has seen?

It is obvious to me that the number of posters at ASF are anti-Gillard (more than 90% ????) . At least going by the General Chat forum and by the small number of pro-Gillard posters.

Is this just the ASF or are other forums, blogs etc in a similar situation?