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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Does anyone on ASF feel sorry for Julia Gillard?

How can one have confidence in a Prime Minister who is so deceitful?
The following is an extract from the above article:

I've suggested this before and no one here has agreed. Interesting to see Nikki Saava raising it. If the Multiparty Committee on Climate Change were unable to agree on the terms of the tax and the compensation, Gillard & Co. could simply say: "Well, we did our best. We really, truly wanted to do something about climate change but the intransigence of the other parties on the Committee prevented this." Thus they could save face and quite possibly restore some of their credibility and popularity in the electorate.

However, it's doubtful that the Greens and the Independents, both of whom have a huge stake in getting this legislation up, will not bend in whatever direction they need to, and it will go ahead.

Nikki Savva was interviewed by Andrew Bolt on MTR this morning. She knows who the three Labor Ministers are who would like to see the carbon dioxide tax fail and one is most likely to be Martin Ferguson.

You can link the interview via the Courier Mail Breaking News. Click on opinion and then blogs to Andrew Bolt.

What about a link to your sad little existence
What about a link to your sad little existence

Here you go, Todster. It was quite easy to find using Noco's instructions:

And when I went looking for the link you couldn't find, I found this on Bolt's blog...
ABC paints a dark cloud over Gillard
Nikki Savva was interviewed by Andrew Bolt on MTR this morning. She knows who the three Labor Ministers are who would like to see the carbon dioxide tax fail and one is most likely to be Martin Ferguson.
That interview with Nikki Savva got more interesting as it went on.

Nikki commented that Julia is as tough as old boots, has an incredible amount of self belief and that nothing is beyond her. This is negative where that level of self belief becomes asssociated with poor judgement. This I suspect is what has happened with Julis Gillard judging by outcomes, with their ongoing asylum seeker policy being one example.

Jeez dr smith, I think I married her sister. LOL.

At least you guys are finally quoting some one of worth Nikki is Coalition through and through but she is thought full and writes well.
Nikki commented that Julia is as tough as old boots, has an incredible amount of self belief and that nothing is beyond her. This is negative where that level of self belief becomes associated with poor judgement.
There are many decisions where the government suggests they're doing what is right for the general populace. Weighing up where they can take with one hand and give back a little less with the other. There are limitless ways this can be done.
At least you guys are finally quoting some one of worth Nikki is Coalition through and through but she is thought full and writes well.


I have a warm fuzzy felling inside knowing that it at least, in part, meets with your approval.
Is it a distainful pout or is she boring holes through Abbott?

Photo from link posted by Noco above.

I wonder how JU-LIAR sleeps at night. She might have to pop one of Kevies mogadoms before she goes to bed.
Anyone watch Gillard being interviewed on MEET THE PRESS this afternoon or this morning.

Every time Paul Bonjourno tried to ask her a question, she just continued to talk over him like a broken record.

Gillard says she has a long term vision and a plan for Australia and the 'WORKING FAMILIES', but when you open the book it is full of blank pages. She never elaborates; just full of spin and damned rhetoric.

I believe you are so close to the mark it is not funny.
I think the hidden agenda maybe (i do not know what to do next)i.e. there is no agenda!
I think she has Spielberg writing her scripts on spin.

Well she certainly knows how to spook the Chinese investment!
Then I am wondering if thats not a good thing.
It's all very well for Andrew Bolt to demand a substitute for Ms Gillard when he has zero influence over the matter.

And to suggest either Mr Rudd or Mr Crean would be better than Ms Gillard is facile.
Both had their chances and both totally fluffed it.
Simon Crean is a decent enough bloke but not PM material.
Our Kev would be even worse than he was before if he were begged to come back.
Besides, on what basis would anyone want him back? It seems simply because a bunch of Qld voters are still annoyed about his dismissal.

However bad Ms Gillard's polls become, I can't see Labor dumping her. They simply have no one who could do better, with the possible exception, imo, of Stephen Smith, though he lacks substance.

Labor's situation mirrors that of the Coalition, in that Tony Abbott is widely still not liked, but they don't have anyone who would do better.

Julia, lets hope for a bye election or an Indy defection.

The Labor Party are in a catch 22 situation. If they dump Gillard, the Party will lose support from Wlikie which will bring on an election.

If they let her stay, the Labor Party will sink further into the hole she is digging for herself and the party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Labor has a real prolem.
...The Labor Party are in a catch 22 situation. If they dump Gillard, the Party will lose support from Wlikie which will bring on an election....

IMO, there is a possibility that it's all bluff from Wilke and the indies. I wouldn't think they would ruin their day in the sun just because leadership changes. I think they would continue to prop labor up for as long as possible - they would have limited choices otherwise.
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