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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Which is why Julia Gillard will be so very clever in the role of PM. She has the ability to appear that she is doing something when in fact she is not. Think the BER .... took all the credit ... when it turned into a fiasco did the old Pontius Pilate and called an inquiry and now she is squeaky clean. You can't be sacked because we don't know what it is you actually do here theory.

PMSL !! So selling the gold deposit for the going rate in 1997 to pay off debt was the wrong thing to do? If you did the math on the account deficit at the time you would realise that Peter Costello would have SAVED the country in excess of 6 billion in INTEREST COMPONENT alone. Whoopy Doo !

Geeeeeee ...... if only I hadn't have sold those 3 house in 1999 for $123,000 each that are now worth in excess of $350,000 each 11 years later. GOSH I am a dimwit. No wait ... I used that money to buy other property and retire debt thus easing my cashflow situation and reducing my interest component. Financially irresponsible I am ! I will take myself outside and self flagellate until I am worthy of being able to have a crystal ball on commodoties so I can peer into the future to see if I should sell or not. ROFL.

Spot on trainspotter, why not bring up the example of people who bought FMG shares at, say 10c, sold out at 20c for a 100% profit. Yet down the track FMG flew to circa $13.
Hindsight is always 20/20.

You are making a correlation between the gold price and your own property holdings. You should be given 40 cents to call someone who cares. The gold was the Australian peoples money and Costello sold it no matter how much you want to sugarcoat his reasoning or how much he was offered for it. Maybe he should have read more in his undergrad. What a dumb decision!

Gumby, it's damn easy to take a potshot at Costello 13 years after the fact, but yet if you travel just a few more years back in time, i'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the Labour Govt sell off of the Commonwealth Bank. What do you think that would be worth to the Australian people now?
Take a look at the Labour state privatisation and disassembly of Western Power by Eric Ripper, which was supposed to provide cheaper power. Holy cr@p man, the state of the 4 inefficient sections it has been split into, would curdle your blood.

What the hell are you talking about I thought that was Liberal Party policy all a long?
What the hell are you talking about I thought that was Liberal Party policy all a long?

Afraid not! Labour started the rot.,,0_4-2_4008-4_109751,00.html

'The Sunday Telegraph article also makes totally clear that Labor rushed the Commonwealth Bank sale through Cabinet in a desperate attempt to prop up its own budgetary problems. According to Labor powerbroker, Senator Robert Ray:
"the sell-off was pushed through by then-Treasurer Paul Keating purely to pump money into a beleaguered budget." (Sunday Telegraph, 14/07/02)'

OH I thought you meant the gold reserves that all Australian taxpayers invested in!

The Commonwealth Bank. Still making profits? Even after the GFC!!!!

Shock horror!

Thankyou Mr. Keating for not following the UK Tory or US Republican path of deregulating our financial system so it could be hammered by outsiders!! And BANKS FAILING!! You know like KAPUT! I mean finished. Anyway

Hats off Paul Keating!

Next one idealogues!

Yep and instead of paying dividends to the Govt and having control, it goes elsewhere.
Four pillars dude! Was that Liberal Party Policy????

Go on take the credit, I dare ya!

That's what I love about ASF! The banker cowards who love the cream but can't give credit where it's due.

Keep reading!

If Paul Keating hadn't enforced the four pillars rule, than we wouldn't have a job.

Ummmm ... you have a very different sense of reality Gumby.

And now for some facts:-

Between 1983 and 1985 Treasurer Paul Keating deregulated the system by (a) floating the Australian dollar in December 1983; (b) granting 40 new foreign exchange licences in June 1984; and (c) granting 16 banking licences to 16 foreign banks in February 1985.

This accelerated lending competition further. Banks competed with by reducing the security they required and lowering their rates. Crazy loans were made to corporate cowboys.

After the cowboys collapsed the banks were left counting their losses, which ran to tens of billions. A new wave of managers took over and the banks rebalanced their balance sheets by charging stiff rates to their good customers to make good the losses on their bad customers. Australia's four big banks today have been burned by the 1980s and learned the lessons. How long they remember the lessons is another question.

Agreed. Gumby, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Don't you get tired of defending a party that has been very costly and made quite evident mistakes? You just fire back with retorts rather than cop it on the chin.

Must be a saints eyed and delusional...

Oh really SOURCE!

And look how well those countries that stockpiled the GOLD instead of retiring debt are doing now Gumby. Do some research. LMFAO The debt was the Australian Peoples money that Keating rang up on the giant credit card.

Yeppers he sold it. What a dumb thing to do ! LOLOLOL .. are you for real?
Oh really SOURCE!

You are too funny Gumby ... It is from the book "Australia's banking history" by Trevor Sykes. You know him Gumby ?? The senior writer for the Australian Financial Review. PMSL ... what the hell would he know??

First of all you are wrong, Keating introduced the SIX pillar system (four banks, two insurers), not four. It was Costello that insisted the four pillar system remain (four banks), after the 2 insurers were taken over. So, yes, will take credit for that

Well of course that's what the bank guarantee is.
Shame it doesn't apply to mum and dad businesses!!!!

I'm trying to overcome my delusion but I keep thinking about the indoor management rule of the corporations law? You know the part that says lenders should be put on inquiry when they transact with borrowers????

please can anyone on ASF with a heart help me?

I love law!

Oh really they weren't allowed to merge???

Tell me more I'm open ears but not balance sheets.
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