Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Inspire confidence, surely you jest.
And if the ALP is re-elected - go short.
If she announces some changes in policy direction in the near future including reaching an agreement with the miners over the mining tax, then she will inspire more confidence that her predecessor and her opponent in my opinion.

Her big challenge is to do this without without that dreaded word "backdown" raising its ugly head.
She will definitely inspire confidence in me if she puts interest rates much higher than the current level like Keating had the guts to when Treasurer.

At least then people will be encouraged to save and these ridiculous levels of lending started by Costello will be curbed.
She will definitely inspire confidence in me if she puts interest rates much higher than the current level like Keating had the guts to when Treasurer.

At least then people will be encouraged to save and these ridiculous levels of lending started by Costello will be curbed.

I didn't know Keating was ever the governor of the Reserve Bank? Huh here i was thinking it was Bernie Fraser at the time.
Treasurers cannot raise or lower interest rates GL. You know that.
I didn't know Keating was ever the governor of the Reserve Bank? Huh here i was thinking it was Bernie Fraser at the time.
Treasurers cannot raise or lower interest rates GL. You know that.

Yes my bad. Your right I should rephrase my post. I hope RBA policy sets higher interest rates under her and Mr.Swan's government. ;)
This thread was implimented less than 24 hours ago and it is good to see so many posts in such a short time.
Unfortuneatly we have had 47 posts out of 86 which are totally unrelated to the original thread.
It is starting to remind me how Rudd,Gillard,Swan,Tanner and all the other Labor Ministers answer questions in Parliament at Question Time. Avoid having to answer the questions with diversions to take your mind off the real issue.

Lets either get back to the subject, stay away or start another thread to suit your diversified posts.
I didn't know Keating was ever the governor of the Reserve Bank? Huh here i was thinking it was Bernie Fraser at the time.
Treasurers cannot raise or lower interest rates GL. You know that.

Correct but most of the recent treasurers have inferred that they do. Just like the overall economy, it is the world scene that dictates the real situation.

Gillard I believe may well be above that type of approach, we shall see.
This thread was implimented less than 24 hours ago and it is good to see so many posts in such a short time.
Unfortuneatly we have had 47 posts out of 86 which are totally unrelated to the original thread.
It is starting to remind me how Rudd,Gillard,Swan,Tanner and all the other Labor Ministers answer questions in Parliament at Question Time. Avoid having to answer the questions with diversions to take your mind off the real issue.

Lets either get back to the subject, stay away or start another thread to suit your diversified posts.

Getting a bit beaten around there noco, the history of previous heads of state is very relevant as a yard stick for measurement in my view.
Gumby ... so far every bone you have thrown out to the masses has been repudiated with facts and clarity backed up with links and quotes. It seems to me your view is one of an opinion on hearsay rather than a measured approach based on knowledge backed up with research.

1) Costello selling the gold deposit to pay off debt. (retrospective genius)
2) Keating your hero deregulating the banking industry only to cause finance chaos.
3) Blaming Costello for lending money to the great unwashed masses?
4) Unqualified statements in regards to the BIG 4 and mergers ?

These are but to name a few of the doozies you have let rip without any factual basis into ASF and polluting this thread.

I believe Julia Gillard will make a great PM due to global circumstances and she will also run rings around Abbott in the intelligentia department. I notice she has had a massive makeover in her appearance. More makeup and a softer hairstyle as well makes her very appealing to the media so therefore the public. All about style .... little on substance for the proletariat.

I think I am :horse: when it comes to explaining the political reality to some.
Getting a bit beaten around there noco, the history of previous heads of state is very relevant as a yard stick for measurement in my view.

Measurement of what? Can't see how it has any relation to Ms.Gillard what so ever.
Not at all explod, if you want to go back in history, then start your own thread on political history. I'm sure you will get some joy out of the 'beatups' that will transpire.
This thread was implimented less than 24 hours ago and it is good to see so many posts in such a short time.
Unfortuneatly we have had 47 posts out of 86 which are totally unrelated to the original thread.
It is starting to remind me how Rudd,Gillard,Swan,Tanner and all the other Labor Ministers answer questions in Parliament at Question Time. Avoid having to answer the questions with diversions to take your mind off the real issue.

Lets either get back to the subject, stay away or start another thread to suit your diversified posts.
I second that. Maybe start a "let's have a squabble" thread, instead of filling this one with an endless quarrel.
Getting a bit beaten around there noco, the history of previous heads of state is very relevant as a yard stick for measurement in my view.

Rubbish. Gillard has only been there a week. What are you measuring? Stick to the thread, or start one on the history of PMs.
The question should be are you willing to give Gillard the opportunity to inspire confidence?
I believe its far to premature to answer your question but I like the fact her fundamentals aren't based on cherry picking passages from the bible.
I just hope she gives us the chance to answer your question but it appears she will strike while the irons hot, which means policies will determine this election?
I believe Julia Gillard will make a great PM due to global circumstances and she will also run rings around Abbott in the intelligentia department. I notice she has had a massive makeover in her appearance. More makeup and a softer hairstyle as well makes her very appealing to the media so therefore the public. All about style .... little on substance for the proletariat.
Abbott is far more intelligent than JG.
She said to him 'Game on' and he says that is flippant as it isn't a game, it's about managing the country. (in his interview with Alan Jones)
Only casting an observation after watching the two go at each other on the Today Show with Karl & Lisa. I observed Julia Gillard dismantle Abbott on every topic and pushed his buttons that caused him to implode and begin the "Aaaah aaaah aaaah" routine. She came out on top by virtue of not losing her cool.

Abbott may be brilliant on paper but fails to come across through the television as compassionate. In fact quite the opposite. Just my opinion of course. :2twocents ..... GOSH the comedy just doesn't stop.
Abbott is far more intelligent than JG.
She said to him 'Game on' and he says that is flippant as it isn't a game, it's about managing the country. (in his interview with Alan Jones)

What's wrong with being flippant.

I think she is very clever, probably more than Abbott.
Look how quickly she rose to the top. She has changed horse midstream at the right time and knows how to outwit her opponents.

A good example of quick thinking in Parliament:

JULIE BISHOP: Given that the Prime Minister has confirmed today that the same ministers will be conducting the same negotiations with the mining industry, for the same $12 billion outcome as before today's unprecedented political assassination of the former prime minister, what ...



JULIE BISHOP: ...what policy change has occurred? Or is the change, what many suspect a new face but still same old Labor, same old tax?

JULIA GILLARD: I thank the same old Deputy Leader of the Opposition for her question.


JULIA GILLARD: And wish her well as she serves her third leader.

What's wrong with being flippant.

I think she is very clever, probably more than Abbott.
Look how quickly she rose to the top. She has changed horse midstream at the right time and knows how to outwit her opponents.

A good example of quick thinking in Parliament:

JULIE BISHOP: Given that the Prime Minister has confirmed today that the same ministers will be conducting the same negotiations with the mining industry, for the same $12 billion outcome as before today's unprecedented political assassination of the former prime minister, what ...



JULIE BISHOP: ...what policy change has occurred? Or is the change, what many suspect a new face but still same old Labor, same old tax?

JULIA GILLARD: I thank the same old Deputy Leader of the Opposition for her question.


JULIA GILLARD: And wish her well as she serves her third leader.

A fair question that deserves an answer. It might have been entertaining for the comrades, but people that want an answer to the question will lose respect for her with such nonsense.

That's taken her down several notches for me.
A fair question that deserves an answer. It might have been entertaining for the comrades, but people that want an answer to the question will lose respect for her with such nonsense.
Looks like the mining tax impasse is all but clear for a start - given Rudd nailed his credibility to the issue (and his ETS backflip), he was in a far less politically friendly position to make concessions than the way Julia has.

The talk of the Lib/National parties being more concerned with facing Julia in the polls than there were with Ruddy speaks volumes. Julia has a genuine chance of solidifying support for Labour, with a voting public that could no longer connect with Rudd (or had any idea what he stood for these days).