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Coronavirus vaccine news

Yes, I agree. Only a small percentage get really sick but when you are talking millions of people then you need treatments.
Yes, I agree. Only a small percentage get really sick but when you are talking millions of people then you need treatments.

Yes that is true but we are not seeing any figures for a comparison, how many people get the flu each year ?

How many people have had a cold, how many people have had other diseases.

I do agree that the Covid numbers are huge but they are inflated by the fact that Govts are paying for all the treatments.

The test that they use in USA is being used incorrectly, it is producing heaps of false positives which inflate the numbers.

On the other hand, there will be heaps of people who have had Covid but are not counted because they did not get tested.

I would like to know the details of the poor unfortunates that have died, ages, previous health conditions, Vitamin D in blood, alcoholics, diabetics etc

Without these details the Govt can not make proper decisions (No DD) and the so called health officials either have not bothered to test people or are hiding the results.

I also know two people who have had Covid, they just stayed home for the required time, one felt like the flu but not too bad and the other just like a head cold.

No way should we be locking down for those people, do research then protect the vulnerable, the rest carry on
I have said it before 2 in our street had it (early 40's) one 8 weeks 48 hrs in hospital the other 5 weeks couldn't function now 7 months later still feeling effects.
So clearly just inside the experience of posters on ASF the outcomes for COVID range from a dose of the flu to very serious short and long term problems. Or death.

That confirms what the statistics are saying about roughly 85/90 % mildly affected 10-14% substantially affected 1-3% mortality.

Sounds "reasonable" until you work out what the overall figures are for 20 million people in Australia.
So clearly just inside the experience of posters on ASF the outcomes for COVID range from a dose of the flu to very serious short and long term problems.

One issue is that there are two types of long term problems. Severe problems that manifest themselves within a short time of catching COVID that have persisted for months on end. Then there are severe and even mild reactions that seemingly disappeared after a relatively short time, but may result in serious problems down the track that nobody is aware of yet. It could be years or decades before the latter start to materialise.
Then there are severe and even mild reactions that seemingly disappeared after a relatively short time, but may result in serious problems down the track that nobody is aware of yet.

They had coronavirus. Now they’re showing up at memory clinics with serious cognitive loss


That is a worry, I wonder do they offer people who have had Covid any sort of after care.

When a person has the flu it takes a while to bounce back, should people who have had Covid be given longer treatment. A longer course of the drug which helped them may be called for

Maybe they need to be advised on food choices, vitamin supplements, tonics etc

An example would be Vitamin C and D, both can be taken to good effect even when one already has the flu.

Some Docs in USA are giving IV Vitamin C for Covid treatment, people could take that at home for a few months.

If this was done with different supps or drugs and results recorded we could refine a protocol to help people fully recover after a bad case of Covid
COVID reduces O2 in the body, that's all organs including the brain, then there is the long term damage to lungs.

The other issue that seems to get missed by those claiming its just flu is without hospital treatment from those brave souls on the front line (who tragically are over represented in the death rates) the death rate and longer term consequences would be exponentially higher.

Yes, many forget that unlike COVID people mostly just get over the flu with just some medication to relieve symptoms.
I know some of you don't like Mercola but articles like this is why I read it, note that he is only quoting Doctors who are involved in the actual research.

He may suggest natural remedies but the interesting part to me is what the Docs are finding

Endothelium Damage Found in Critically Ill COVID-19 Cases

After noticing blackened fingers and toes — signs of what appeared to be microvascular thrombosis, or tiny blood clots in small blood vessels — in COVID-19 patients in advanced stages of the disease, physicians at the Yale School of Medicine began running clotting tests on their patients.3
Levels of Von Willebrand factor (VWF), a clotting protein released by endothelial cells, were found to be significantly elevated, which suggested to hematologist Alfred Lee that damaged endothelial cells may be releasing large quantities of VWF, leading to clots.4 This prompted the team to screen for additional markers of endothelial cell and platelet activation in critically and noncritically ill COVID-19 patients.
The study, which was conducted in April 2020, included 68 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and 13 asymptomatic controls. VWF antigen was significantly elevated in COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) compared to non-ICU COVID-19 patients,5 as was soluble platelet selectin (sP-selectin), which is sometimes used as a biomarker for infection and mortality.6
Specifically, mean VWF was 565% among ICU patients and 278% among non-ICU patients while soluble P-selectin was 15.9 ng/mL compared to 11.2 ng/mL.7 "Our findings show that endotheliopathy is present in COVID-19 and is likely to be associated with critical illness and death. Early identification of endotheliopathy and strategies to mitigate its progression might improve outcomes in COVID-19," the researchers concluded.8
Likely not coincidentally, endothelial dysfunction is also associated with insulin resistance and plays a role in the vascular complications of diabetes,9 as well as being involved in obesity and high blood pressure,10 conditions that raise the risk of severe COVID19.
Even mild obesity may raise the risk of COVID-19 severity — COVID-19 patients with mild obesity had a 2.5 times greater risk of respiratory failure and a five times greater risk of being admitted to an ICU compared to nonobese patients. Those with a BMI of 35 and over were also 12 times more likely to die from COVID-19.11
Another study looking into the impact of coexisting health conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes on COVID-19 outcomes found they're linked to "poorer clinical outcomes," such as admission to an intensive care unit, a need for invasive ventilation or death.12
It's possible that the endothelial damage in all of these conditions plays a role in worsening COVID-19 outcomes, but it's unclear which comes first — endothelial damage or COVID-19.

Endothelial Cells Are the 'Main Target' of SARS-CoV-2
Imperial College London cardiologist Thomas Lüscher told The Scientist that the endothelium is the main target of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.13 Under healthy conditions, blood cells can pass through the endothelium lining blood vessels, but when exposed to viral infections and other inflammatory agents, the endothelium becomes sticky and releases VWF.
The end result is a cascade of clotting and inflammation, both characteristics of severe COVID-19. According to a case report published April 8, 2020, "A hallmark of severe COVID-19 is coagulopathy, with 71.4% of patients who die of COVID-19 meeting … criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) while only 0.6% of patients who survive meet these criteria."14
Writing in the European Heart Journal, Lüscher argues, "COVID-19, particularly in the later complicated stages, represents an endothelial disease,"15 which may help explain why multiple organ systems, including the lungs, heart, brain, kidney and vasculature, may be affected.
An additional study by Canadian researchers, published in Critical Care Explorations in September 2020, also revealed elevated VWF and soluble P-selectin levels in COVID-19 patients, along with higher glycocalyx-degradation products,16 a sign of damage to the glycocalyx, which envelops the endothelium.17 This can also be a sign of sepsis. Taken together, the research suggests that therapies targeting the endothelium may be useful for COVID-19, which is where enzymes come in.

Understanding the origins is vitally important. Was it man-made or interfered with by humans or was it natural (from the environment that we exist in)?
Understanding the origins is vitally important. Was it man-made or interfered with by humans or was it natural (from the environment that we exist in)?

That is the billion dollar question, I suspect it was an experiment that accidentally escaped
That is the billion dollar question, I suspect it was an experiment that accidentally escaped
It is a MULTI billion $ ? Our govnuts and the world govnuts are to dumb to try and find the answer, except, spend, spend, spend.

Of course, it was an experiment that escaped, why do you think China is being an arse at the moment, as they know. But **** does happen and I don't think (well I hope they didn't) release this virus to get back at dumb arse Chump man shooting his mouth of to get likes on social media.

Mantra : Everything is technical, don't stay down the rabbit holes to long to find the solution to the problem(s).
Boris isn't mucking about, rolling out the vaccine. First in the world.

Pfizer, 94% effective in older people, 95% effective overall.

Also in other news from Australian research (Murdoch Institute), children are less susceptible to Covid due to better blood vessel health and higher levels of Vitamin D in the body.
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I did @Knobby22 and I'm not so sure. Sitting back and waiting for more and better information.

I've been going into hospital every night at the moment.... End of life stuff for my mum (and not said to garner any sympathy at all, I don't want sympathy but just to explain why I'm there and spending so much time).... And spending a lot of time with the staff.

Not one that I have spoken to years on board with the narrative and none either believe a vaccine is necessary or willing to take it. That was something, in spite of my research on everything about the plandemic, I did not expect. Last nights nurse was particularly illuminating on a number of levels.


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