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Coronavirus vaccine news

Seems a bit stupid given that we don't know if vaccines will stop omicron. In one and a half to two weeks we should have a clearer picture.
Superfluous post, road, seeing as I pretty much made those caveats by self.

I'm not personally qualified to debate John Hopkins on these matters, so defer others who mate respectfully have those discussions, such as the link I have posted and others.

Interestingly I do have in my client list those who are qualified to debate such matters. It's pretty evenly split.

That makes it hard for the likes of me and you, considering my neutrality and your obvious confirmation bias
Seems a bit stupid given that we don't know if vaccines will stop omicron. In one and a half to two weeks we should have a clearer picture.

I think they are pretty sure it won't necessarily stop infection. I believe the value lies in reducing the effect of the illness.
I think they are pretty sure it won't necessarily stop infection. I believe the value lies in reducing the effect of the illness.
We don't even know that at this stage. By next week we should have a better idea.
Yet another link to pseudoscience .
SPR has no scientific credibility and the idea you proliferate about covid being somewhat comparable to the flu has no legitimacy in public health arenas.
We should not be surprised by this as your ideas relating to climate change seem to have been spawned from believing people who also have a track record of misrepresentation and manipulation.
Science can rely on billions of individual data records to show that covid is orders of magnitude more severe than the flu, and does not need to seek anecdote from the antipodes.
In this disinformation age, I have found that direct experience, and other's accounts (despite being second, and sometimes third, hand) of same, far more dependable than the propaganda mediums our society has brainwashed us into reliance upon.
In this disinformation age, I have found that direct experience, and other's accounts (despite being second, and sometimes third, hand) of same, far more dependable than the propaganda mediums our society has brainwashed us into reliance upon.
The late 20th century became the information age when analog moved to digital from the 1980s.
If you prefer to believe that some anecdotal information is superior to billions of records then you belong to certain class of persons. They feed from each other's anecdotes to create personal world views which defy reality, such as a flat earth, no holocaust or moon landing.
There is this thing called "evidence" which rational people rely on to make decisions.
So when you, and in this case I mean YOU @cynic, continue to fail to show what you claim is true, then it's due to not presenting what is necessary to be credible.
Neither you, nor your favoured propagandists, have the right of dictatorship, over anyone's (other than your own), experience of reality!
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Neither you, nor your favoured propagandists, have the right of dictatorship, over anyone's (other than your own), experience of reality!
Medical science is not about your experience of reality!
You seldom post on topic and drift into this fantasy world of your making that you seem to need to drag others into.
The risk/reward benefits of vaccination are proven through tens of billions of vaccinations to date, including the billions since 2020 for covid.
If you have a different perspective you could at lest try to use credible evidence, rather than post irrelevances at ASF on such a frequent basis.
In this disinformation age, I have found that direct experience, and other's accounts (despite being second, and sometimes third, hand) of same, far more dependable than the propaganda mediums our society has brainwashed us into reliance upon.

Actually verified data has never been more publicly available, the issue I continually see is narrowed biased views being selective to suit their own closed world view the twitter world being a great example.
Actually verified data has never been more publicly available, the issue I continually see is narrowed biased views being selective to suit their own closed world view the twitter world being a great example.
You call it "verified data". Please be aware that the integrity of the data depends heavily upon the integrity and competence of the collaters, custodians and reporters of same.

Please also be aware that I have been personally witness to a number of significant issues that have served to undermine the integrity of the aforereferenced processes. Hence my reason for intense scepticism!

I don't expect anyone to take my word for it, but invite those reading, to temporarily quarantine all that they think that they know, and take a fresh look at the "information" they're being fed.

Has the message been consistent ?

Does the data, when considered in totality, have any semblance of coherity?
I might be being kept in the dark and treated like a mushroom, but, until such time, as I am witness to a clear reawakening to the importance of truth, will continue to refuse to eat the material I am being forcefully fed.

And if those eagerly volunteering for enlistment in that army of useful imbeciles, have a problem with that, all I can say is their ignorance, of the many lessons of human history, is their shortcoming, not mine!
This is why we should be waiting. This is why there should be long term trials for any drug:

This is why we should be waiting. This is why there should be long term trials for any drug:

Another tweet that has zero evidence backing it.
Wonder why?
Well, that's because there is no real world data consistent with its claims.
The pseudoscience poster can't help himself!
There are natural consequences for refusing to believe COVID is that dangerous and/or that vaccines are unnecessary or the work of the devil/secret cabals/Bill Gates/whatever.

The challenge for the rest of us is seeing the extra impact of these lies on top of the hundreds of thousands of deaths and illnesses already undermining our community, medical facilities and economy.

Russian has more than it's fair share of anti vaxxers/COVID Hoaxers. A number of doctors who have to treat the thousands of COVID sick patients have called out the most prominent of these celebrities and politicians and asked that they visit the hospitals and see what is happening.

Russian doctors invite prominent anti-vaccine voices to visit COVID-19 hospitals


By Euronews with AFP • Updated: 24/11/2021

A medic walks between patients with coronavirus at an ICU hospital in Volgograd. - Copyright AP Photo/Alexandr Kulikov

A group of prominent Russian doctors has invited anti-vaccine celebrities and politicians to visit hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.
Eleven leading doctors signed the open letter on Wednesday, calling on the public figures to see the effects of the virus firsthand.
The letter was addressed to a dozen of the loudest anti-vaccine voices that have spread doubts about coronavirus jabs on social media.

"We are all a bit busy at the moment and you can guess why," said Denis Protsenko, chief physician at Moscow's main hospital treating COVID-19 patients.
"But since many people are reading and listening to you, we will find time to arrange a tour of the 'red zones', intensive care and pathology departments for you."
"Maybe after that, you will change your mind and fewer people will die," the letter added.
Russia has registered more than 1,000 deaths from coronavirus each day for weeks, as well as record daily infections.

In total, the coronavirus task force has reported nearly 9.4 million confirmed infections and more than 267,000 COVID-19 deaths, by far the highest death toll in Europe. Some experts believe the true figure is even higher.

The spike has been blamed on low vaccination rates and lax public attitudes towards precautions. Just 37.2% of Russian adults are fully inoculated against the virus despite appeals from President Vladimir Putin.

The open letter by doctors -- published by the state-run TASS agency -- was addressed to celebrities who they say have fuelled vaccine hesitancy.
One of those addressed was TV personality Oskar Kutchera, who has 300,000 followers on Instagram and has openly questioned the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Others include actor Egor Beroev -- who compared vaccination certificates to the yellow stars that Jews were forced to wear in the Nazi era -- and rock star Konstantin Kintchev, who said he did not want to "live in a digital concentration camp".

Genyadny Zyuganov, the leader of Russia's Communist party that has organised protests against mandatory vaccinations, was also addressed in the letter.
"We live in an age where the opinion of professionals in any industry can be easily dispelled by some famous person," Protsenko said on Telegram.
"Soon it will be two years since all my colleagues from different regions, doctors, nurses, have not left the red zone and are fighting for every patient," he added.
"It is a real war, we are losing more than a thousand people every day who have not prepared their bodies to face the deadly virus."
Protsenko added that the consequences of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines were "scary".

"All of you who doubt the power of vaccination, argue about restrictive measures, and publicly mislead your supporters simply do not have the moral authority to ignore our open letter.

"I am sure that after visiting our red zones you will change your attitude and be on the side of medical common sense."
The Kremlin has welcomed the initiative and has labelled the signatories as "hero doctors".
"Let's hope that their authority will help at least some of these people to change their minds," said spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Another tweet that has zero evidence backing it.
Wonder why?
Well, that's because there is no real world data consistent with its claims.
The pseudoscience poster can't help himself!
then why are people censored or shut down when trying to bring debate or evidence to the conversation or these forced jabs?
remember 1 jab and you'll have freedom back
now they are peddling out a 5th jab and vaccination certificates, forcing people to have the jabs or loose there jobs or banned from going to the shops, events or pubs!

all from a man eating a bat in wuhan! and the useful idiots left (Vladimir Lenin terminology) politicians call any one a extreme right winger who questions this!

leftism is a product of how stupid a society has become
It's interesting on a psychology level how @rederob feels the need to keep answering my posts and especially considering the language he uses.

Bear in mind that I have Mr rederob on ignore, so he must either log out to view my posts or have a little mole in here. Both prospects make me smirk to be honest.

I think we all know his ties to the extreme left wing of the Labor Party and connections to how they distribute propaganda.

The thing that I find interesting is that more and more, scientists are having the courage to come out from under the boot and verify much of the points that I have been making (which have in from such scientists in the first place of course).

This is evidenced by the leftist propaganda becoming even more shrill, especially from our dear friend, rederob.

I can think of much more pleasant places to live rent-free than the abyss that is rederobs mind, but it is what it is.
It's interesting on a psychology level how @rederob feels the need to keep answering my posts and especially considering the language he uses.
I respond to a stream of nonsense posts from many at ASF. @mullokintyre insistence that social media had no right to do what they did was the most recent example of baseless posts that are made, and he too decided to put me on ignore. As the youth of today say, NMP.
I think we all know his ties to the extreme left wing of the Labor Party and connections to how they distribute propaganda.
I have never had a party affiliation so if that's what you think you are deluding yourself.
The thing that I find interesting is that more and more, scientists are having the courage to come out from under the boot and verify much of the points that I have been making (which have in from such scientists in the first place of course).
Oddly enough I can't find credible evidence to that effect. On the other hand, the opposite has been true for as long as you have posted as ASF.
One of the most consistent themes of your postings has been personal invectives, as evidenced here, again. Whatever your reason, it detracts from any and every case you have put.

On topic, your persistent use of tweets, anecdote and pseudoscience in this thread instead of medical science and hard data is curious in an age of overwhelmingly verifiable information. Aside from that, your logic is typically missing so whatever credibility you accord your posts is like sunburn.
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