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Coronavirus vaccine news

Covid seems to always be considered guilty until proven innocent, whereas the covid vaccines, are always considered innocent until proven guilty.

What an enlightened approach to health care!!
Covid seems to always be considered guilty until proven innocent, whereas the covid vaccines, are always considered innocent until proven guilty.

What an enlightened approach to health care!!

If that is a response to my post, it is as inane as almost everything else you post.

There was no claim by me that Covid caused the side effects, nor any claim by me that the vaccine didn't cause them. Just a question as to who determined that the vaccine was the cause, as was asserted by Grah's friend. An enlightened approach to health care is to establish facts before making assertions or if assertions are made, to qualify them.

Nobody in the medical profession is saying that there are never side effects to taking the vaccine. Sometimes there are none (the experience of everyone I personally know who have taken the vaccine) and other times there will be mild to severe side effects.
It is difficult not to notice the haste with which deaths, and hospitalisations, are declared as covid caused, whereas the hospitalisations, or deaths, of the recently vaccinated are somehow seen as coincidental, until such time as causation can be conclusively demonstrated.

This gives the hint as to the why regarding admissions with a diagnosis of Covid.

How is COVID-19 diagnosed?​

Your doctor (GP), or staff at a testing clinic or hospital emergency department will take swabs from the back of your nose and throat to diagnose your illness. This is called a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test. Swabs and fluid are sent to public health laboratories for testing for COVID-19.

This is the protocol for determining causes of death in NSW which is similar to other jurisdictions.

No mysteries on the matter exist.

Forgot to mention that presently ICD-10 is used for classification. A draft of ICD-11 recently issued by the WHO in the middle of this year is under consideration by the AIHW.

The objectives of the ICD revision process are to:
  • revise the ICD classification in line with scientific advances, to serve multiple purposes including mortality and morbidity statistics as well as clinical use in primary care, specialty care and research
  • continue to serve as an international standard in multiple languages and settings to allow for comparable data
  • link with computerised health information systems (directly use standard terminologies and other health informatics applications to be “electronic health application ready”).
Covid seems to always be considered guilty until proven innocent, whereas the covid vaccines, are always considered innocent until proven guilty.

What an enlightened approach to health care!!
As @Belli points out, health care has nothing to do with how some people take delight in misinterpreting information and liking conspiracies.

The average person recognises that a disease is rarely beneficial, whereas vaccinations have been proven to reduce illness and death rates for over two centuries. Perhaps one day you might develop an enlightened approach to posting so that ignorance does not rule.

I agree, but for the small number of people who have serious or fatal side effects there should be some sort of compensation scheme as in other countries, since the government is virtually mandating getting a vaccine if you want to keep your job or go about your daily business without restriction.
I absolutely agree.
But as others have pointed out, our federal government goes after the people who can least afford anything, while foregoing billions of dollars of overpayments via JobKeeper. So why would they care if a few people suffer after vaccination?
Maybe Scomo wants the States to be responsible given the heavy lifting they have carried in the absence of competent leadership at the federal level.
FTSE compensation (and the burden of proof required to demonstrate entitlement)!!

Simply let people make their own decisions, about which medicines they want, and leave them to accept the consequences of their choice.

No amount of financial compensation will reverse death or permanent disability.
Simply let people make their own decisions, about which medicines they want, and leave them to accept the consequences of their choice.

Well sometimes other people have to accept the consequences of foolish decisions, like family members who get the disease passed on by other family members.
Well sometimes other people have to accept the consequences of foolish decisions, like family members who get the disease passed on by other family members.
I presume that you're suggesting that one's personal decision, as to whether or not to partake of medical treatment, can sometimes be deemed as foolishly endangering others.

If so, given the topic of this thread, I would have to conclude that you don't actually believe in the efficacy of these covid vaccines!
Well sometimes other people have to accept the consequences of foolish decisions, like family members who get the disease passed on by other family members.
Where has the common flu gone?
The sheet irony waking up with gastro from a curry your body disagrees with or being run down with the sniffles from a big weekend is considered covid now days!

the foolish decisions in being to accepting and stupid and taking the self moral high ground to people questioning where life is going!

remember it apparently came from a man eating a bat in wuhan and if we got one jab we would have out freedom back!

not some countries will be 5 jabs on, in lock downs, travel vaccines with heavy restrictions!
Information is Ching censored and people canceled for speaking out including doctors.

the left are a product of a dumbed down society.
vladim Lenin called them “useful idiots”
I presume that you're suggesting that one's personal decision, as to whether or not to partake of medical treatment, can sometimes be deemed as foolishly endangering others.
The proof is that family members across the world have spread covid amongst themselves, leading to to serious illness and occasional death. How is a personal decision that can do this be regarded as "sensible" when a reasonable alternative is available?
If so, given the topic of this thread, I would have to conclude that you don't actually believe in the efficacy of these covid vaccines!
You clearly don't understand what efficacy means!
Like the flu?

Depends on whether one is considered as having a worse outcome compared with the other.

"For most people, the flu resolves on its own. But sometimes, influenza and its complications can be deadly."

"Common signs and symptoms that linger over time include:
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Cough
  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain
  • Memory, concentration or sleep problems
  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Fever
  • Dizziness when you stand
  • Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities.

Organ damage caused by COVID-19​

Although COVID-19 is seen as a disease that primarily affects the lungs, it can also damage many other organs, including the heart, kidneys and the brain. Organ damage may lead to health complications that linger after COVID-19 illness. In some people, lasting health effects may include long-term breathing problems, heart complications, chronic kidney impairment, stroke and Guillain-Barre syndrome — a condition that causes temporary paralysis.

Some adults and children experience multisystem inflammatory syndrome after they have had COVID-19. In this condition, some organs and tissues become severely inflamed."

If so, given the topic of this thread, I would have to conclude that you don't actually believe in the efficacy of these covid vaccines!

Or perhaps he is just one of those individuals with a modicum of intelligence that realises that when it comes to vaccine efficacy, it is not just two numbers, 0% and 100%, but all values in between. Such simple vaccine understanding that seems completely beyond you. And of course he may also be considerate of those who for various reasons, aren't allowed take the vaccine.
This gentleman is forthright in his views on that issue - amongst others matters.

Remiss of me for not mentioning Dr John Campbell is not a medical practitioner. He holds a PhD and was a nurse educator.

As can be seem from the link below, he does have some critics which include concerns over his approach and apparent support for treatment regimes which are contrary to those of the wider health research community.

Please stop blaming me for your personal shortcomings.
Of the people that I know that have had Covid, none have had any severe symptoms at all. And as mentioned before,there is some chance that my wife and I may have even have had it (it seems that it is impossible to test for that here in WA however).

While mindful that I know far more people that have been injected than have actually had covid, I know 2 people get have been severely incapacitated, and quite a few that have had severe reactions with ongoing health implications.

Anecdotal of course but it seems that the most sensible categorisation of covid is as a medium flu.

Of the people that I know that have had Covid, none have had any severe symptoms at all.

Local experience doesn't reflect a wider one. I live in Canberra and don't know the 7 patients in hospital (5 in ICU) but the data is Covid has caused their admission and treatment requirements. Nor do I know the patients in other States who are in hospital due to Covid.

Anecdotal of course but it seems that the most sensible categorisation of covid is as a medium flu.

Feel free to contact John Hopkins to debate that issue.

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