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Coronavirus vaccine news

Coronavirus: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine 'behaves as desired', analysis finds

Scientists at Bristol University used cutting edge technology to study the make-up of the inoculation.
The COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca has been shown to work as planned by new analysis.​
A method to check the inoculation contains all the correct parts was developed by a team at Bristol University, providing greater evidence that the vaccine works.​
Even though the research has not yet been peer reviewed, it has been hailed as a "wonderful example of cross-disciplinary collaboration".​
The vaccine is currently undergoing Phase 3 clinical trials to further establish the safety of the treatment.​

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I have a bit of hope for the Astrozenica vaccine (previous post).

The Pfizer vaccine however probably doesn't work hence the rush to get it out before there are results and there is no way I will take it as a placebo.
They were going to release it on election day as per Trumps wish but cooler heads have prevailed, I expect some senior Republicans decided the risk and long term damage to vaccines and the GOP name could be long lasting.
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Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine could be available 'within weeks' and Ireland would be one of the first countries to get it

The vaccine involves two doses and is being tested on 44,000 people aged 12 and upwards

The boss at the Irish branch of one of the world's biggest drug companies has raised hopes of a coronavirus vaccine "within weeks"​
Paul Reid, managing director of Pfizer Ireland, has told a national newspaper that his firm's experimental jab could be approved by the end of next month and Ireland could be among the first to receive a batch.​
Pfizer, who have a base in Cork, already has 100 million doses ready and is waiting for the green light from authorities in Europe and the US.​
Mr Reid told the Irish Independent the vaccine involves two doses and is being tested on 44,000 people aged 12 and upwards.​
He said: "We are accelerating through the clinical trial programme at breakneck speed.​
"We are seeing a speed of recruitment into the trials that we have never seen before. Already 40,000 have been recruited.​
"We have over 35,000 participants who received the second dose of the vaccine."​
A spokesperson for Pfizer Ireland told CorkBeo that submitting the vaccine for emergency use authorisation to the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency next month were major milestones.​
Mr Reid said: "We are going to have to demonstrate the quality and consistency of the vaccine.​
"We are trying to be as open as possible.​
"We are sharing any conclusive read-out data, whether positive or negative, within a few days after independent scientists see it.​
"The positivity around the vaccine is predicated on good science so far."​

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The COVID-19 vaccine rollout presents a number of logistical challenges
not all countries will overcome

Finding a vaccine that protects us against coronavirus is the first challenge.​
The second challenge will be getting that jab — or jabs — widely available, across all corners of the world, to enable any return to pre-COVID normal.​
Vaccine technologies are intellectual property, meaning researchers need to undergo legal licensing procedures to pair up with a manufacturer.​
University of Queensland biotechnology professor Linda Lua said the COVID-19 vaccine was not exempt from that process.​
"The different vaccine technologies belong to the researchers," Professor Lua said.​
"[And] every vaccine will have a different arrangement depending on which country it started in."​
Given the global implications of COVID-19, some researchers are licensing their vaccine technologies to multiple manufacturers around the world so that the vaccine can be produced domestically to reduce transport time, cost and risk.​
All vaccines have to be transported through what is known as a "cold chain", where the vaccines remain refrigerated as they move through the different stages of shipping — from manufacturer to port, then to another country and to clinics.​
But many vaccines have special requirements for transport — some are extremely fragile and others have to stay in freezing temperatures — and in some of these cases, these require expensive equipment.​
Take the frontrunning vaccines being developed in the US by Moderna and Pfizer/ BioNTech — neither of which are part of the Australian Government's current vaccine plan as local manufacturer CSL does not have the technology to mass-produce either vaccine in Australia.​
Essentially, scientists from both teams are trying to genetically engineer a harmless version of COVID-19 that triggers the body's immune response — think of it like 3D-printing a synthetic model of the virus.​
The man-made RNA (which viruses have instead of DNA) is coated in a bubble of fat and then injected into the body.​
For the Moderna vaccine, the temperature must stay around -20C. For Pfizer's, it's more like -70C.​
Once thawed, Moderna's vaccine can then last for 14 days at normal fridge temperatures. For Pfizer's, it is five days.​
Pfizer says it has developed its own thermal shipping boxes that can hold up to 5,000 doses for up to 10 days, company senior director Brian Gleeson told a meeting at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).​
But it says the containers should not be opened more than twice a day or for more than one minute at a time — which, experts say, is not enough time to sort through 5,000 doses.​
The boxes need dry ice to keep cold — approximately 23 kilograms to be replenished within 24 hours after the box is first opened, and then five days after.​
This presents major challenges for rural and developing areas.​

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Survey uncovers widespread belief in 'dangerous' Covid conspiracy theories

False claims that pandemic is a hoax or was started deliberately are attracting adherents around world

Significant numbers of people around the world believe Covid-19 was created deliberately, has killed far fewer people than reported, or is a hoax and does not actually exist, according to a global survey.​
Along with belief in other conspiracy theories – such as that the world is run by a secret cabal – the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project, a survey of about 26,000 people in 25 countries designed in collaboration with the Guardian, found widespread and concerning scepticism about vaccine safety.​
Among the most widely believed Covid conspiracies is that the death rate of the virus, which according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker has so far killed nearly 1.1 million people worldwide, has been “deliberately and greatly exaggerated”. Nearly 60% of respondents in Nigeria said this was definitely or probably true, along with more than 40% in Greece, South Africa, Poland and Mexico. About 38% of Americans, 36% of Hungarians, 30% of Italians and 28% of Germans felt the same.​
There is evidence the coronavirus pandemic has prompted some people to say they trust experts more, but it has also triggered a wave of disinformation and fake news propagated by science deniers and conspiracy theorists that has spread virally on social networks.​
“Any scary event – a pandemic, a mass shooting – that denies people a sense of control will lead to a proliferation of conspiracy theories,” said Stephan Lewandowsky, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Bristol who is an expert on misinformation.​
“They give people a sense of psychological comfort: the feeling that they are not at the mercy of randomness. They’re dangerous at any time, but more so in a pandemic if they lead people to ignore official advice, or commit acts of vandalism or violence.”​
But conspiracy theories also thrived on “governments’ inability to have a clear message”, said Lewandowsky. “They are another reason why we all need clear, consistent, evidence-based policymaking that can be trusted.”​
Among other countries, roughly one in four French and one in five British and Spanish respondents believed the death rate of the virus had been exaggerated, while Australians, Swedes and Japanese were more likely to dismiss such a belief.​
Significant numbers also thought the virus had been “deliberately created and spread” by the Chinese or US government, while in Poland one in five people believed it was definitely or probably a complete myth, created by unidentified “powerful forces”. Roughly the same proportions in Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia said they agreed with that proposition, while in the US the figure reached 13%.​
The false claim that 5G mobile technology is to blame for the spread of Covid-19 also has plenty of adherents, according to the survey, which was conducted in July and August.​
More than a fifth of respondents in Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and South Africa believed it was definitely or probably true that symptoms were “caused or enhanced by the direct, physical effects on the human body” of 5G.​
More than half of Nigerians, more than 40% of South Africans, Poles and Turks, more than 35% of Americans, Brazilians and Spaniards and between one in four and one in five French, British, Italian and German respondents believed it was definitely or probably true that Covid-19 had been deliberately created and spread by the Chinese government.​
Significant numbers also thought the US government was responsible for creating and spreading the virus: as many as 37% of respondents in Turkey, against one in five in Greece and Spain, 16% in Poland, 12% in France and just 5% in the UK. About 17% of American citizens said they believed it was definitely or probably true that their own government was to blame.​
The survey also tested belief levels in common non-Covid conspiracy theories, finding between 20% and 30% support in 10 countries – including South Africa, Brazil, Hungary and Poland – for the belief that manmade global heating was “a hoax invented to deceive”.​
Similar proportions thought the moon landings were faked, while between 20% and 30% of respondents in Spain, France, the US, Italy and Germany thought the US government “knowingly helped make the 9/11 terrorist attacks happen”. Between 20% and 44% of people in 17 countries believed or thought it likely that humans had made contact with aliens.​

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Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan revealed:

Elderly, health workers to be treated first

Australia's Health Minister Greg Hunt has said that when a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available the elderly, health care professionals and aged care workers will be first in line to receive it.​
Addressing the media this morning, Mr Hunt said over time every single person who wishes to be vaccinated will be.​
"What we want to do is to give every Australian who seeks to be vaccinated, that capacity of the course of the coming twelve months," Mr Hunt said.​
The Health Minister the government is close to securing deals on the supply of two new vaccine candidates.​
Today Australia reported no new community cases of COVID-19, a figure not seen since June.​

Two more potential coronavirus vaccines secured for Australia,
Federal Government says

The Federal Government has signed another two agreements to give Australia access to potential COVID-19 vaccines early next year.​
Under the deals, Australia will get 40 million doses of the vaccine being developed by biotechnology company Novavax, and 10 million doses of the vaccine being produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.​
Both vaccine candidates are currently in stage three clinical trials, and supplies will begin arriving in Australia in early 2021 — if they are proven safe and effective.​
The new agreements mean Australia is in line to get access to 134 million doses of four different vaccines at a total cost of $3.2 billion.​
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said there were no guarantees the vaccines would pass trials, but his Government's strategy puts Australia at the front of the queue.​
"By securing multiple COVID-19 vaccines we are giving Australians the best shot at early access to a vaccine, should trials prove successful," Mr Morrison said.​
"We aren't putting all our eggs in one basket and we will continue to pursue further vaccines should our medical experts recommend them."​
Earlier this year, the Morrison Government signed a deal to get 33.8 million doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford University vaccine and 51 million doses of the CSL/University of Queensland vaccine.​
Those vaccines would be manufactured domestically, however, under the new deals, doses of the Novavax and Pfizer vaccines would be made offshore in the United States, Czech Republic, Belgium and Germany.​
All four vaccines would likely require individuals to take two doses.​
Health Minister Greg Hunt said Australia had invested in a range of vaccines including two protein vaccines, one mRNA, and a viral vector-type vaccine.

AstraZeneca/Oxford University vaccine

The AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and also known as AZD1222) now undergoing Phase III clinical trials, has already undergone rigorous testing to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety. Now a team at Bristol University has used recently developed techniques to further validate that the vaccine accurately follows the genetic instructions programmed into it by the Oxford team. This novel analysis provides even greater clarity and detail about how the vaccine successfully provokes a strong immune response.

The findings, led by scientists at the University of Bristol and published on the pre-print server ResearchSquare, represent the most in-depth analysis of any of the COVID-19 vaccine candidates, going significantly above and beyond any regulatory requirements anywhere in the world.

Work on the vaccine, developed by researchers at the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, began in January 2020. Now undergoing Phase III clinical trials by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, the Bristol researchers’ focus was to assess how often and how accurately the vaccine is copying and using the genetic instructions provided by the Oxford team. These instructions detail how to make the spike protein from the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19.

The Oxford vaccine is made by taking a common cold virus (adenovirus) from chimpanzees and deleting about 20 per cent of the virus’s instructions. This means it is impossible for the vaccine to replicate or cause disease in humans, but it can still be produced in the laboratory under special conditions. By removing these genetic instructions there is space to add the instructions for the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2. Once inside a human cell the genetic instructions for the spike protein need to be ’photocopied’ many times – a process known as transcription. In any vaccine system, it is these ’photocopies’ that are directly used to make large amounts of the spike protein.

Once the spike protein is made, the immune system will react to it and this pre-trains the immune system to identify a real COVID-19 infection. So, when the person vaccinated is confronted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus their immune system is pre-trained and ready to attack it.

CSL/University of Queensland vaccine

Global biotech company CSL Limited will supply the Australian Government with 51 million doses of The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate if it proves successful, under a heads of agreement announced today.

CSL expects the first tranche of doses to be available by mid-2021, with additional doses following in late 2021 and early 2022, if late stage clinical trials are successful.

The total number of vaccines ordered by the Government is based on a two dose per person regime.

CSL CEO and Managing Director Paul Perreault said CSL had invested significant resources in the rapid development and large-scale manufacture of the vaccine candidate - UQ-CSL V451.

The University of Queensland (UQ) CSL COVID-19 vaccine candidate (V451) combines the adjuvant technology MF59 to improve immune response, reduce the amount of antigen needed for each vaccine, and enable more doses to be manufactured more rapidly.

The UQ-CSL V451 developed a rapid response “molecular clamp” vaccine platform, a transformative technology patented by UniQuest, UQ’s technology transfer company that enables rapid vaccine design and production against outbreak viral pathogens.

Enveloped viruses have proteins on their surface that drive the fusion of the virus and host cell membranes, a key process in infection. These proteins are also the major target of a protective immune response.

Although they are able to induce an immune response, they are inherently unstable and can change shape when expressed on their own. This means that the immune response induced does not efficiently recognize the protein on the virus surface and so does not provide protection from subsequent infection.

UQ-CSL V451 has overcome this problem by using its proprietary “molecular clamp” technology that locks the unstable, prefusion version of the surface proteins in a form that allows the immune system to respond more effectively.

Novavax vaccine

GAITHERSBURG, Md., Sept. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX), a late stage biotechnology company developing next-generation vaccines for serious infectious diseases, today announced that it has initiated its first Phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of NVX-CoV2373, Novavax’ COVID-19 vaccine candidate. The trial is being conducted in the United Kingdom (UK), in partnership with the UK Government’s Vaccines Taskforce, and is expected to enroll and immunize up to 10,000 individuals between 18-84 (inclusive) years of age, with and without relevant comorbidities, over the next four to six weeks.

NVX-CoV2373 is a stable, prefusion protein made using Novavax’ recombinant protein nanoparticle technology that includes Novavax’ proprietary MatrixM™ adjuvant. The vaccine has a favorable product profile that will allow handling in an unfrozen, liquid formulation that can be stored at 2°C to 8°C, allowing for distribution using standard vaccine channels.

NVXCoV2373 is a vaccine candidate engineered from the genetic sequence of SARSCoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. NVXCoV2373 was created using Novavax’ recombinant nanoparticle technology to generate antigen derived from the coronavirus spike (S) protein and contains Novavax’ patented saponin-based Matrix-M™ adjuvant to enhance the immune response and stimulate high levels of neutralizing antibodies. NVX-CoV2373 contains purified protein antigens and cannot replicate, nor can it cause COVID-19. In preclinical trials, NVXCoV2373 demonstrated indication of antibodies that block binding of spike protein to receptors targeted by the virus, a critical aspect for effective vaccine protection. In its the Phase 1 portion of its Phase 1/2 clinical trial, NVXCoV2373 was generally well-tolerated and elicited robust antibody responses numerically superior to that seen in human convalescent sera. NVX-CoV2373 is also being evaluated in two ongoing Phase 2 studies, which began in August; a Phase 2b trial in South Africa, and a Phase 1/2 continuation in the U.S. and Australia. Novavax has secured $2 billion in funding for its global coronavirus vaccine program, including up to $388 million in funding from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

Pfizer vaccine

After extensive review of preclinical and clinical data from Phase 1/2 clinical trials, and in consultation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) and other global regulators, Pfizer and BioNTech have chosen to advance their BNT162b2 vaccine candidate into the Phase 2/3 study, at a 30 µg dose level in a 2 dose regimen. BNT162b2, which recently received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Fast Track designation, encodes an optimized SARS-CoV-2 full length spike glycoprotein (S), which is the target of virus neutralizing antibodies.

“Our selection of the BNT162b2 vaccine candidate and its advancement into a Phase 2/3 study are the culmination of an extensive, collaborative and unprecedented R&D program involving Pfizer, BioNTech, clinical investigators, and study participants with a singular focus of developing a safe and effective COVID-19 RNA vaccine. The Phase 2/3 study protocol follows all the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance on clinical trial design for COVID-19 vaccine studies,” said Kathrin U. Jansen, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Head of Vaccine Research & Development, Pfizer. “The initiation of the Phase 2/3 trial is a major step forward in our progress toward providing a potential vaccine to help fight the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and we look forward to generating additional data as the program progresses.”

“Today, we are starting our late-stage global study, which will include up to 30,000 participants. We selected BNT162b2 as our lead candidate for this Phase 2/3 trial upon diligent evaluation of the totality of the data generated so far. This decision reflects our primary goal to bring a well-tolerated, highly effective vaccine to the market as quickly as possible, while we will continue to evaluate our other vaccine candidates as part of a differentiated COVID-19 vaccine portfolio,” said Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and Co-Founder of BioNTech. “Many steps have been taken towards this important milestone and we would like to thank all those involved for their extraordinary commitment.”
Pfizer has developed vaccine that it claims is 90% effective. Stock markets soaring.
Pfizer has developed vaccine that it claims is 90% effective. Stock markets soaring.
I saw that.

My doctor tells me that a vaccine that will be safe, effective in an individual and have sufficient uptake by the requisite percentage of the population is one if not two years distant.

If it pushes the market higher it is a force for good imo. Otherwise it is what it is.

Or we can just give everyone free Vitamin D which we Know works with no side effects
Moderna's trial data shows its COVID-19 vaccine nears 95 per cent efficacy

US drug manufacturer Moderna has released data that shows its experimental COVID-19 vaccine was 94.5 percent effective, based on interim data from a late-stage trial.​
Moderna's interim analysis was based on 95 infections among trial participants who received either a placebo or the vaccine. Its findings were not published in a peer-reviewed journal paper.​
Of those, only five infections occurred in those who received the vaccine, which is administered in two shots 28 days apart.​
This makes the company the second US manufacturer to report results that far exceed expectations, following Pfizer's announcement of promising vaccine test results last week.​
Both potential vaccines still need to pass more safety data and regulatory reviews.​
But Moderna expects to have enough safety data required for US authorisation in the next week or so and the company expects to file for emergency use authorisation (EUA) in the coming weeks.​

How does it work?
A vaccine's 'efficacy' doesn't measure how well it stops the SARS-CoV-2 virus entering a vaccinated person's body.​
Instead, it's a measure of stopping — or at least reducing the severity of — COVID-19.​
Unlike more traditional vaccines, which contain a weakened version of the actual virus or portions of it, both Moderna and Pfizer's vaccines are based on a new technology that involves taking genetic material from the virus and delivering it to healthy cells.​
Using messenger RNA (or mRNA), the vaccines carry instructions to the body to create the SARS-CoV-2 protein the vaccine is aiming to protect against.​
The idea is that the body detects the genetic material and new protein as foreign, and mounts an immune response — producing antibodies that learn to remember and fight the virus if the body encounters it again.​
One advantage of Moderna's vaccine is that it does not need ultra-cold storage like Pfizer's, making it easier to distribute.​
Moderna expects it to be stable at normal fridge temperatures of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius for 30 days and it can be stored for up to 6 months at -20C.​
Pfizer's vaccine must be shipped and stored at -70C, the sort of temperature typical of an Antarctic winter.​
"Having more than one source of an effective vaccine will increase the global supply and, with luck, help us all to get back to something like normal sometime in 2021," said Eleanor Riley, professor of immunology and infectious disease at the University of Edinburgh.​

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As a side note, 3 family members in Europe caught COVID-19.
They all say it's slightly worse than the common cold/flu that goes around every year.
1 member has fully recovered after a 2 week period, the other 2 caught COVID-19 last week.
Ages are 20, 50, 67.
New breathalyzer from Texas A&M, Dallas company might detect
COVID-19 in a minute or less

Texas A&M researchers and a Dallas artificial intelligence company are developing a rapid COVID-19 test that would use a breathalyzer, rather than a swab, and potentially make it safer to hold large gatherings.​
The testing device, housed in a kiosk that can fit in the back of an SUV, could be set up outside of large group settings such as schools, churches and corporate offices.​
People would step up to the device and, with a disposable straw, blow into a copper hole on the front of the kiosk.​
The system captures the user’s breath and analyzes it for compounds that a body generates when it’s fighting SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Users would receive the results within a minute of the test through a mobile app.​
“It’s all about establishing a controlled environment where people can interact and have confidence about it,” said Rob Gorham, executive director of SecureAmerica Institute, a network of public institutions and private manufacturing and technology companies based at Texas A&M. “It can create more normalcy around establishing these trusted group settings, whether it be an airplane or a football stadium.”​
The device, called Worlds Protect, is a collaboration between Texas A&M researchers, who developed the hardware for the testing systems, and Worlds Inc., which developed the artificial intelligence software.​
Texas A&M invested $1 million in Worlds Protect’s development.​
Food and Drug Administration regulators still are evaluating the device for public use under an emergency use authorization before it heads into mass production. If approved, Worlds Inc. and SecureAmerica could begin manufacturing dozens of kiosks as soon as March.​


<<More than 60 per cent heeded the call — the highest level in the world. But Chebbi and hundreds of others, primarily children and young adults under 30, were later diagnosed with narcolepsy as a side effect of the vaccine.

A link was eventually established to an adjuvant, or booster, in the Pandemrix vaccine which was intended to strengthen the immune response.

Narcolepsy is a chronic disorder of the nervous system that causes excessive and often uncontrollable drowsiness.

“I have sleep attacks all the time in all kinds of situations and at inappropriate times … In my food, at job interviews, at lectures, seminars, at university. I’ve fallen asleep at my workplace, I fall asleep on buses and everywhere,” Chebbi said.

“It has destroyed my life.

The Swedish Pharmaceutical Insurance has so far approved 440 of 702 narcolepsy claims linked to Pandemrix, paying out a total of 100 million kronor (A$15.7 million) in compensation.>>

On reading some of the weak criteria that constitutes a successful trial I think a similar problem may arise with any rushed Covid Vaccine
Covid vaccine will ‘probably’ be rolled out in second week of December, says CDC director

Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Robert Redfield has said that a Covid-19 vaccine could start being rolled out across the US next month.​
During an interview on Fox News’ The Daily Briefing on Tuesday evening, Mr Redfield was asked by host Dana Perino about the development of potential coronavirus vaccines.​
“I think it's really important. First, it's, you know, exceptional that we have these vaccines. And it's very exciting.​
“And, again, it just reinforces why I want people to be vigilant because we're turning the corner now,” Mr Redfield told the host.​
“You don't want to be the last group to end up getting Covid, because the vaccine is going to begin to be rolled out probably by the end of the second week of December,” the CDC director added.​
Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca have all announced in recent weeks that their vaccine candidates had proved effective in preventing infection of Covid-19, though studies on the jabs have not yet been peer-reviewed.​
Pfizer, which developed its vaccine with German company BioNTech, applied for emergency approval for its candidate from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week, while Moderna is expected to do the same by the end of the month.​
An advisory committee for the FDA will meet on 10 December to discuss an emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer vaccine.​

Why are we waiting until March 2021?

Why are we waiting until March 2021?

Logistics and despite the glossing over it in the USA testing isnt complete. Also there are other vaccine results coming. Why be forced to pay top dollar?

Some other countries are in a desperate position and can't wait.

On another point, the efficacy is really good which is great for us as it really won't matter if the anti vaxxers don't take it.

I reckon we should all be vaccinated by June and by then the virus will return killing off some of the anti vaxxers and subsequently increasing the IQ of the population.
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Bit mean on the previous comment.

I actually want, at least in the USA, a sizeable proportion of antivaxxers. I am expecting 25% who will not take the vaccine and so will eventually catch the virus. They will then need the mesoblast treatment.

From what I have read, the Australian proportion of people likely to avoid vaccination is around 5-8%. Free country.
Bit mean on the previous comment.

Not really. Darwin selection in a free world.

Like l said previously, l have 3 family members (in laws), who have now had Covid-19 and they all say it's only slightly worse than the common cold/flu that goes around each year. So, not that bad.

Also, from talks at my workplace, in one instance, up to 90% of the work group would not take the Covid-19 vaccine. I think the Government will also put the onus on employers regarding taking the vaccine. Much like childcare/vaccine/benefits.
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