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Coronavirus vaccine news

vaccine doesn't seem reliable.

One of the most stupid comments I have heard to date. As I said above, you seem incapable of differentiating between something not been 100% effective and it being useless. So what if it wanes over time and you need booster shots. If they keep you out of hospital and alive then they are doing their job. The virus mutates, so it is going to be a constant battle to keep ahead of it.

Natural immunity is terrific if you don't die and end up with long term COVID acquiring it. But achieving natural immunity in a country without using a vaccine, will not just result in a lot of unnecessary deaths and severe illness of many of those infected by COVID, but the number of serious illnesses will completely overwhelm IC units preventing those with other serious non-COVID related illnesses being treated, possibly resulting in many unnecessary deaths of those also.

If a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, hospitals will be able to cope and at that point natural immunity for those unvaccinated may not be so disruptive. But just look at some of the US states where vaccination rates are still low, mainly in the south, and you can see their hospital systems are already at breaking point. I think it was Fauci who said a few days ago that doctors will soon be put in the unenviable position of having to decide who to treat and who to let die. This is happening now. Vaccination rates are too low for natural immunity to be a mitigating factor on overstretched ICUs. Read up on it instead of wasting your time on anti-vax sites.
i meant 80% of population being vaccinated.

OK, that 80% which keeps on being mentioned is 80% of the eligible population i.e. those 16 yo and above who were then eligible to receive a vaccine. That equates to less than 65% of the total population yet children are known to be effective spreaders of Covid. Herd immunity is I understand when at least 80% and preferable 95% of the total population is vaccinated against a disease.

Alabama heart patient dies after hospital contacts 43 ICUs in 3 states, family says​

As a go around my rounds I am sing a few people who were previously not willing to be vaccinated having booked in to become vaccinated.

What chance their mind, was it the science? What's at the research that they have a good risk-reward proposition? Were they satisfied that they I'm not likely to have a severe reaction to The vaccines?

In every case, it is none of these reasons. In every case is is because of the coercion. these people were frightened that they would not be able to run the businesses and participate in society if they weren't vaxed.

Of course there are still a sizeable number of both clients and friends who have a steely resolve...

We live in interesting times, friends. If I stop posting it's because I'm in the gulag.
LMAO, nup, well if I'm in the ICU it'll be because I wasn't wearing a mask and 16 Gestapo thugs felt the need to work me over.

That's how it goes today, friend.
And indeed it would take at least 16 REALLY BIG Gestapo thugs to overpower you Wayne.

Come off it. Seriously ? Even in your dreams do you imagine little ol Wayne could be the target for a bunch of viscous drooling antifafas just looking for a Friday night kickathon ?

It's a worry.
Not antifa, Gestapo, uniformed thugs bro.

And for the record, already had two "incidents" ... Happy to detail via pm.

BTW, if the mood takes them they will use 8 to 12 to take down a 55 kilo woman.

(See viral videos my brown shirted friend)
Saw the WA government is to let over 60s get Pfizer now. That will happen Australia wide I suspect within months though I am quite happy in hindsight to have received the AZ after seeing the success in the UK. It's good though to get some of the older people over the line who are scared of AZ.

I think we are doing pretty good so far as a nation.
The anti vaxer lobby are dropping off brochures into our letterboxes and Craig Kelly is doing his worst. Nasty trolls are trying to damage celebrities/musicians who publicly say vaccines are a good thing are losing.

I am really proud of us Australians. I am really hopeful we can get to 90% now, maybe by December and all the businesses can go back to normal.
The NSW cases are plateauing at the 1500 range showing the success of the vaccination rollout. Many now are getting their second shots. I can see the end in sight.

An unvaccinated Victorian 20 year old died yesterday at home. Didn't go to the hospital despite being sick. Didn't get tested even. Dumb way to die. Just like the 39 year old last week.

All my sons and daughters friends have now had the first dose except one whose Mum won't let him. Poor guy (17) is too scared to disobey her. She threatened to kick him out of the house if he did even though he is doing his HSC. Freedom advocates, pah, they are all closet fascists.

Yeah thought it was an interesting move but really needs more supply plenty of under 60 having to wait until Oct for Pfizer 1st shot.
yeah same, 2 of my close acquaintances are now thinking of getting the jab. and another one already has.
Anti Vaxxer Shocked To Discover He Carries ‘Driving Passport’

A Port Macquarie man who says a vaccine passport is a contravention of the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was astonished this morning to discover a ‘driving passport’ had been sitting in his wallet since 1996.

“I never signed up for this,” said Richard Mallison, 42, who took his driving test at the age of 17 and renewed his licence four years ago. Pulling the offending card from his wallet, a shocked Mr Mallison called friends to ask if they had seen anything like it before. “It’s got your photo on it, your address, your name. Everything! And I’ve had this thing on my person every day for over two decades”.
Putting on his seatbelt and reversing out of his driveway, Mallison let out a panicked squeal as it dawned on him that the passport was legally required in order to access certain activities.

“Next thing you know you’ll need one of these things to get into a pub”.

The COVID karma bus is on the road.

But clearly you don't believe it regardless of where it comes from .
nEwS is just as bad as the gUaRdIaN, both tabloids.

Can you not remember all yours (and others) trashing of Murdoch?

I prefer more sober sources.
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