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Coronavirus vaccine news

Yes, very sad, the blood clot headlines are certainly falling away.

TGA safety report week ended 29 July advises of a total of 90 cases of TTS. Although unfortunate it is a very, very small number in comparison to the number of doses. As to the number of reported adverse events, I understand those have to be considered against vaccination anxiety (normal) and coincidence. Usual lag time with this group on dosage data.

For those interested, the Department of Health has data on doses administered by age and State. To yesterday 12.8m doses. So far 90 cases of TTS out of 12.8m for both vaccines. Any chance that potential adverse event aspect has been overblown by some?

AstraZeneca and Pfizer are not the only vaccines being evaluated either.

Hi Wayne

Daily Mail story updated (from your twitter version).
He did not have a diagnosed heart condition and he did have symptoms. He also was also very fit and a soccer player.
Daily Mail have updated their news story with the cousin with names and details but he was not there. I would much rather hear it from the widow.

The cousin obviously doesn't want to believe that Covid was involved in the death and doesn't trust the diagnosis.
In truth we don't even know whether it was his heart that failed.
Other reports said he deteriorated overnight.

Honestly, his cousin comes across as a fool trying to justify his poor advise to the relatives. Maybe you should update the twitterati.

You work with SP?

That is great info Belli, as more accurate and factual information is correlated, those who are nervous about the vaccine will be more put at ease that the adverse effects are not as prolific as first indicated.
This Delta strain will certainly be accelerating the uptake of the vaccine, especially in those who expected the virus to fade and eventually disappear, now it is becoming obvious it is probably here to stay, they will now be deciding which vaccine they want.
The reality is starting to become obvious that, it is either the vaccine, or the virus, you pick.
one of my very good friends died in almost the exact same circumstance last year, right down to the shower.

The only difference was that he didn't have covid.

Pinning this young man's death on covid definitively is drawing a very bloody longbow in my opinion and is being hyped up for the obvious propaganda effect.

Sudden heart failure is not all that uncommon really, even our friend Avi Yemeni nearly died last year the same way as well.

But it is very useful fear pr0n for the government and media.
Long Bow?
All reports say he seriously deteriorated with Covid symptoms overnight then he died.
Still whatever gives you comfort
Long Bow?
All reports say he seriously deteriorated with Covid symptoms overnight then he died.
Still whatever gives you comfort

Seriously man, the most comfortable thing would be to get the stupid injection, submit to the tyrannical Covid passport, eat, drink, and be merry.

At the moment that least comfortable thing I can even imagine is to stand up for the liberties that people like you are all too willing to give away because you are fearful.

Fear is rational when supported by evidence.

No problem. Better to information from reliable sources which gather and assess clinical information from world wide institutions. I'll forgive them if they have overlooked including that, um, well respected research house, the dailymail online.
Fear is rational when supported by evidence.

Seriously, think about the risks all of us endure in everyday life. Risk amelioration is entirely rational, but if fear was rational none of us would get in a damned car, or a plane, or eat trans fats, or smoke, or drink too much.

Holy crap. I take a risk every time I get under a horse... Farriers die and get seriously injured, man. I'm happy to take those risks.

We ameliorate those risks by taking reasonable precautions. One or more of the vaccinations may turn out to be a reasonable precaution against covid.

But in a long-term nobody knows what the long term risk for any of the vaccines are. Therefore nobody is even in a position to be able to assess those risks.

in the meantime I'm quite confident that my risk from covid itself is minimal, and not worth giving away my freedom so cheaply for.
People maintaining liberties in NSW is working a treat you had the option to move there

Of course fear is rational because it motivates people or animals to avoid danger thus saving their lives.
In the meantime I'm quite confident that my risk from covid itself is minimal....
That's a baseless claim.
Different strains seem to be impacting people of varying age and fitness differently.
Moreover, you do not know if your cells are more or less receptive to covid than anyone else's.
Bravado does not trump nature.

in the meantime I'm quite confident that my risk from covid itself is minimal, and not worth giving away my freedom so cheaply for.
That is very true, most things that people can be vaccinated for are still around, it is just most are vaccinated, therefore those that aren't very seldom get it, hooping cough etc, occasionally like I think last year a child died of it but that is unusual these days.
In my situation, the wife and I do want to travel and we ain't getting any younger, as there in every likely hood will be some sort of vaccine passport, we just though WTF pick the old tried and true and get on with it.
I think the Govmnt's have realised how useful the log in app was, but eventually that will stop being used, so a passport is bound to come.
Holy crap. I take a risk every time I get under a horse... Farriers die and get seriously injured, man. I'm happy to take those risks.

I would have thought your work risk would have been 100's of times higher than the Vax risk so really don't understand your logic.

In terms of freedom that comes from high Vax rates not the other way around IMHO.
I will never council anyone to not get the vax, it is their choice and I understand all the reasons why one would like to become vaccinated, if such consent is informed.


My point here is that I don't believe I have enough information to give my consent for me in my and my family's best interest.

Additionally, I believe it is both unconstitutional and illegal by international law to try to force me to do so.

Also I find it morally reprehensible to create a two tier system, ipso facto a vaccine apartheid.

To be clear I think that countries have every right to demand any vaccinations they deem fit for travelers to their own country. However to have a vaccine passport to go to the grocery store or a God damned pub is a tyranny that has rarely ever been exceeded in the past... And does not bode for our liberties going forward.

As ever I reserve the right to change my mind, or not as the case may be, as information comes to hand.
At the moment you have every right to do as you wish and I agree 100% with you, you should be allowed to decide, where it only affects you or your family.
As you are with wearing a seat belt or anyone else in the car, or wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, or on a bicycle, the land of the free. ?

There is one thing for sure Wayne, the authorities have gleaned much more information from this pandemic, than only that pertaining to the virus.
I don't believe for one minute any useful information or information technology that was found useful in the pandemic, wont be somehow incorporated into our everyday lives, the only question is when or how.
1) A driving licence is not an absolute right but a privilege as is evidenced by us having to be licensed. There are technical aspects and abilities which must be learned.

However I would argue that going to the grocery store under normal circumstances is a right in a so-called *liberal* democracy.

What I don't understand are those who have been inoculated (supposedly} are so keen to enforce others to do so.

For instance I am inoculated against smallpox TB cholera tetanus and a bunch of other sh¹t that I can't remember... And very happy to be so, I might add

Each of these had long-term data and FDA approval available before they were released to public. Fine, good risk reward ratio there.

Perhaps even at some point in the future, it may be acceptable for one or another covid vaccination to become more or less mandatory.

But not now.

Look, even gen-u-wine lunatic anti-vaxxers (smallpox, measles etcetera) are not excluded from society as is being proposed with this one.


I fully expect to be vindicated in my opinion that this is not about health at all, as has been discussed elsewhere on this forum.
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Each of these had long-term data and FDA approval available before they were released to public. Fine, good risk reward ratio there.
That is what grudgingly made me decide on the AZ, after much reading and listening I'm still not convinced on the Phizer, it sounds great, it sounds ground breaking, it sounds new.
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