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Coronavirus vaccine news

Macca, lets take a depth breath, maybe practise some meditation, regular exercise outside in the sunshine, be conscious of the fuel we put in our bodies etc

  1. Breathing - a part of practicing yoga, could not help the mind and body, all those yogies that are fit and healthy beyond their age must be taking pharma drugs
  2. Meditation - could not possibly help or assist in strengthing the immune system and supporting well beingness.
  3. Exercise in the sunshine - could get cancer, not help with Vitamin D
  4. Food - could not possibly be a correlation between the fuel that we put in our bodies and mental health, better take some of those pharma drugs
It is point 4, that pisses me off the most about the medical fraternity, they have just worked out the correlation, who would have thought, eat crap, feel crap.

So here we are, trusting the so called experts again, and the sheepie follow.

So for those the trust govnuts, take the vaccine, but when I have the choice to choose when to end my life, I might consider that someone else can dictate what I do with my body.

Thanks SyBoo.

The tech is the best (they were developing a cure for the common cold before Covid was heard of) and I have been mentioning it for 6 months as the worlds best hope. I think this will be the vaccine of choice for effectiveness and safety.
As Bill Gates said in that interview linked on here, 100% side effects is acceptable

They wonder why people are getting suspicious.......................
Not unusual believe it or not a trial my mate is on had some one die......mate is still kicking and is benefiting from the trial would likely be dead without it.

Comes back to determining cause.
As Bill Gates said in that interview linked on here, 100% side effects is acceptable

They wonder why people are getting suspicious.......................
Isn't Trump is planning to release a not fully tested vaccine soon? (Pretty sure its this particular one).
And Putin has already ( a different vaccine. )

I actually think Astrozenica released this information deliberately to stop it being released by Trump too early as it will really hurt them if it has side effects or doesn't work. He is getting it made now.

I know I am not the only one but I am so sick of politics hijacking everything, I suppose the incessant demands for new News 24/7 means that the Media grab anything they can get.

The virus is not that deadly that we need to run the risk of starting a new pandemic of sick people by injecting untested vaccines into millions of people.

There is a strong protocol for testing vaccines and any new medicine and those rules are there for a reason, to start using a vaccine that has not been thoroughly tested is foolish.
Also I am sure no company would rush out a vaccine, that they weren't confident of, not only would the bad publicity be unwelcomed the legal cost associated would send them broke.
Also I am sure no company would rush out a vaccine, that they weren't confident of, not only would the bad publicity be unwelcomed the legal cost associated would send them broke.

True and false, let me explain.
"not only would the bad publicity be unwelcomed the legal cost associated" TRUE
"nwelcomed the legal cost associated would send them broke." FALSE, not if they are indemnified by desperate govnuts.
True and false, let me explain.
"not only would the bad publicity be unwelcomed the legal cost associated" TRUE
"nwelcomed the legal cost associated would send them broke." FALSE, not if they are indemnified by desperate govnuts.
If it could be proven that a government circumvented protocol and forced the early release of a faulty vaccine, they would be in some serious manure, watergate2
That would be easier to prove, than who released the virus in the first place.
Just because Trump might accept ridiculous trial data and push the vaccine giving Moderna and Pfizer huge profits by giving it to the USA population, it does not follow that our government would act so recklessly.

In fact many of the pharmaceutical companies (8)have signed a memorandum between themselves that they will not allow the vaccine to be spread before proper testing. Astrozenica is one of those companies.
Cross post as l didn't see this thread.

Australia's just signed up for a shot at nine COVID-19 vaccines.

Here's what to expect

Australia's $123 million contribution to a global vaccine initiative, announced earlier this week, means the country would have access to a wider pool of COVID-19 vaccines, should they pass clinical trials.​
The agreement with the World Health Organisation-backed COVAX initiative currently covers nine vaccines, with another nine being considered. These are to be shared with other member countries, rich and poor, by the end of 2021.​
However, the agreement may only cover up to half the doses Australia needs, if each person needs two doses. So countries are still free to negotiate their own vaccine deals with individual manufacturers, as Australia has done.​
Here's what you need to know about the nine vaccines COVAX is currently backing, which are at various stages of development.​
These include pre-clinical animal testing and human clinical trials, which move through three phases. During the pandemic, some of these phases have been combined.​

1. INO-4800 comes with a zap
2. Moderna's mRNA-1273 is in phase 3
3. Germany's CVnCoV may have one or two doses
4. TMV-083 uses a version of the measles vaccine
5. AZD1222, the Oxford vaccine
6. Modified flu vaccine delivered up the nose
7. NVX-CoV2373 was tested in Australia
8. SCB-2019 is another protein subunit vaccine
9. University of Queensland's 'molecular clamp' vaccine

I would go Moderna RNA vaccine id given a choice, not sure if we will get a choice.
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