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Coronavirus vaccine news

Because we haven't had any serious out breaks, low death and hospitalization rates = false sense of security prevails.

To get this immunity you have to be infected with the virus in the first place and that is a huge risk to take. Taking the vaccine massively reduces your chances of getting infected and then either dying or requiring hospitalisation (we know this from the recently provided hospitalisation and death data from the US).

If you do take the vaccine and subsequently get infected, then in almost all cases the symptoms will be mild and deaths rare. But now that you are infected, you get the same "natural" immunity benefits your article talks about. Not taking the vaccine, for those who haven't been infected and subsequently recovered, increases your risk of infection and if infected your symptoms will in general be much more severe and the chance of death substantially higher.

At best the results, assuming to be true, are saying that if you have already been infected and have recovered, there is little benefit to THEN getting vaccinated. But that is not the situation that most people are in. They haven't yet been infected and thus haven't acquired natural immunity, so taking the vaccine is the best course of action for them to avoid hospitalisation and potential death.
The treasurer has honours in economics lol

And many of those in the background undertaking analysis on projections of infection rates unless the spread is contained have PhD's and eat data sets for breakfast.
Still feel fine. Arm isn't sore (which I get a bit from vax) just feels a bit heavy in the shoulder.
Feel a little funny in the throat, light headedness. Will probably over think and create a few more symptoms.

So next shot is in 3 weeks. Asked the nurse about the eight weeks thing and she said the current official advice is 3-6 weeks.

I think the risk of hospitals getting swamped here in nsw is becoming a concern. The problem is also that resources get taken away from other patients with illness that isn't as easily preventable.

I'm not against people not getting the vax as the only thing vax really does is lessen the chance of serious hospitalisation, reduce the chance of catching it. But I think governments will make it hard for the unvaccinated.
. But I think governments will make it hard for the unvaccinated.
I think that pretty well nails it, when there is plenty of vaccine available, the pressure will be applied.
When it isn't a national health crisis, I doubt it will be free, but you will need it to do some things.
It will be a bit like when the NWS gas came to Perth, it was free for the household to connect, years later it cost a fortune to reto connect to the main. The daughter moved into a group of units that hadn't connected and we investigated getting NG on, it was a ridiculous price so we didn't connect and they were all free standing individual villas.
The treasurer has honours in economics lol
The dismal science. Not named that without reason.

Honours indicates that he is holus bolus into Keynesian theory. So far Keynesianism had led us into the most dangerous economic period the world has ever seen and can be equated with putting sawdust into a ****ed gearbox so the buyer doesn't know it's ****ed.

Good luck with that.
My sister in law has her masters in mathematics. She is not having the Vax for now (but like me has not discounted it at some point in the future).

My next door neighbour is a doctor, professor, pHD, long time medical researcher across a number on counties including the US... jumped for the vax as soon as he could get it...
My next door neighbour is a doctor, professor, pHD, long time medical researcher across a number on counties including the US... jumped for the vax as soon as he could get it...
I have a few medicos as clients. As I've detailed before, it's about a 50/50 split, some have jumped straight on board, others are saying no freaking way.

Most, despite their scientific bbackground, have had visceral reactions one way or the other.

I'm trying to stay objective but it is difficult with all the bulshit around the place... From both sides.
Tender with some pain at injection point.
Slept before.
Feel ok.
Some recent US data

Notwithstanding all the noise about breakthrough infections, the case for vaccination remains enormously strong: they show an 8-fold reduction in cases, and a 25-fold reduction in hospitalizations and deaths with vaccination.

Thanks Bellnuit really in your face stats
What does it mean to vaccinate, or
Here's the US experience:

and deaths...

Scientists’ models suggest that vaccination may have saved approximately 279,000 lives in the U.S. and prevented up to 1.25 million hospitalizations by the end of June 2021. Similarly, in England about 30,300 deaths, 46,300 hospitalizations and 8.15 million infections may have been prevented by COVID-19 vaccines. In Israel, the high vaccination rate is thought to have caused a 77% drop in cases and a 68% drop in hospitalizations from that nation’s pandemic peak.
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