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Coronavirus vaccine news

My read is that the emergency authorization for this tests is withdrawn and the labs must now use the FDA proved and approved tests of which a wide range and choice has now been developed.
After all the emergency authorization was just that, while the tests were being developed.
That original test can't even tell the difference between variants. Pretty useless now.
there are some that questioned the accuracy and usefulness of the test by June 2020 ESPECIALLY when not combined with blood tests

let's see what happens next year
Have to say I have been amazed and dismayed at the slowness of mass public vaccinations in Australia and many other countries. I suggest the example of Bhutan in vaccinating 85% of the whole population in a week is a salutary lesson that should be quickly learnt.

We can produce millions of doses of AZ locally. Why in gods name we can't jab 85% of our population in 3-5months is a mystery when a country like Bhutan just does it..

Because a much larger minority of Australians have critical thinking skills and abilities to analyse data.

Those people don't want it bro.
The latest advice from overseas is 'drop the zero cases policy'. So it might just be a vax race. Don't quote me on that.

We need to see how big of a spike we get from this rally. Good chance it ended up all over the state.

Numbers like this might have something to do with it

<<Public Health Scotland have revealed that 5,522 people have died within twenty-eight days of having a Covid-19 vaccine within the past 6 months in Scotland alone.

Due to dozens of freedom of information requests being made, asking Public Health Scotland (PHS) to provide the current total number of deaths of any individual who has died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine, PHS decided the best way forward was to publish the information routinely and periodically within their Covid-19 statistical report.>>

and for comparison

A freedom of information request made on the 30th January asked the Scottish Government to reveal the total number of people who had died of Covid-19 since March 2020.

To which the Scottish Government responded on the 11th March 2021 with –

“The answer to your question is 596 deaths involving COVID-19 has been registered where there was no pre-existing medical condition between March 2020 and January 2021 (including).”

  • As at the 18th of July, there have been a total of 10,268 deaths registered in Scotland where the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate. In the latest week there were 47 deaths, an increase of 16 deaths from the previous week.
Obviously people are dying from the vaccine, sought of damned if you do and damned if you don't isn't it.

The other concern is that a number of people are suffering long "Covid side effects" from the Virus and from the vaccine, so same problem.

Not sure what will happen when the next variant happens, no one knows, that is the problem
Please read.

As expected, most COVID deaths in the UK are vaccinated.​

This is a simple thought experiment. Imagine everyone is completely vaccinated with the COVID vaccine. This is good, but it can’t save every life. Some people infected with COVID still die. All these people are fully vaccinated — 100%. That does not mean that the vaccine is not effective in reducing death.

The risk of dying from COVID doubles about every 7 years of age. The difference between the ages of 35 and 70, 35, means that the risk of death for the two patients has increased five-fold, or 32-fold. Unvaccinated 70 years old You are 32 times more likely to die of COVID than unvaccinated 35 years old. This dramatic change in age-related risk profile means that even good vaccines do not lower the risk of mortality in the elderly below the risk of some young demographics.

PHE data Double vaccination suggests that the risk of hospitalization for the currently predominant delta mutant is reduced by approximately 96%. Even with the conservative assumption that vaccines are less effective in preventing death than hospitalization (in fact, vaccines are likely to be more effective in preventing death), this is a double vaccination. Unvaccinated people who have the same underlying risk profile for those who receive it.

However, the one-twentieth reduction in risk posed by the vaccine is not sufficient to offset the one-thirty-two increase in potential mortality risk at age 70 than at age 35. Given the same risk of infection, it is expected that 70-year-olds who have been double-vaccinated will die of COVID than 35-year-olds who have not been vaccinated. There is a caveat to that simple calculation. The risk of infection is not the same for all age groups. Currently, infectious diseases Youngest and best It is lower in the elderly.

Read the rest of the article to get the maths.
Numbers like this might have something to do with it

<<Public Health Scotland have revealed that 5,522 people have died within twenty-eight days of having a Covid-19 vaccine within the past 6 months in Scotland alone.
How many died due to vaccination?
According to official data, it was 4 out of 3.2 million doses at end-May 2021.
Did another 5518 die in the past few months?
Everyone should work out their odds.
I'm 56 and know mine. Do the maths.
Everyone should work out their odds.
I'm 56 and know mine. Do the maths.

Nobody know the maths over the long term.

I'm 60 in a few days, *may have already had the damn thing, and judge my chances of deleterious effects of covid, beyond what I might expect from influenza, to be virtually zero.

(And I reserve the right to change my opinion, ***>>>accurate data<<<<*** forthcoming.
Still worth doing. You hope you have had it but maybe you should have got tested at the time.hey?
<Public Health Scotland have revealed that 5,522 people have died within twenty-eight days of having a Covid-19 vaccine within the past 6 months in Scotland alone.
Indeed they did !! Now let's expand on that figure so that we can understand the complete picture.

During the same 6 month period in Scotland :

1) 6189 people died within 28 days of drinking alcohol
2) 3451 people died within 28 days of being in a motor vehicle
3) 4789.5 people die within 28 days of having sex (Wanking counts as halves..)
4) 899.8 people died with 28 days of reading The Big Expose

So when we add it all up we have a total of 20,851.3 sex crazed, vaccinated, alcoholic, car driving readers of The Big Expose who tragically passed away in Scotland in that 6 month period. Truly, TRULY dreadful.

But really it just goes to show how brilliantly clever it is to torture some figures from "Official documents" to demonstrate the dangers of vaccination/drinking alcohol/driving/having sex/reading The Big Expose.

And on the other side of the screen there are those thousands and thousands of people who just eat up these creative stories with careful, cautious, analytical but ultimately grudging acceptance that , you know,

"these vaccines are killers" " The Doctors, Big Parma and The Chinese are the dark forces " and of course "COVID is not the enemy. We demand our Freedom!!"

(Did anyone else notice the information added to the headline was just a grab bag of statements that in no way explained the figure?)
Why did you leave out covid?
So we agree?

Or do you support mandatory "vaccination" (which isn't actually a vaccination in the true sense)?
No I don't. Should do the maths though. Especially with their loved ones.
While we are discussing The Big Expose let's not forget the fearless leaders who mount the barricades to ensure the Voice of Freedom is never stilled.

Check out Kate Shemirani

Met police investigate anti-vaxxer’s speech amid fears for safety of medics

Police investigate comments by Kate Shemirani, who compared medical staff to Nazi war criminals

Kate Shemirani compared NHS staff to doctors in Nazi Germany. Photograph: Mark Thomas/Rex/Shutterstock

Kevin Rawlinson
Mon 26 Jul 2021 20.04 AEST
First published on Mon 26 Jul 2021 19.51 AEST

Fears have been expressed for the safety of doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff after they were targeted by anti-vaccine activists.
Police are investigating comments made by Kate Shemirani, a former nurse who has been struck off for using her position to spread Covid misinformation, during the latest anti-lockdown rally at Trafalgar Square in central London on Saturday.

In a widely circulated public speech, she compared medical staff to Nazi war criminals, referred explicitly to their executions and demanded that people gather the names of doctors and nurses in the UK.

My sister in law has her masters in mathematics. She is not having the Vax for now (but like me has not discounted it at some point in the future).
One of my brothers in law (I have a big family) is right of Genghis Khan but as a partner in a major accounting firm managed to get Pfizer before most under 50s. They know maths also.
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