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Coronavirus vaccine news

well MERS kills to many too quickly , so say you dispersed at in Brisbane even our medical authourites would work they have a problem within a month ( took them at LEAST two months with this virus and they are STILL trying to get a grip )

Ebola is REALLY nasty but highly visible ( well the victims are )

so the scare factor would be UP but maybe only for a short time

but look at this virus global trade totally disrupted , economies smashed , huge financial resources diverted from other projected as a weapon it has worked very well

the world didn't stop for MERS , SARS or Ebola and the deaths per thousand was MUCH higher and we have had outbreaks of them ,

now were SARS , MERS and Ebola bio-weapons .. i don't remember anyone asking that question at the time

if you aren't looking you won't find much
and yes you are correct i do NOT hack into secret databases , i do NOT monitor people's email accounts

you CAN find most of what i post and draw your own conclusions

UNLIKE the government i will not censor you

I think Mrs and I ***may*** have had it way back in early 2020. There's no way to prove that unless I go and get a swab shoved up my nostril, which I'm not so very keen on having done.

Lots of colleagues feel the same, especially overseas.
Antibodies would be in your blood, so a pinprick sample is all that would be needed.
And given blood samples from people in America back in December 2019 had CoV-SARS-2 antibodies the virus is likely to have been present there in November 2019 at latest.
I also know a lady who returned from holidays in Italy (in the region where covid ran riot in early 2020) who, on returning to Australia in late 2019, was laid up in intensive care for weeks (several months in hospital all up) with an illness her doctors could not diagnose. At that time covid-19 was unknown in medicine, but all her symptoms were consistent with covid-19 and to this day she is sure she had it.
and given the delay in a PCR test taken outside of a hospital about the same time or quicker for the results ( i am VERY surprised the antibody tests weren't used more often )

and i agree there were some strange illnesses in the devoloped world before December 2019 , so even if the virus came from the Chinese Lab , when did it happen weeks before the virus was announced or months earlier
Sars-cov-2 it's most certainly a bioweapon but not in the sense of what most people understand. Our thinking of a bioweapon is something which will selectively take out, or disable the population of an opponent.

The weaponization here is not so much in the virus itself, it is in the propaganda surrounding it and therefore the government response.

The terror in the majority of the population is palpable (and I must add absolutely unjustified). They have managed to get each of us to treat each other as some sort of leper even going to the point of suggesting that we should not even talk to each other.

It has even managed to divide families, even marriages.

I'm lucky that both me and she who must be obeyed are on the same page, but I know several couples that are not and consequently there relationships are suffering.

Outside of my marriage, but within our extended family it is the same, there is tribalistic division. this voice exists of course I want political lines but it is always in the spirit of debate and good humour. Now it is along the lines of a more deeply divided scrimmage.

"They" and the the "virus" have done their job very well.

The weapon therefore, is psychological rather than biological (at this point anyway and watch this space) and in no place has this been better epitomised than here on ASF.
i am willing to let folks have mine

i grew up in 'the measles party ' era

in that era local mums would hear little Billy had some bug and organise a party to A. cheer up the sick child and B. let all the children be exposed while young with healthy immune systems .

it wasn't until polio hit our area that the mums ditched the parties , polio looked nasty and they didn't want their kids crippled

George Carlin has a very rude sketch on cleanliness and immune systems which did show how poor people survived disease outbreaks ( most of the time )

with those vaccines that are ordered .. .. what is the use-by-date .. apparently even vaccines have an expiry data
i think so , my mother went through that after her unexpectant , but peaceful demise ,

why for the young lady .. well this virus has a reputation of injuring those with weakened immune systems

this lady is asserted to be in reasonable health before her death , what has changed with her virus encounter

if a healthy young lady is at increased risk , are very young babies at risk as well ??
i think so , my mother went through that after her unexpectant , but peaceful demise ,

why for the young lady .. well this virus has a reputation of injuring those with weakened immune systems

Sigh* Very sorry about your mother but you still didn't understand what I was referred to. There are different post mortems. A web search of NSW Health (as that is the State in which the lady died) will provide the information.

In regard to your second sentence IF you bothered to search the information you will discover the lady had no co-morbidity factors. But don't allow your bias to stand in the way of the facts.
that was years ago , after the autopsy some causes were discovered that surprised both me and some of her close friends

yes i DID see no-comorbity but if they don't look they don't find stuff .. my doctors took over 60 years to notice i had a major heart problem

even if perfectly healthy it might be wise to work out 'why her' thousands of other healthy young people have recovered nicely without intensive care
i absolutely have a bias .. it is called SCIENCE the exploraration and eternal search for knowledge ( not the consensus driven egoflation we are seeing now )

sadly we see real scientists buried under a consensus narrative by those how live on past-built reputations that MIGHT be ill-founded

if we ( any real scientist ) doesn't ask questions and explore anomalies , we won't become any wiser
and even sadder is here we are a group of traders and investors , ignoring oddities when those strange events are our best chance to make a better profit ( or avoid a bad outcome )

say this virus is suddenly more deadly to the 25-45 year old group , how will that effect the local economy , or have we totally given up on that , in our investing strategies ??
i absolutely have a bias .. it is called SCIENCE the exploraration and eternal search for knowledge

A synopsis how science works.

Make a guess (an intelligent one not a random guess), compute the consequences of that guess and then test it against experiment. If the guess is wrong, it is wrong and start again. If not wrong, it will be the most highly probable event. Science does not intend to prove what is right.

Going around websites is not science or knowledge. It is not research. It is a random collection of generally useless information.

No further comments. Have fun.
i go around websites and THINK about what i read and hear , and THEN find engineers interested in the topic to see how they crunch the data

if i didn't think .. i would be glued to the TV news , not here discussing topics and views

NSW latest, 172 cases, only 19 in isolation. I said today was the day when Gladys would get real.
Honestly, if she doesn't soon there will be no end to this. Graph showing yesterdays figures below. Today would add another spike.
Before this she did an excellent job. Is her health advisor not up to scratch?
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