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Coronavirus vaccine news

Doing the rounds is some wacko in Australia doing similar misleading BS with the Department of Health snap shot data.
It's hard to make the maths simple but because about 70% of the adult population is fully vaccinated there is a very strong chance that their cohort will increasingly add to all the VAERS categories. This must be the case because a 100% vaccination rate would account for every single adverse event.
If people do not understand how the numbers work then they will be conned.
so who puts out 'the accurate data' .. and THAT is the problem

if they can't get mask guidance correct when do you start believing them

Well, use the keyboard to go and find out if you are as interested as all that.
state sponsored euthansia ( both the virus response and the vaccine roll-out )

i trust the science , it is the scientists i don't trust

OK if that is your view, here is a list of the members of the ATAGI. Now you can write and say you believe they are an untrustworthy bunch. Their response,could be interesting. If you do contact I feel it will turn out to be a Malcom Roberts v Brian Cox event which will be very entertaining.

So can I get this right? COVID deaths are people who died with COVID and Vax deaths are people died because of the vax...

And its only the fat people who get ill all the rest are fakers... right?
So can I get this right? COVID deaths are people who died with COVID and Vax deaths are people died because of the vax...

And its only the fat people who get ill all the rest are fakers... right?
Vax deaths under US's VAERS data can be from anything after they have been vaccinated.
Fewer than 2 in each 100000 who die from covid have been vaccinated.
follow the money

i started watching the virus as soon as the Chinese reacted in Wuhan

for those that study Sun Tzu you will know a quote

' all war is based on deception '

so did the Chinese think they were attacked with a bio-weapon ??

i don't know for sure but they certainly acted like that

and ever since that we have had deception and distortion from many sides

and since 'science' has become a casualty of this war also , you are going to have to work stuff out for yourselves
follow the money

i started watching the virus as soon as the Chinese reacted in Wuhan

for those that study Sun Tzu you will know a quote

' all war is based on deception '

I don't expect you will watch this or, if you do, you will reject the conclusions as it will mean you would need to acknowledge your beliefs have no foundation.

well i DID watch the video , and explore some theories not touched on in it

fact 1. the virus was ( officially) discovered in China , in humans and we now know very few people get badly ill from it when they catch it ( or the PCR test is complete rubbish ) , now a Chinese claim is ORIGINALLY Wuhan had TWO different strains , one that was highly damaging and caused a much higher rate of death , and the milder version that has spread around the world , the Chinese CLAIM to have contained the very nasty type , but IF it existed at all , it is more likely that it mostly killed itself off and was out-competed by the milder form

a normally discredited journalist David Icke , claims 5G radiation is a BIG factor in the severity of the virus , that has been underesearched because most of the world WANTS 5G to run 'the internet of things ' a bit like a 1930's scientist telling people petrol engine exhaust gases are dangerous , too many people invested in the tech to care

now given that Sars COV 2 has a very low death rate ( compared to PCR positive tests ) how long was it circulating in the public before the 'official' discovery ?? i believe the death rate is well below 1 in 10,000 and 4 or 5 deaths a month in a city like Wuhan would probably go unnoticed unless one of the victims was someone important ( a doctor's relative , or a high-ranking official )

IF the virus was released in China did it come from THAT government lab , China still has some hostile factions internally , and Taiwan is not devoid of talented people , if the virus had of 'escaped' the Chinese are more likely to disappear the responsible people OR publicly execute them as enemies of the state , instead the doctor releasing the find met an untimely death

so did the Chinese false flag it ?? ( not my first choice but not impossible ) several other nations have done that to their pepole , why not China

ANOTHER interesting quirk , remember in the early days cats , tigers , lions, ferrets and minks were all catching the virus , why aren't they catching it now , i am unaware of any animal vaccine for the virus ( these animals could allegedly spread the virus last year , but are not a concern currently .. and THAT would destroy the asymptomatic theory , or old tom has already spread the virus for miles and nobody has noticed )

so what we do know is there is more disinformation ( deliberate misdirection ) than accurate information and it isn't just coming from one source ( say , China )

since that is the case we MUST assume war (we just aren't sure who is attacking us )

this assumption does NOT rule out a natural virus ( but i am on the man-altered bandwagon , you only had to change 0.1% of an existing virus .. that is what 'gain of function' is all about making the virus a little bit better in a bad way ) an enemy could easily hijack a naturally occuring outbreak for their own purposes
no fraud proven in the 2020 election proven yet either

MAYBE the magnetism goes away after 3 months and THAT is why you need boosters
So can I get this right? COVID deaths are people who died with COVID and Vax deaths are people died because of the vax...

And its only the fat people who get ill all the rest are fakers... right?
IOW, how many fallacious arguments can I shoe-horn into two short paragraphs?
I could not be bothered copying the unsubstantiated drivel which followed but nevertheless thank you for confirming what I believed would be the result.
That someone might no slavishly agree with you?
well i THINK i had it late December 2019 ( in Brisbane ) , but there was no testing avalable then i hadn't been to Wuhan ( ever ) wouldn't have a clue if i have been in contact with someone who went to Wuhan ( i have never checked everyones passports ) , but PLENTY of Asians at the mall when i was Xmas shopping and a friend stayed over , she was not so well but she came fron Canada and was young and healthy

so by July 2020 someone other people worried they had it so i got the PCR test and months too late of course it tested negitive probably even for the antigen test

now in my health condition you would have thought i would have rushed to hospital , but while it was very unpleasant for two months , i have been much worse at other times ( like the mid 1980's )

following all the 'renegade ' doctors and scientists i think what happened was the cocktail of medications i was already on , was enough to push the needle my way ( the maximum-strength blood-thinners and inhaled steriods should have helped according to discredits physicians )

i should probably put more faith in my currents doctors but the 'acceptable doctors' took 62 years to discover i had major heart damage , and the problem WASN'T in my mind

i think it is amusing now their fixation is trying to talk me into the vaccines LOL after a year and a have of mixing with sick people

( doctors surgeries , hospitals , chemists patholgy labs X-ray clinics ) i have probably already been in contact with the virus ( i have a mask exemption )
fact 1. the virus was ( officially) discovered in China , in humans and we now know very few people get badly ill from it when they catch it
About 2 cases in a 100 die, so that's not encouraging. Worse, long covid variously affects upward of 10% of all cases and some people infected last year still have not recovered. Death seems inconsistent with your claim.
... now a Chinese claim is ORIGINALLY Wuhan had TWO different strains , one that was highly damaging and caused a much higher rate of death , and the milder version that has spread around the world ,
That's not true at all.
now given that Sars COV 2 has a very low death rate ( compared to PCR positive tests )
About one chance in 50 of dying and greater than one chance in ten of suffering long term symptoms!
i believe the death rate is well below 1 in 10,000 and 4 or 5 deaths a month in a city like Wuhan would probably go unnoticed unless one of the victims was someone important ( a doctor's relative , or a high-ranking official )
No, patients went into intensive care with a disease of unknown origin in December 2019, so it was never going to be missed.
Baseless conspiracy theory anyone?
so what we do know is there is more disinformation ( deliberate misdirection ) than accurate information and it isn't just coming from one source ( say , China )
Absolute bunkum. Your claims are based on what you do not know rather than what anyone looking would be able to find out for themselves.
... since that is the case we MUST assume war (we just aren't sure who is attacking us )
Now you are getting laughable.
... this assumption does NOT rule out a natural virus ( but i am on the man-altered bandwagon , you only had to change 0.1% of an existing virus .. that is what 'gain of function' is all about making the virus a little bit better in a bad way )
Nope, you have zip knowledge of virology and what you have said is totally removed from reality.
... an enemy could easily hijack a naturally occuring outbreak for their own purposes
If they did, it would be MERS or Ebola and not a virus that had a low case fatality rate.
I do not expect others to agree with me. Far from it.

A number of responses refuting evidence based scientific information are simply displaying denial psychology at work.
I think Mrs and I ***may*** have had it way back in early 2020. There's no way to prove that unless I go and get a swab shoved up my nostril, which I'm not so very keen on having done.

Lots of colleagues feel the same, especially overseas.
I do not expect others to agree with me. Far from it.

A number of responses refuting evidence based scientific information are simply displaying denial psychology at work.
Scientific information?

Scientists disagree on many of these issues. EG PCR tests, spike proteins in a whole bunch of other stuff as well.

I agree there is a whole host of denial psychology at work, but I don't think it all goes one way. If there is any cognitive bias which all of us must be careful of is our bias blind spot.
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